Let It Die #HO


El rifle de combate sube muy rápido y limpia pisos que da gusto, los boses duran segundos al menos hasta el goto-9 del piso 11.


#89 Hay muchos sellos ubicados "habitaciones" alternativas, a las cuales solo puedes acceder más adelante en el juego a través de otras alternativas que van para abajo. Vamos, que muchas de ellas posiblemente no te aparezcan en el mapa aún.


#90 Es exclusivo de PS4, espera sentado xD


Y es la segunda vez que nos gana Francia por casi el doble de puntos :( .

19 días después

Un par de dudas, que no me aclaro:

Como vuelvo a mi base a dejar cosas, dinero, subir lvl y demas? Pateando para atras? Solo vi un ascensor y se cierra al acercarme.

Me es un poco molesto el tutorial de mierda q apenas explica nada xd

2 respuestas

#95 Al lado del ascensor que se cierra al acercarte hay otro. Hay que activarlo primero con una palanca que hay justo en medio de ambos.

El de la chica es el ascensor de lujo que puedes usar utilizando los tickets esos vip y te lleva a los pisos sin tener que pagar, el otro ascensor es para los pobres.

Más adelante se desbloquean unos items que te permiten volver a la sala de espera desde donde quieras.


#95 Para subir de nivel lo haces en la sala de descanso, en un "cerebro" que se encuentra al lado del ascensor.

Lee los tutoriales, todo está ahí.

2 respuestas

#97 Leer? Ni que fuese esto Dark Souls.


#97 Ya eso lo se, lo lei. Lo que no me fije en el ascensor oxidado al ver el otro dorado..

1 mes después


2 meses después

Para quien esté interesado: ahora revivir cuesta 0 Kill Coins (moneda del juego). Lo han puesto porque habían crashes en el juego y la gente se quejó así que decidieron ponerlo gratis. A finales de mayo cuanto metan el parche que arregle los crashes, revivir volverá a costar bastante (dependiendo del piso).

Es el momento idóneo para jugar.

1 año después

(Duplicado del hilo de noticia)

Ya podéis empezar el grindeo.

(Os recuerdo que esta en castellano, y sin crossplay por ahora)

Veremos si se dignan a poner la noticia en la front page, cosa que dudo mucho.


Si alguno de Pc le da, acordaros que podeis crear el personaje y antes de salir de la estacion alt + f4 si no os gusta ,la mierda voz que os ha tocado, para crear otro.


nose si estara esto por aqui, pero lo acabo de encontrar y tiene info de los layouts diarios, cosas que hacer interesantes en ciertos pisos, info de como escala en daño las armas, vamos un monton de cosas curiosas, pero sobretodo los layouts diarios de la torre.


1 respuesta

#104 Es un curro gordo ese spreadsheet pero yo hasta que no acabe el juego o me pierda totalmente no lo miro. Esta llena de spoilers.

Consejos Basicos (reddit) :
(Del mismo post de la spreadsheet)

  • Use your mushrooms
    Mushrooms are very helpful in combat and exploring, so don't forget to use them! Many situations that seem hard to deal with are actually pretty easy once you use the right mushroom Take the most you can out of them, they're all useful.

  • Cook your stuff .
    You can cook beasts and mushrooms by throwing or placing them at fires. You can place them at the fire once you're close enough - notice how the icon at the center of the screen changes.
    You can kill and cook beasts instantly by killing them with the fireworks launcher - i guess other weapons that deal fire damage might work too, but i personally never tried it. As far as i've seen, there's not a single item that loses their benefits when cooked, so there's no reason why not cook them - unless you're in a tight spot and desperate and there's no time/nowhere to cook them.

  • Eat
    Your fighter has a hidden hunger meter. After a while without eating anything, it'll get hungry and the game will play a stomach growl noise to let you know. When your fighter's hungry, its stamina consumption rate is increased, meaning it will get tired faster. To prevent that, remember to eat something from time to time. Even if you're at full health, just grab some beast or mushroom out there in the wild while exploring and eat it.

  • Give every weapon a try
    Everybody has their favorite weapons, so you gotta give them all a try to find yours. It also helps when you're fighting enemies equipped with weapons you're familiar with.
    The Iron, tho, deserves an honorable mention: it's a pretty powerful weapon that only starts to feel a bit weak once you get to higher floors. Until then, you can get carried pretty hard by it. It has decent damage, deals a bunch of hits - breaks armor fast, and you can parry with it.

  • You have more than one option for dodging
    Specially if you've played a Souls game before and got used to rolling, keep in mind that in Let It Die you can dodge many hits simply by walking. Running - pressing R3 while walking - and jumping are quite effective too against certain enemies and attacks. Rolling consumes a ton of stamina, so you gotta be careful about it - once you run out of stamina, your character will stop to catch a breath; there's nothing you can do to get it out of that state until it replenishes all of its stamina, so you're very vulnerable for the duration of it.

  • You can also block, too
    If you block at the right moment - just some frames before you'd get hit - you get a perfect guard: you take no damage and you open up your enemy for counter attacks. Keep in mind that weapons with poison and fire damage can still poison and set you on fire, even if you perfect guard them.

  • Know your farming spots
    You will have to grind a lot in this game, unless you want to be a legend and beat the game undergeared and underleveled - which would be a pain in the ass, honestly; why would someone ever do that? Well, there's people who beat Souls games with a Rock Band guitar controller, so who knows... Anyway, here's this awesome spreadsheet. Besides that, some honorable mentions:

    6F HEIMO-JIMA is a long corridor with a bunch of scratch tubers and a hater/hunter. It's very useful for farming weapon mastery, gold and scratch metal.

    13F OKUSA has an area with 3 golden snails. You can use them to replenish health fast, if you're using high health characters, or sell them - each one is worth 7k+ KC. Also, eating golden beasts gives a lot of exp. A golden snail, for example, is worth 4k+.

    Rooms between 6F CHUDO and 4F KEIRAN-JIMA are short rooms with hater/hunter spawn points near escalators, so they're fast to travel by and each hater gives a pretty nice change of coins and SPLithium.

  • Take your time
    Don't do the Leeroy Jenkins. Once you get the hang of combat, the only way you can get yourself killed is when you screw up and/or you fight more than a single enemy at the same time. If you keep it 1v1, it's very easy to learn to exploit the game's AI; to do that, take your time while exploring rooms. So don't be afraid to crouch.

  • Leave one enemy behind
    You've probably heard of the jackals by now. They're very strong enemies - lvl 200 with very strong equipment - that will spawn once you've spent too much time on the same room. The thing is, the timer will only start running once all enemies at the current room are dead. So, if you want to explore every nook and cranny of each room without worrying about having to speedrun, leave an enemy alive. Scratch tubers are perfect for that, since they're so freaking slow and easy to deal with.

  • Don't wait too long to tackle the TDM
    Its best to start using the TDM as soon as possible. Why? At the start, the game will offer lots of "dev players" as targets - they have a bunch of gibberish around something like "YTYMK" on their nickname. They're very easy targets to raid and they're worth a bunch of KC and SPLithium, but they will get a bit scarce after you've been playing for some time, and you'll notice that high bounty targets are actually uncommon to find. Farm these guys early to get a bunch of SPLithium and upgrade your freezer and banks right out of the gate - 8 character slots is enough, in my opinion; banks you can upgrade as much as you want.

  • Don't let your fighters rest
    If they're not defending your base, send your fighters on expeditions.
    As counter-intuitive as it sounds, the duration of the expedition don't seem to matter that much in terms of rewards, it's more about how hard you want to manage your inventory - if you plan on playing for a while, exploring the tower and shit like that, send them on 1 or 3-hours expeditions. If you're going to logoff and will take a while before you play again, send them on a 6 or 12-hours expedition before logging off.
    You can even send them without any equipment - again, it sounds a bit counter-intuitive, but it doesn't seem to matter that much if they actually manage to kill their target or not.
    Fighters on expedition will bring back a bit of KC, SPLithium and any mushroom/beast they can find at the floor you send them to - they don't bring back R&D resources, tho. It's not like you're gonna instantly turn into a millionaire, but it's quite a nice change, enough to restock your weapons and armor.

  • Buy the mushroom soup
    Whenever you've collected 50k+ KC and you're not planning on doing anything with it anytime soon, buy a mushroom soup.
    There's always a decal at the bottom of the bowl and, although it's a random one, it is always a premium one. Premium decals aren't lost if your fighter dies, gets kidnapped or when you detach them from your fighters.
    Also, you can't stack the same decal on a fighter, but the standard version and the premium version of a decal are treated as different decals by the game, so you can use that to stack effects.
    Also, buying the soup is a easy way to spend a lot of money instantly, and having less currency in your bank makes you a less attractive target at the TDM, which means you'll get raided less.

  • Using rage moves or goretastic finishers with a ranged weapon don't use/require ammo. Keep in mind that rage moves consume a ton of weapon durability, tho. By the way...

  • Use the fist's rage move
    Fists never run out of durability, don't take inventory slots and are always with you. Its rage move costs only one rage meter, is unblockable and it can throw your enemy into the ground, which will leave them vulnerable for attacks and stomping.

  • Grind weapon mastery
    Weapon mastery levels increase your damage, lessens your stamina usage rate, unlock new attacks and all kinds of good bonuses. You'll only get mastery points for the weapon that got the last hit on an enemy, tho. So, when you want to farm mastery points and save some weapon durability, wear your opponents down with fists, then deal the finishing blow with whichever weapon you want to train - even better if you get your opponent groggy before it dies, since goretastic finishers don't consume weapon durability.

  • If you really want to not spend any money on this game, don't ever use the free 24h express passes they give away sometimes. Seriously, once you experience the benefits, you won't be able to live without them. Free elevator rides specially.

  • Imgur links for icon explanation: stats and damage types.

  • You can get out of groggy state faster by rotating the left stick, as pointed out by Jarl_sweatshirt

  • If you have the inventory space and don't think you're gonna need it, take blueprints you've already learned back. You can sell them for some quick change - normal ones are worth 300KC, silver are worth 600KC and golden blueprints are worth 1200KC. Some of the latest blueprints are worth 300KC for some reason, but it's a long way till you get there.

That's all for now, i guess.