Scrolls #HO


A mi es que judgement no me llama demasiado x'D, por cierto estoy probando esta otra baraja a ver que tal.


Se ve interesante el juego.

1 1 respuesta

#812 No nos mires, únete!

1 respuesta

#813 Tengo que mirarlo un poquito mas xD.


Parece que ya estan liados en otro set del mismo estilo de rebellion, 15 cartas por faccion, 1 reservada para que la elija la comunidad como la de navidad.


Scrolls Test Changelog 0.118

Greetings, fellow Scrolldiers!
Today the test server has received a pretty significant update that includes adding a new type of resource to the game!
See the official changelog below and continue reading to find out how those "Wild" resources will work :)


  • Testing Grounds have been updated. Mulligan and timer remains, and a new super-resource called "Wild" has been added. See the dev blog for more details.


  • Owl (Growth) now is a 1/1/1 "Flying". This means it can move to anywhere on your side, but increases its Countdown by 1 when moving.

  • Sister of the Owl (Growth) now costs 5, and summons only one Owl.

  • Mystic Altar (Order) now properly increases countdown of target by 2.

  • Ember Bonds and Magma Pack (Energy) no longer trigger on non-attacking units (like Machine Priest or Nuru).


  • Ice Cave and Snowy Mountain backgrounds have been made darker.

  • Improved sound synchronization for attacks.

  • Selecting a scroll in your hand now shows what your resources will be after paying its cost.

How the Wild resource works:
Wild can be used to pay for any other resource.
It does NOT appear in monoresource decks.
Your Wild resource cannot exceed any other resource in your deck. So for example, if you have 1 Growth and 2 Order, you can only have up to 1 Wild. To get to 2 Wild, you would have to sac for Growth first.
Noaidi will NOT provide Wild.
Wild can propably be used for all kinds of stuff, like the Gravelock Outcast's heal ability, but this is not confirmed yet.

2 1 respuesta

Me encantaría que metieran pronto el mulligan en las ranked!!. Desde que tengo mulligan en el testing gano el doble.


Quiero volver después de casi 5 meses sin tocarlo y no sé bpor donde empezar. Qué deck me recomendais para volver a jugar?

Preferiblemente aggro o combo.

1 respuesta

#816 Hasta los huevos de que me nerfeen a mi querida growth

1 2 respuestas

#819 Pues a mí me han gustado estos cambios de growth le va a dar otra estrategia


#818 Energy esta muy fuerte ahora , y Growth por ser el counter de Energy tambien se ve bastante arriba .

#819 Bueno, es un nerf y un buff a la vez, te quitan un Owl, pero a cambio te dan movilidad con la nueva caracteristica de volar que puedes moverlo a cualquier sitio y le bajan un punto de resource .

Si sale esto del test server, menudo vuelco le va a meter al meta .

EDIT; "Yes, all cards that give resources to an off-main color now needs to be rebalanced and/or removed."

Jacob en Reddit .

1 respuesta

Primera partida en 6 meses: GO Draw vs GO Draw.


#821 Madre mía con ese recurso se ha roto todo lo que conocemos hasta ahora!!. Esto fluye!


Vamos Ahí!! Mi primera victoria en Judgement!! :qq:


Test Server Changelog 0.119

The test server has been updated with some fairly interesting changes today, with a particular scroll type receiving some attention.


  • Mulligan is enabled in all game modes.


  • Desert Memorial (Order): Cost 3 (up from 2), 2 Health (up from 1).

  • Woodland Memorial (Order): Cost 4 (up from 2), 3 Health (up from 1)

  • Law Memorial (Energy): Cost 4 (up from 2), 3 Health (up from 1).

  • Tribal Memorial (Energy): Cost 3 (up from 2), 2 Health (up from 1).

  • Stone Pact Memorial (Growth): Cost 3 (up from 2), 2 Health (up from 1).

  • Sand Pact Memorial (Growth): Cost 4 (up from 2), 3 Health (up from 1).

  • Bombard (Energy): Cost 4 (up from 3).

  • Power Trip (Energy): Removed the scroll draw.

  • Owl (Growth) is back to pre-118 stats (1, 2, 1 and no Flying) while we work out how Flying should work

  • Sister of the Owl (Growth) is back to pre-118 stats (costs 6, and spawns two Owls).


  • Added back the missing battle backgrounds.



Mi draw go tricolor T.T


Adiós memorials, adiós.

Fue un placer teneros en mi deck.


Patch 0.119.1 has hit Live!

Carnalizer has flexed his managerial muscles and added the recent changes on the Test Server to Live.

The full list of changes are:


  • Mulligan is enabled in all game modes.

  • Testing Grounds have been updated. A new super-resource called 'Wild' has been added. See for more details


  • Desert Memorial (Order): Cost 3 (up from 2), 2 Health (up from 1).

  • Woodland Memorial (Order): Cost 4 (up from 2), 3 Health (up from 1)

  • Law Memorial (Energy): Cost 4 (up from 2), 3 Health (up from 1).

  • Tribal Memorial (Energy): Cost 3 (up from 2), 2 Health (up from 1).

  • Stone Pact Memorial (Growth): Cost 3 (up from 2), 2 Health (up from 1).

  • Sand Pact Memorial (Growth): Cost 4 (up from 2), 3 Health (up from 1).

  • Power Trip (Energy): Removed the scroll draw.

  • Roasted Bean Potion (Order): Increase Move by 1, and reduce Countdown by 1 (removed Heal by 2).

  • Ember Binds and Magma Pack (Energy) no longer trigger on non-attacking units (like Machine Priest and Nuru).

Bug Fixes

  • Mystic Altar (Order) now properly increases Countdown of target by 2.


  • Selecting a scroll in your hand now shows what your resources will be after paying its cost.

  • Improved sound synchronisation for attacks.

  • Ice Cave and Snowy Mountaing backgrounds have been made darker.

  • Added back the missing battle backgrounds.

Bueno, el parche ha pasado del test server al live server con algunos cambios .

8 días después


¿Alguien sabe exactamente como se calcula el oro que se da en las partidas?. Hoy me he dado cuenta que cuando robas una tier 3 te da oro extra jeje.

1 respuesta

#829 Si en el parche de rebbelion , para potenciar el craft, metieron esa feature, cada vez que robas una carta de tier 2 o 3, te dan bonus de gold, creo recordar que tenia un limite por partida.

11 días después

Nuevo parche...

Hello Scrolldiers,

One of the most common pieces of feedback we get is that it’s far too easy to earn gold, especially for new players. Starting at noon CEST on Saturday, April 5th and ending on Monday the 7th, players will earn half as much gold as they regularly do. As usual, Trial and Judgement rewards are unaffected.
We’re making a few other changes as well. Read on for the full patch notes!


We’re adding the ability to buy headwear for your units. As you can see, the Iron Ogre pictured below is wearing a legendary AtakTrak cap, showing his attack value printed on the hat.
Instead of surrendering, players can now flip the table. Neither player gets a win or loss. We’re hoping this will encourage good sportsmanship throughout the game.


Quake (Growth): Cost 4 (down from 6).

Essence Feast (Growth): No longer gives double idol damage to Beasts. Idol heal has been capped to a maximum of 2 per row.

Kinfolk Veteran (Growth): Changed Health back to 5 (up from 3).

Crimson Bull (Growth): Attack increase is now 1 (down from 2), but no longer expires at end of turn.
Imperial Resources (Order): Now draws scrolls equal to your Order value.

Desert Memorial (Order): Now increases Energy by 3 (up from 1).

Pother (Order): Now returns to hand after being played.

Thunder Surge (Energy): Now jumps across a gap of one empty tile, meaning it will generally hit more
units when used.

Bombard (Energy): Now increases the attack of each affected unit by 1 until end of turn.

Baleful Witch (Decay): Now costs 2 (down from 3). Attack is now 3 (up from 2).

Necrogeddon (Decay): Now spawns 2 Husks per unit killed (up from 1).

Wicked Being (Decay): No longer curses attacker.


Removed Herobrine.

In other news, we’ve been reconsidering our stance on the game’s name. With Scrolls not only a common word, but also present in other major titles, we’re thinking of using the name “Cards” instead. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.
See you on the battlefield!
The Scrolls team

1 respuesta

#831 April fool's day

28 días después

The time has come to announce the winners of the Scrollsguide Scroll Design Competition.


Winner: Eternal Sword
The sword is a very interesting enchantment because of its staying power. The fact that it can remain on board after the enchanted unit is destroyed means it’s useful both for maintaining dominance and for comebacks.
We’re thinking of altering the stats of the scroll – possibly lowering it to 2 Attack and 1 Health – and decreasing its cost. We’re also considering changing the allowed targets for the enchantment.


Winner: Tripwire Cannon
Tripwire Cannon is a very interesting take on the trap mechanic. It’s a nice way to handle trap setup without requiring tile enchantments. Enemy units are unlikely to want to venture into the line of fire, making for a powerful deterrent. It also has some really interesting synergy possibilities with other scrolls. We like!
We’re unsure if this scroll needs any changes. We’ve been thinking about whether it should also trigger when enemy units are summoned on the row.


Winner: Skythorn
This scroll has an interesting “comes into play” synergy, which fits very well with our vision for Growth in future sets. It’s also a useful wall that makes interesting use of the countdown mechanic – well done!
It’s likely that this scroll will receive slight changes before being implemented. We’re considering decreasing its Countdown value, and making it count down only when your creatures enters play. We’re also not yet decided about the Spiky trait.


Winner: Hell Tear
This is an interesting wall that sacrifices long-term survival for retention of board presence. We believe it can be used for some interesting strategies, but also open up for very interesting counterplay.
Honestly, we’re not quite sure how to best implement this. What happens when the idol is down? Does the Hell Tear take regular damage, or is the damage simply dealt to nothing? In short, the exact details of this still need to be determined.

La verdad que hay la mayoría son bastante interesantes, probablemente la que menos la de growth, con el añadido de ese countdown monstruoso (aunque están pensando en bajarlo).

Os dejo el post completo para que veáis las otras finalistas, y ya comentamos.


Scrolls Test Changelog 0.121.0 (client 121)

Greetings fellow Scrolldiers,
today a small test server patch has been deployed that, among other changes adds the winning scrolls from our Scrolls Design Competition.

Full patch notes:

Added the four competition winner scrolls: Skythorn, Oculus Cannon, Void Gate and Eternal Sword.

Wild is now enabled across all game modes.
Screen shake has been reduced slightly.
Added resource scroll filter (f:, faction:, res: or resource:). Multiple resources are separated by commas (for example f:g,o).

Some changes have been made to the 4 winning scrolls, see their current version here (images kindly provided by Zarc):

Video de Blinky con los nuevos scrolls:

24 días después

En la web oficial hablan de algunas novedades que quieren implementar.

Por cierto, hace tiempo que no me conectaba en el juego. Vosotros aún jugáis?

2 respuestas

#835 Ya vi, parece que estan preparando el nuevo set "waypoints" y lo de los starter decks desbloqueables me parece muy buena idea !

btw: Reqeduclet y yo seguimos por aquí! A finales de esta semana me conectare!! ;)


#835 Yo le he dado un paron ya que estoy liado hasta julio, pero voy siguiendo las noticias que hay sobre el juego.


Si quereis podemos buscar un dia para echarnos un torneillo pachanga y comentar un poquete!


Yo estoy de exámenes pero sigo pendiente de decks y noticias. Este verano todos a tope e?


Creéis que la apertura total del juego los lunes potenciará nuevos jugadores?.

1 respuesta