Warhammer: 40,000 Dawn of War 2


Hay veces que de los 3on3 se te cae uno de tu equipo y ya puedes decir adios, y eso es un putadon, menos una clasificatoria que jugué el otro dia xD que se le petó a uno y la maquina hizo 1300 puntos y nosotros 800 XD


Tupo, respondo a tus preguntas:

  • Si haces de los que saltan, apotecario, nada de tecnomarine o comandante en jefe.
    -Arma 1 armadura 3 Accesorio el que quieras
    -Depende de la partida, si vas sobrado y contra quien jueges, para compensar el antitanque que no tiene el razoback deberias tener dos lanzamisiles. Los predator funden, y si usas 2 bien te cargas tacticas con lanzamisiles en un periquete, pero ten cuidado porque te duran 2 o 3 toques de antitanque...

El dread venerable es muy cañero, pero recibe tambien mucho daño.


Oks gracias.
¿que arma es mejor la 1 o la 3? xk la tres suprime ke da gusto, aunke la otra aumenta bastante el daño
¿y la armadura 3 solo sirve para las unidades que vayan junto a mi tecnomarine ke disparen o todas incluyendo las de asalto? ¿se incluyen las makina como razorback?

-¿mi grande pregunta es cuando deberia mejorar mi heroe con esas dos mejoras, antes de crear el razorback o despues?
Y si mejoro la arma 1, ¿deberia hacerlo antes de mejorar los exploradores o despues de ellos, o despues del razorback?


Pillate el 1, porque? pues porque hace daño a infanteria y a INFANTERIA PESADA, las otras armas no, ademas de que tiene mas dps y con la habilidad que trae hacen un daño muy grande.
La armor 3 vale para todo, apuntas a una unidad y cualquier cosa (incluso aliados) que les dispare le multiplicara el daño. No se si es solo para armas a distancia, pero me suena que tambien para los de asalto. Si, maquinas, lanzamisiles plasma... lanzamisiles+esa habilidad = destruye tanques
La armadura primero, antes que el arma, esa habilidad te da una ventaja increible, luego el razorback si quieres y despues el arma.
El arma dejatelo para el final, el tecnomarine con la armor esa es como tener una unidad mas haciendo daño.

Aunque si te ves con pasta, mejora el arma antes que el razorback...
y ahora que lo pienso, el arma te viene bien siempre que juegues contra tiranidos (por lor guerreros, te recomendaria sacarla en tier1) y contra marines

No usar nunca torretas y no usar el punto ese de retirada


Busco gente buena para jugar 3on3, agregarme al live

gametag: ciclope69


¿que trueskill eres?


a ver si sacan ya algun puto parche que mejore el pathfinding de los tanques y arreglen el "super salto" de banshees/brujos etc


Tambien van a cambiar los dibujitos de encima de las escuadras a una leyenda universal para que no perdamos el tiempo leyendo.


#1598 como es eso? lo pondran segun infateria, infanteria pesada y eso?


Sip mira danao aqui tienes todo el tema de las insignias de "clase"


y aqui una imagen a modo de leyenda


Sale mañana el parche, por fin bajan el precio de mis queridas torretas!!1


¿Podeis poner las caracteristicas de lo ke hara el nuevo parche a las razas?
¿Supongo que el tecnomairne estara mas balanceado, xk yo lo uso y es bueno pero si lo comparas con los otros heroes no lo es.


cuando saken el parche, en el menu principal, a l aizkierda donde pone Noticias, t ponen en castellano lo que trae consigo el parche


POR FIN!! tiempo de construccion para los ravener!! a ver quien es el listo que se pilla el ravener ahora, ahora contra eldars se van a cagar...



creo que se han cargado al ravener xD


ostia q guapada a ver si termino los examenes y vuelvo a viciar :D


DIOS DIOS contadme todos los cambios a las unidades, haced copy&paste pls
que no me podre conectar hoy seguramente.
¿ke le han hecho al ravener? xd ¿han mejorado el tecnomairne? jaja


The wait is almost over. Patch 1.3 arrives Tuesday, May 12th at 11 am, Pacific Standard Time!

esto es a las 12 de aqui no?

pues no, son gmt -7 asi que hasta las 20:00 no hay nada xD


#1607 no muchas cosas, el parche se basa en la IA y el 2vs2

del ravener dicen que los tuneles tienen tiempo de construccion y se pueden petar en ese tiempo


Patch 1.3.1

New Content
• Two on Two game mode is now available for ranked play.
• Two new four-player maps have been added to the game: (4p) Medean Cliff Mines and (4p) Ruins of Argus. These are available for ranked and custom games.
• We have added a benchmarking performance test; you can find it in the Graphics options tab.
• There are eight new sync kill animations in the game. Keep your eyes open for some new carnage!

New Options:
• We have added a “Push to Talk” option for in-game voice chat. When enabled in the Game Options screen, tilde (~) will control chat.
• We have also added a “Advanced Sub-selection” game option. When enabled sub-selection behavior will be the same as Company of Heroes, where a sub-selected squad will be the only one to receive orders.

• Fixed several crashes where invalid data was being written to logs.
• Fixed a common multithreading crash.
• Fixed some out-of-memory crashes on Vista 32.
• Fixed a crash that could occur if Avitus was reinforcing when a game ended.

UI Change
• The previous PvP squad decorators have been replaced with decorators based on the squad role. The new decorators identify units in a way that is consistent across races. A new loading screen tip has been added to explain the new images.

Replay Improvements
• Added a 4x speed.
• Capture progress bars are now visible.
• Commander wargear and squad upgrades are now visible on unit selection panel.
• Build queues are now displayed.
• Replay control buttons now have audio.
• Decorators now show up in replays.

Army Painter
• Chapter name character limit is now increased to 32.
• Maximum number of custom chapters is now 350.

Gameplay Bug Fixes
• Fixed a bug where a unit with an energy shield could become unkillable if they also had very low health.
• Fixed a bug where the Carnifex would stop meleeing units after killing a hero in melee.
• Tankbusta targeting priorities have been improved, now prefer to target vehicles.
• Fixed a bug where demolition charges could pass through terrain and not detonate.
• Fixed a bug where the Techmarine could continue to repair after being knocked down.
• Squads now unload from a vehicle when it is destroyed.
• Full resource refunds are now granted when a building that hasn’t started construction is cancelled.
• Adjusted refund costs on the Webway gate.
• Adjusted refund costs on the Techmarine’s Space Marine Heavy Bolter turret.
• Fixed a bug where a melee leaping unit would follow a teleporting or jumping unit a long distance.
• Fixed Warp Spider Exarch Enhanced Warp Generator and Improved War Generator.
• Adjusted Scything Talon knockback and suppression.
• Fixed a pathing problem on (6p) Typhon Arena.
• Put a build time on Ravener Tunnels. Tunnels are also vulnerable during construction.

Text Bugs
• Fixed tooltip on Lictor Hero’s Adrenal Gland wargear.
• Fixed tooltip on Catalyst ability.
• Fixed tooltip on Warlock Champion’s robe.
• Fixed an incorrect tooltip on the “Luv da Dakka” ability.

Custom Games
• Players are no longer prompted to dispute a match when a player is kicked from a non-ranked game.
• Players can now select chapter colors for AI players.

• Removed the “Submit Player Review” prompt that would appear if a player left the countdown before a match started.
• Fixed a situation where a party could get broken up when host migration occurred.

Post-game stats
• We now show a “Player has left” message for all players when you quit out to the post game screen.

• Fixed a bug with the Sweeping Advance achievement. Previously it wouldn’t be awarded if the retreating unit was the last entity in the squad.

Audio Improvements
• Speech events now fade out if a higher priority event triggers.
• Medium sound quality preset now chooses 44100Hz instead of 22050Hz.

In-Game HUD and UI
• There are now two map ping buttons, Attack and Defend. (Hotkeys are F8 and F9 respectively.)
• Added a Retreat All hotkey. (ALT-X)
• Added a Retreat Hero hotkey. (SHIFT-X)
• Fixed an issue where the camera would get locked to a position if you band-box selected and landed on a button, then pressed it without moving the mouse.
• The camera no longer strafes when starting a move facing or band-box selection.
• Squads that have sergeants now display the count correctly on the reinforcement UI.
• Unconscious heroes no longer get selected when bandbox selecting multiple units.
• Targeted abilities are now usable on multi-select portraits and on squad tabs.
• Implemented a fix for starting squads not receiving hotkeys when another player loaded slowly.
• Player list bars no longer fade in and out while using voice chat.
• Fixed an issue where “Rear Armor Hit” kickers were triggering multiple times.
• Selection circles no longer disappear on a selected unit that is performing a sync kill.
• Fixed a bug where greyed-out unavailable abilities would show up when a squad was retreating.
• Fixed an issue where the portrait health of a unit could display zero when the unit was still alive.
• Clicking a squad tab on a unit in a Webway gate or Ravener tunnel will now correctly select that squad.
• Fixed a bug where squads with a sergeant would sometimes get two decorators when exiting a webway gate.
• Reinforcement UI no longer displays when a hero is selected.
• Fixed an issue where a blank square would appear when a squad was reinforcing.
• Opposing players no longer see random players’ race selection in the Player List panel.
• Fixed a bug where helptext on purchased hero accessory wargear wasn’t visible.
• Fixed an issue where a black border would sometimes appear on a garrisonable building.
• Pressing space bar in a chat no longer results in two spaces entered.

Game Options
• Fixed a bug where sound for buttons in the Game Options screen would disappear after adjusting brightness.

AI Player improvements
• Expert and Hard players now provide higher early game pressure through a variety of tier one units.
• AI players now purchase a variety of wargear for their hero, and take better care not to hurt their economy.
• AI players now purchase an appropriate amount of generators.
• AI players will engage the enemy and attack more aggressively than before.
• AI players are stronger at preserving units, and retreat at appropriate times both in melee and ranged combat.
• AI players are now much better at using unit abilities.
• AI players will upgrade existing units with a variety of upgrades more intelligently.
• AI players prioritize capture points in a more intelligent fashion.
• AI players tech to tier 2 in an appropriate timeframe and purchase later game units based on combat needs.
• AI players tech to tier 3 and purchases late game units including Carnifexs, predator tanks, fire prisms, etc, based on combat needs.
• AI players now can flank suppression weapons out of combat.
• AI players now purchase dead heroes at more appropriate costs.
• AI players no longer buy and cancel generators when enemies are around.

• Mission briefing speech now only plays the first time a mission is opened.
• Fixed an issue where the starmap button didn’t highlight the first time a player had to travel between planets.
• The character level up screen now accounts for rewards granted by the mission.
• Fixed a fatal SCAR error on Angel Gate.
• Fixed a fatal SCAR error on the first Lictor encounter.

• Added a countdown timer to campaign mission start.
• Fixed an issue where the other player in a coop games hotkeys were always set to 5.

• Added support for Hungarian language.


• There are eight new sync kill animations in the game. Keep your eyes open for some new carnage!

cuando vuelva a jugar espero verlos !!!


Tantos cambios en AI.... ya no cantaremos victoria cuando se pire un tio del equipo contrario... pero weno tampoco nos echaremos las manos al culo cuando se vaya uno de nuestro equipo xDDD


#1612 pues eso me da miedo xD que se caiga uno de los otros o se pire y la maquina juegue mejor jajaja


ajajaja estoy contigo danao xddddddd
¿ x cierto alguien sabe si tocan las unidades a parte del ravener ? sk ahi no dice nada de modificaciones de la sunidades.


Foro DoW2




foro dow2 +1111111


foro dow 2 ftw +1


FORO para dawn of war 2 YA!!!!!! +3


ya hice la peticion, pero han pasado de mi culo, en el foro mediavida esta.

tiene su tiempo


Tema cerrado