Mass Effect 3

Para hablar de cualquier otro juego de Mass Effect, FanArt, Wallpapers, teorías y spoilers de todo tipo id a El Rincón de Garrus: Discusión General.

Cualquier off-topic será moderado.

Ahora que hay información

  • Hablar del plot de ME3 fuera del comando spoiler equivale a golpe de remo. Hablar de Cerberus en ME3 va en SPOILER
  • Features del juego tales como armas, compañeros, cosas de rpg y cosas de fps van fuera de spoiler.
  • Las scans y screenshoots en las que uno dude si ponerlas o no en spoiler, van en spoiler.

Pero lo mejor no va a ser esto, lo mejor va a ser como nos vamos a cargar a los Reapers.

Con un puto virus.


#2480 ¿Encima solo sale en Origin? Vamos no me jodas... Me lo están poniendo fácil para volver a ponerme el parche. Bueno ahora cuando lo vea por 15 euros en una pagina rara lo pillare y lo sumare a mis 2 juegos en Origin... si no.... VIVA LA BANDERA NEGRA


Me saltan las lagrimas y todo, mi saga de videojuegos favorita... La verdad, ya no tengo esperanza ):


OXM también lo lleva en portada así que es más que probable que veamos la info del multiplayer pronto. Que nervios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


madre mia cuanto estres xddd que bien que me la sude.


Busco clan. PM me.


Algo que no entiendo es.....en Bioware SABEN que los fans no quieren online y que quieren un mejor SP mode....POR QUE HACEN ESTO??? Porque nos meten un modo que NO QUEREMOS?

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Porque el multiplayer es el futuro, hoy en día la mayoría de juegos deberían llevar MP, y esta saga no será una excepción por mucho que os empeñéis en darla por muerta por un simple añadido... puede ser perfectamente el mejor de la saga.

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Oh, MP confirmado?

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#2498 No se si odiarte o amarte xD

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Haz caso a mi spoiler y déjate llevar.


@Casey Hudson
Yes, co-op MP missions for #ME3: they're real, and they're spectacular. Rest assured it's nothing of what you've feared. More soon...


Esto tiene pinta de triggerear mi segundo nivel de castigo a Bioware no? xD.

Porque Co-op implica misiones solo co-op (A las que no voy a acceder) o que el single player se ha adaptado a las necesidades del Co-op.....

No se que es peor, pero ambas cumplen de sobra la condición que puse xD.

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(╯°□°)╯︵ 3 ʇɔǝɟɟǝ ssɐɯ

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Hora local y hora en su puta casa.


And they are here to stay, and i have very big balls, es lo que le ha faltado decir.

Imaginate, tu y un amigo como Garrus haciendo el mongoloide en misiones coop usando Kinect, desfase en el salón!


Noted in notepad!


Reconozco que hay una escena del juego que me encantaría poder representar con kinect y chat de voz.

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#2505 Me compraría un Kinect sólo por esa escena.


Entonces el multiplayer que sería...en plan "operaciones especiales" del COD? SIEMPRE Y CUANDO NO LLEVEMOS A SHEPARD me vale.

Un modo alternativo llevando a Kalhee Sanders y a Anderson en cooperativo podría hacer que recuperara la fe.

Esta frase: " Rest assured it's nothing of what you've feared." me tiene intrigadísimo.


Coop a 3 jugadores donde cada uno lleva a un miembro del escuadron.

Eso sumada a la increíble IA que nos ha enseñado ME con sus anteriores entregas, nos promete al menos 15 increíbles minutos de gameplay, y unas 7 u 8 horas de conversaciones.


Happy Canadian Thanksgiving everyone. I am at my inlays having dinner, so ma typing this on an iPhone. Excuse the larger than usual amounts of spelling errors.

As mentioned by Casey on Twitter, we are confirming that there will be 4 player Co-op multiplayer missions for Mass Effect 3. We will have more details on this feature on Wednesday when the announcement was supposed to be made.

I know the immediate reaction by some is to panic and think of how this will ruin the Mass Effect series or whatever. PLEASE do not over react or assume the worst until you actually hear details on this feature and how it will work. I will try to get approval to give you details so you can make up your minds with the correct details. Marketing's plan was to announce on Wednesday, but I'll see if I can speed this up.

So, until you learn the details, I urge people to have cautious optimism or wary negativity until you get the real details. Thanks everyone. Stay tuned.

O es un typo, o son 4 jugadores y yo no entiendo nada xD.

Mi apuesta es que son peleillas de grupos locales contra la invasión mientras shepard esta por ahí ganando lealtades.


I know the immediate reaction by some is to panic and think of how this will ruin the Mass Effect series or whatever. PLEASE do not over react or assume the worst

Oh god, es peor de lo que creia!!!!

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Asco de modos multiplayer, son la lacra de los juegos actuales.

Qué horrible noticia, por favor.



Dios mira que es una chorrada pero me he meao de risa xDDDDDDD


Es una noticia triste =(
Al menos esperaba que fuese un MP competitivo al que no jugaría nunca...
¿Ahora tendré que pagar xBox live Gold para poder enterarme de toda la historia del juego?

Para eso prefiero jugar al Bomberman online, en serio.

Que asco...

¿Por que tienen que poner multijugador hasta en la sopa?

#3514 A mi forma de verlo, van a ser misiones independientes
Como el modo coop del Portal 2, para que me entiendas
Si no, no le veo sentido. No puedes jugar a gusto puesto que no puedes tomar tus decisiones. Si manejas a Garrus, por poner un ejemplo, no puedes hacer nada, salvo seguir a Sheppard. ¿Eso es entretenido?
Ademas, obligas al jugador Sheppard a ir a la acción para no aburrirte

O el juego se vuelve infinitamente más arcade y pierde ese toque rolero que lo caracterizaba en el ME1 (se vuelve un Gears, vamos), o las misiones coop son independientes con una historia diferente.

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#2513 Pero que tontería mas grande!! El GoW es Co-op y no hace falta jugar cooperativo para enterarte, es igual tanto si juegas con un personaje como si juegas con otro, la historia no cambia y no es mas larga o menos interesante si no lo juegas en cooperativo con alguien...Que pueda influir en los logros, tipo 10G por pasarte el juego como Garrus, pues mira, ahi te doy la razon de que puede ser una mierda si te tienes que pasar el juego 10 veces para desbloquear todos los logros. Pues si, te doy la razon ahi...pero que no te enteres de parte de la historia o que haya parte de la historia que esta bloqueada para el coop, es bastante absurdo.

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#2514 Para nada es una estupidez. Imagina que no quieres jugar a las misiones cooperativas (porque Mass Effect es un juego single player) y que el juego tiene misiones coop únicas con historia única de la que solo puedes enterarte jugando a esas misiones coop. Mass Effect 2 nos enseñó que gran parte del universo del juego estaba desarrollado en las sidequest, en ME3 no voy a poder enterarme de ellas porque Bioware se ha vuelto imbécil? Un asco.

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4 player co-op multiplayer

Join your friends in the all-out galactic war to take Earth back. The universe of Mass Effect expands with the addition of new co-op multiplayer missions, playable over Xbox Live, PSN and PC internet. Players can choose from a variety of classes and races, form an elite Special Forces squad, and combine their weapons, powers and abilities to devastating effect as they fight together to liberate key territories from enemy control. Success in multi-player will have a direct impact on the outcome of the single player campaign, giving players an alternative method of achieving ultimate victory against the greatest threat mankind – and the entire galaxy – has ever faced.

Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War

As a bonus to the campaign, BioWare is introducing the Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system, a new way for players to manage and experience the galactic war from multiple fronts, including a new 4-player co-op mode. The key to saving the galaxy is the “Galactic Readiness” level, measured by Commander Shepard’s ability to apply
every possible asset – people, weapons, resources, armies, fleets – in the final battle against the Reapers. Players can impact their game’s Galactic Readiness level in multiple ways via the Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system, including multiplayer. Other platforms and interfaces will be announced in the coming months. It is important to note that the system is entirely optional and just another way players can have control over your game experience – it is still possible to achieve the optimal, complete ending of the game in Mass Effect 3 through single-player alone.


Why include 4 player Co-op multiplayer in Mass Effect 3?

Being able to explore and fight alongside your friends in the Mass Effect universe has always been something we thought would be fun and compelling, and many players have asked for it for a long time as well. Mass Effect 3 is the best place for us to introduce multiplayer through co-op because of the premise of the game – all out galactic war.

Why only 4 player co-op? What not a versus mode?

We have always maintained that we would only add multiplayer into the Mass Effect series if it made sense and did not compromise the power of the single player campaign. Fighting together against a common threat was the multiplayer experience that made the most sense for Mass Effect 3. The way we have designed co-op as a wayto take control of key conflict zones in the galaxy is a natural extension of the premise of Mass Effect 3.

Why did you decide not to include it as a part of the main campaign?

Our priority and focus with Mass Effect 3 has and always will be to deliver a complete and satisfying single player experience.

Does the addition of co-op multiplayer missions impact the scope or quality of the single-player experience?

No. A dedicated team from our recently formed BioWare Montreal studio has been focused on creating the multiplayer game features while the main game continued to be developed by the team in BioWare Edmonton. Both teams are integrated under the same leadership group that produced Mass Effect 1 and 2, led by Casey Hudson. BioWare remains dedicated to delivering one of the most amazing single-player campaigns gamers have ever experienced.

How did developing multiplayer impact the single player game?

BioWare is dedicated and focused on delivering an engaging, fun, and action-packed experience for Mass Effect 3, one that lives up the BioWare standard. To reach that level of quality, last year BioWare opened a studio in Montreal that is home to designers, programmers, engineers, and other developers. Both studios work together as partners, lead by the core Mass Effect team, unified in a single vision. Under the direction of Casey Hudson and other team veterans, both studios make contributions to both the single player and multiplayer modes in Mass Effect 3. Rest assured that no compromises were made to either of these modes in the development of Mass Effect 3.

Which characters can I play in co-op multiplayer? Can I play as Commander Shepard?

Commander Shepard’s part in the war will take place in the single-player campaign, as will that of other beloved characters in the franchise such as Garrus, Ashley, and Liara…these characters do not appear in the multiplayer missions. In multiplayer, players will create custom characters to fight on different and unique fronts in the war. This will include the ability to play as favorites like Turians, Krogans, Asari and more… each with their own unique set of abilities.

What if I don’t like multiplayer – will my experience be negatively impacted?

Mass Effect 3 is a complete, standalone game that will deliver a satisfying story experience, even if you choose not to try multiplayer. The Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system and all of the individual components are meant to complement that amazing game and can be enjoyed on their own or as part of the Galaxy at War experience.

What if I am not good at / do not like multiplayer? Will my readiness rating go down?

ME3 is a story about a war against overwhelming force where the most you can hope for us survival. The more you do to fight that war, the more you can change that story into a more optimistic one. You can reach the highest levels of success in the single player experience alone, but Galaxy at War gives you alternative ways to get there. It’s about choice, and allowing players to find their own ways to stay immersed in the Mass Effect universe.

Will you be adding any additional maps or modes through DLC?

We can’t comment on specifics right now, but can confirm that we are planning on having DLC for Mass Effect 3.

Do save games from ME1 or ME2 impact the co-op multiplayer missions?


Do characters level up in co-op multiplayer? What is the progression system?

Character progression, weapon upgrading and leveling up is present in co-op. We’ll release more information on this topic in the months leading up to launch.

Is there more info about the other platforms of Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War?

We are not going into details about the other components of the Galaxy at War at this time except to say we are designing each to make sense for that platform. Each component will be able to affect a player’s “Galactic Readiness” level in a different way. Again, participation in any or all ME3:GaW elements is entirely optional.


La versión resumida es "puedes terminar ME3 sin tocar el MP pero si quieres jugarlo bien tendrás que tocar el MP"

Also lo de la "Galactic Readiness" suena a la típica basura que Bioware piensa que es buena idea aka "no le has cambiado el chasis a tu nave y ahora Garrus está muerto :("

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Teneis que cambiar la info en #1. Porque estaba leyendo #1 y veo: Es un juego Single player y siempre lo será. Te vas a la página 84 y se habla de multiplayer. WTF?


Los éxitos que tengamos en este modo (multiplayer) tendrán impacto directo en la campaña individual, dando una alternativa a la manera de vencer y salvar a la galaxia.

Que cojones estoy leyendo.

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El tema del COOP- 4 players, lo veo un extra muy valido.

No lo veo como un cancer si no mas bien una forma de compartir la experiencia del modo single con compañeros. Yo pienso que es una buena idea.

Otra cosa es un modo TDM, que tiene poco sentido en un supuesto "action-rpg" aunque creo que lo mas "action-rpg" de esta saga ha sido el 1º.


#2514 Si porque el GoW tiene una historia elaboradísima eh?

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