The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III saldrá el 28 de septiembre


En Japón claro, y de momento exclusivo de PS4. En occidente de momento nos toca rezar, apoyar todo lo que haga XSEED y cruzar mucho los dedos. Cold Steel III es el punto y final del arco de Erebonia (y quizás a todo el lío que hay montado en Zemuria), que comenzó con Cold Steel y continuó con su segunda parte, que llegó a colocarse en el top 10 de mejores juegos del año de 2016 aquí en Mediavida. Es una saga que debéis probar, compuesta por varias subsagas (Cold Steel, Sky, Crossbell) y de lo mejor que sale de Japón últimamente.

Si alguno ha estado en una burbuja, podéis apoyar a XSEED comprando la tercera parte del arco de Liberl, Trails in the Sky the 3rd, que salió hace unos días en Steam. Tenemos hilo oficial de la saga por si os planteais (que deberíais) empezarla.



Vaya subidón al ver la noticia en portada, luego al recuperar el juicio y recordar que primero tiene que salir en Japón recordé que aquí saldrá muuucho después.

Solo nos queda esperar y rezar.


Hilo creado por Astara ✓
Titulo del post ✓

Es un clickbait? Si ✓


Bueno este no es un clickbait a poco que leas la descripción de la noticia y estés mínimamente interesado en la saga.


Si sacan los Cold Steel en PS4 ( I y II me refiero ) caerán con este, logicamente, si no, ni me molesto.

Es un dick move sacar los 2 primeros en Vita y luego olvidarte de ella.


No puedes olvidar algo que nunca ha existido


Principios de 2019 en Occidente con SUERTE ;_;

Me da igual esperar tho, sólo deseo que a Falcom no se le vaya la pinza y le den esto a alguien que no sea XSEED

1 respuesta

Yo tengo esperanzas en 2018 la verdad. Podéis reiros


#7 Piensa que también tienen que hacer la versión de PC


2018 en Steam y a 39,90€.


Yesh, la saga sigue en movimiento, que vengan


Pero no podrás jugar porque aun tienes que pasarte los dos de esta saga a los que no puedes jugar porque te tienes que pasar una saga antes.


Confio en 2018, llamadme iluso.
Si se va a 2019 es porque tendremos Crossbell antes, y eso es bueno (hhheeee).


Update 7:45 a.m.: More information has leaked from Dengeki PlayStation.

A first-print limited box will include:

  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III mini original soundtrack
  • Class VII: Special Duty Division SD rubber strap full set
  • Special-make, 128-page, full-color art book
  • Original DLC: “An Invitation from Thors Main School”

Here are details on two of the new characters:

  • Agate Crosner – After the “Liberl Accident,” he accomplished various things both inside and outside of the country, and was promoted to A-Class. Four years have passed since Trails in the Sky, and he has grown mentally.
  • Tita Russell – Tita is now 16 years old, but her love for Agate and for fiddling with machines has not changed.

Here are details on some of the systems:

  • Direct Command – The “Ring Command” from the previous games has been changed to a “Direct Command” method in which you can input an action with a single button. Each command corresponds to the buttons and d-pad on the controller, allowing you to intuitively input actions.
  • Brave Order – A new system in which each character can invoke an “Order” (tactical instruction) during their turn, without using up their turn. When activated, the effect is granted to the entire party for a certain amount of turns. Brave Order can be triggered by consuming the BP that builds up during battle.
  • Craft – A character’s unique technique that can be activated using the CP that builds up during battle.
  • Style Change – A special characteristic of Juna Crawford, who can change between two styles during battle. Juna uses a “Gun Breaker” weapon that possesses the functions of both a gun and a baton. Each time it’s Juna’s turn, she can switch between “Striker Mode” and “Gunner Mode.”

Update 1:25 p.m.: New and further detailed information has come in.


Einhel Fortlet
An outdoor training facility for the students of Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School designed and constructed by Dr. Schmidt. It is used for student combat training and to test new weapons.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, this is a training facility that mimics a fort and is attached to the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School. Because Dr. Schimdt is involved, the internal setup is ruthless. You’ll take on the fortlet in a mission-type format. Events related to The Ashen Knight and Combat Shells will also occur. Valimar’s hangar is being separately prepared.


Agate Crosner
28 years old. Fights with a heavy sword. An A-rank Bracer from the Liberl Kingdom, he upped his status by accomplishing various things after the Liberl Disaster. With the Imperial guild “nearly destroyed” by the pressure of the Intelligence Agency, Agate entered the Empire as an assistant to Prince Olivert. He is trying to discover the truth behind what started the “Hundred Days War” that broke out between the Liberl Kingdom and the Empire 14 years ago. Sara and Toval are also introduced as Bracers of the Imperial branch, but it does not seem that they have been established to be appearing in the game.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, four years have passed since Trails in the Sky, and Agate has grown both mentally and into the personality of an A-rank Bracer. While he is not a staff member of the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School, one of the big mysteries from Trails in the Sky will be revealed among them. Agate will participate in battle in an unexpected way. His relationship with Tita has not significantly changed, and they’re still like family. The relationship may change as he leaves his hometown to live in the Empire.

Tita Russell
16 years old. The magazine has many scenes of her with Agate, as well as a scene of her talking to Towa. A genius Orbal scholar and the granddaughter of Dr. Russel, she is a girl from the Liberl Kingdom who loves fiddling with machines. She enrolls in “Class IX: Accounting Division” of the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School. She worked with the Bracers four years prior during the “Liberl Disaster.” Thanks to information from her former companion Prince Olivert, she learned about a disaster occurring in the Empire, and in spite of her mother’s opposition, entered Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School as an exchange student. In order to see Panzer Soldats and Combat Shells with her own eyes, she studies under Dr. Schmidt.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, although her height has slightly increased, her love for Agate and fiddling with machines remains the same. You’ll see how she supports the members of Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School on a technical level. You’ll also see her interactions with engineers outside of Liberl, as well as the development of a new weapon that comes after the “Orbal Gear.” There are also events between Agate and Tita. Her waist tool belt and sneakers are gifts from her family.

G. Schmidt
72 years old. An Orbal engineer admired as the Empire’s leading mind, he is one of the “three disciples” next to Dr. Russel and Dr. Hamilton. To satisfy his intellectual curiosity, he has carried out various inventions with his bad companion Gwyn Reinford, and propelled the development of the Empire’s Orbal technology. During the Civil War, he designed the Panzer Soldats using The Ashen Knight and Archaisms as reference, and even produced The Ashen Knight Valimar’s long sword simply out of curiosity. As a special adviser of Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School, he is advancing on research and development of a new technology by using each of the school’s facilities and its students. He trains Tita a disciple candidate replacing George Nome, one of his disciples.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, G. Schmidt is undoubtedly the Empire’s leading mind, but there are problems with his personality in that he is only interested in his research. After the Civil War, his disciple George Nome goes from one country’s technology maker to the other’s, such as Liberl. Because the doctor who had a hand in developing the Panzer Soldats during the Civil War is not someone that can be neglected by the Imperial government, he is confined to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School and kept under watch.


Direct Command
Trigger actions using the d-pad, as well as the Circle, Triangle, Square, and X buttons. The left and right keys can be assigned to “Style Change,” “Tactical Link,” and “S Break.”

Seamless Battles
Battles begin straight from the field map and without change, including the terrain.

Brave Order
A new system in which each character can invoke an “Order” during their turn, without using up their turn, and grants an effect to the entire party for a certain number of turns. “Brave Points,” which are pictured in the upper right corner of the screen, are used up when this is activated, and each character has a dedicated Order.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, while the game uses a symbol-based encounter system, the field becomes the battle map, and the Direct Command format and tempo of battle offers a greater sense of presence. There are also new Tactical Link elements. BP, which is used for Brave Orders, is also used for Tactical Links. Depending on the character, they will be able to learn several Orders.

Skills that consume CP.

Style Change
When using Juna Crawford, you can change her style to fight with a baton or to fight with a gun.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, Crafts are triggered in the same way they were previously. Because this game is made for PlayStation 4, using normal Crafts do not break the tempo, and cut-ins and the presentation have been strengthened. As for Style Change, this is a characteristic of Juna’s “Gunbreaker” weapon. Other party members may also be able to switch between combat modes.


Te doy manita pero no leo nada. La espera será dolorosa


Parece que van hacer un step-up bastante grande en cuanto al sistema de combate y peleas, sobre todo el sistema de estilos de combates puede estar interesante.

Seamless Battles
Battles begin straight from the field map and without change, including the terrain.

Como se nota que han dejado atrás ps3/vita.


Los rediseños de Agata y Tita son geniales, el Imperio sigue tan tenso y lleno de intrigas como siempre, mejoras en el gameplay por matar por fin las versiones de los trastos inútiles que son PS3 y Vita y y y y y Tita y Towa juntas !_!


Este va a ser el showdown de los 3 arcos o vamos a tener el Finale en Calvalrd? Lo digo porque aparece todo el cast de los 3 juegos en CSIII y sería un buen momento para acabar.

1 respuesta

#18 Puede ser, o pueden abrirse hacia otros arcos, quedan regiones a tuti aún por explorar y/o extenderse, Calvard, North Ambria, Remiferia, Leman State con Arteria, etc.


Puff, todavía hay tiempo para pasarse los 5 anteriores. Aunque muera en el intento


Es el momento de jugar Ao y Zero ...CON UN FAQ


no van a terminar con Sen 3 pero si que por lo que ha dicho Kondo va a ser el kiseki más importante en cuanto a personajes/historia/contenido/happening

1 respuesta

Moar scans, primera reunión de Tita y Agate con Rean. En el próximo número de Dengeki celebrarán el 30 aniversario de la saga Ys, allí darán más detalles de Sen III e info sobre un DLC Ys x Sen III.

La espera va a ser dura ;_;

1 respuesta

Also Neptune, que no falte





Si por favor, ya va siendo hora de otro Ys vs Kiseki


#22 Es que en este concluyen todos los arcos abiertos, sen 3 tiene mucho que hacer para estar a la altura de lo que representa

1 respuesta

#27 ¿Cuánto trigger te va a hacer no ver a los pinipons de nuevo en Sen III y tener que disfrutar del harem de waifus de Rean, al cual por cierto podría incorporarse Tita a no ser que Agate marque territorio xD?

1 respuesta

Cada vez que decis 3 arcos me rompo.

En puta mierda que el arco que mas glorifica la fanbase vayamos a tener que leerlo en una wiki, o que ignacio no los resuma que ya se los sabe :/


Sen 3 si que va a ser trágico para nosotros por el tema de los spoilers de Crossbell porque si bien los hemos esquivado en Sen 1 y 2 (basicamente porque apenas hay) con este va a ser inevitable. Lo de que son complementarios que decía el presi de Falcom para "obligar" a XSEED a sacar Sen antes que Crossbell valía con los dos primeros, aquí ya no se aplica at all.

La situación es bastante deprimente