Warhammer 40K: Dawn of war 2 + Chaos Rising + Retribution


Hola a todos ^^ soy extermin4dor, he estado un poco apartado de dow2 estos dias pero hoy seguro que este finde echo algunas partidas.

He leido algo de un torneo, yo kiza me apunte pero si se puede jugar con caos, gabimelo ya sabes que solo tengo la expansion ^^

En cuanto al balance del juego no voy a opinar porque en dow1 ya me pase horas y horas discutiendo de balance y la verdad que no sirve de mucho y menos en foros no oficiales.


P.D: Para los que no me tengan agregado: Extermin4dor


Un colega y yo nos apuntamos al torneo si realmente se lelva a cabo =)
Para lo q sea: vitto007 ;)


Vale creo que a todos los que habeis dicho que participais os tengo en el live, a ver si se puede ir apañando ya el torneo con la gente que se empieza a animar.

PD: exterminador a ver si vuelves a echarte unas partidas con konal y conmigo o que xD


Yo también me apunto al torneo, mañana os digo con quien ;)


agregadme al live my nick es ramsesllobet

23 días después

Teneis esto muerto !!!!
ha Salido un par de parches nuevos:

Chaos Lord

Drain Life has had its radius reduced from 30 to 15
Drain Life can no longer be used on unconscious units
Kill the Weak, Destructive Strike and Sweeping Doom can no longer be cast at the same time
Fixed a broken special attack for the Chaos Lord lightning claws
Chaos Lord’s blood maul and lightning claws now properly display the Level 2 Chaos Temple requirement
Range indicator ring for Kill the Weak! Now displays the correct range
Plague Marine Champion

Added hero XP modifier so that the PMC levels correctly with experience
Melee skill has been reduced from 90 to 60
Changed melee sync-kill percentage from 60 to 40
Equipping the Plague Sword and Power Fist will now increase the Plague Champion’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
Blight grenade immunity time increased to prevent juggling between units
Unholy stench no longer damages damage immune targets

Melee skill has been reduced from 90 to 70
Changed melee sync-kill percentage from 100 to 40
Sorcerer is now immune to knockback while using the Subjugate ability
Shrine Worshiping cultists are no longer affected by the Sorcerer’s mass teleport
Sorcerer’s Subjugation ability no longer works on retreating units

Doom Blast now deals courage damage
Doom Blast damage has been reduced from 45 to 25
Chaos Tactical Marines

Inferno Bolter damage modifier vs. vehicles has been lowered from 0.2 to 0.1

Upkeep has been increased from 0.00425 to 0.017
Damage has been reduced from 50 to 42
Special attack damage has been increased from 25 to 31
Special attack damage type changed from melee_pvp to melee_heavy
Plague Marines

Plague Bolter damage over time increased from 0.5 to 0.75

Build time increased from 35s to 40s

Space Marines

The range of the Apothecary’s heal has been reduced from 40 to 25
The sanguine chainsword now requires tier 1
The anointed power axe now requires tier 2
Combat Stimulants will now break suppression and increase damage on the unit it is cast on
Force Commander

Force Commander lightning claws are now free to repurchase

Brother’s in Arms no longer affects buildings
Techmarine mark target can no longer target unconscious units
Teleport relays now properly heal Tactical Marines
Tactical Marines

Tactical Marines can now replace an upgrade with another upgrade. Each time they do this they must pay the cost of the new upgrade.
Assault Terminators

Melee skill increased from 60 to 70
Fixed an issue where Assault Terminators with lightning claws reinforced at less HP

Librarian Force Staff type changed from sword_pvp to power_melee_pvp
Librarian Force Staff now grants inspiration to nearby Space Marines

Multi-melta and assault cannon no longer display on UI when upgraded to prevent overwrite of Dark Age of Technology

Warlock Commander

Destructor damage reduced from 60 to 54
Warpspider Exarch

Equipping Power Blades will now increase the Warpspider Exarch’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
Energy cost of Teleport increased from 30 to 35
Units under affected by the Warp Spider Exarch’s Mass Teleport are now immune to knockback

Battle Equipment cost increased from 50/15 to 65/15
Guardian reinforce cost increased from 0.4 to 0.5

Aspect of the Banshee cost increased from 100/20 to 100/25
Shuriken Cannon

Cost increased from 210/30 to 240/30

Can no longer target Terminators with Kinetic Shot which was ineffective

Haywire grenade now slows vehicles by 60% instead of causing them to be stationary

Kommando Nob

Equipping the Assashun’s Knife will now increase the Kommando Nob’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
Hide Da Boys no longer works on unconscious units

Beamy Deff Gun ranged increased from 55 to 65
Has a new weapon upgrade: Dakka Dakka Dakka
Costs 115/30
Requires Tier 1
Equips a big shoota with no setup time
Increases Mek’s ranged damage by 50%
Waaagh banner Frazzle ability now displays buff effects on nearby Orks

Now has medium crush
Cybork Implants now replaces the Stomp ability with the Big Stomp ability
Big Stomp no longer requires the Warboss to take damage
Big Stomp stun duration lowered from 10s to 7s

Recklessness now breaks suppression and reduces incoming ranged damage by 50% for the duration of the ability
Recklessness has been renamed to “Swamp ‘Em”
Recklessness has a new effect
Nob leader cost increased from 75/25 to 100/25

Choppa damage increased from 27 to 30
Choppa special attack damage increased from 12 to 20
Choppa special attack damage type changed from melee_pvp to melee_power_weapons_pvp

Beamy Deffgun range increased from 55 to 65

Increased the projectile speed on stikkbombs
Stikkbomma stikkbombs and stunbombs now properly scatter when targeted in fog of war

Cost increased from 200/30 to 300/40
HP increased from 400 to 500
Build time increased from 30s to 40s

Weirdboy will no longer lose energy upgrade when going into shared holds

Hive Tyrant

Invulnerability duration decreased from 20s to 12s
Crushing claw damage reduced from 120 to 108
Improved Synapse no longer applies to Carnifexes, Warriors, Tyrant Guard, Zoanthropes or Spore Mines
Ravener Alpha

Equipping the Crippling Talon or Acid Splatter will now increase the Ravener Alpha’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
Corrosive Devourer vehicle armor damage modifier increased from 2.0 to 2.5 when ability active.

Cost increased from 270 req to 300 req
Health increased from 73 to 80 per entity
Damage increased from 20 to 22

Adrenal Gland synapse no longer increases weapon damage of affected units
Adrenal Gland synapse increases health of affected units by 75%
Warriors equipped with a barbed strangler will no longer leap into melee combat
Barbed strangler damage reduced from 45 to 25
Barbed strangler damage modifier vs. garrisoned troops increased from 1.6 to 3.0
Scything talons heavy damage reduced from 27.5 to 20.6
Warriors can no longer knock back retreating units
Venom Brood

Synapse ranged damage increase lowered from 40% to 30%
Synapse now increases health of affected units by 35%
Cost reduced from 400/15 to 300/15
Damage reduced from 36 to 30

Melee skill reduced from 80 to 70
Genestealers now grant 8 red resources when killed, up from 4
Tyrant Guard

Reduced upkeep from 0.0765 to 0.051

Melee skill increased from 60 to 70

Spawn Rippers cooldown increased from 60 to 120 seconds
Spawn Spore Mines cooldown increased from 60 to 120 seconds
Special attack damage reduced from 175 to 120
Scything talons and claws damage reduced from 240 to 200
Scything talons damage reduced from 300 to 180
Charge damage reduced from 35 to 30

Tyranid synapse death damage increased to 18% from 14% for all units except tyrant guard and carnifex.

Bug Fixes
Unreachable areas on Typhon Arena marked as impassible
Open area around power points on Calderis Refinery increased to allow generators to be built.
The following abilities have been given unique keybindings:
Scout Explosive Shot
Heretic Doom Blast
Sorcerer Warp Rift
Tyrant Guard Shield Wall
Weirdboy Zzap
Weirdboy Warp Vomit
Weirdboy Bigga Brains
Chaos Lord’s Drain Life
Bloodletter Warp Rift
Warboss Shoot ’em Good
Rank 45 Chaos marines will no longer be downgraded to normal looking bolters when they are upgrade with a Mark of Tzeentch
Carnifex can no longer be knocked down by the Kommando Nob’s Kaboom! Ability
Units immune to damage (Warp Shifted or Phase Shifted) will no longer be damaged by the Kommando Nob’s Kaboom! ability
Rippers will no longer reinforce automatically while in range of the Tyranid Hive


2.2.2 Patch Notes:


Adrenal Gland synapse no longer stacks
Venom Warrior synapse no longer stacks
Adrenal Gland synapse no longer applies damage modifiers when the warriors level
Regular synapse range is now 32 to match Melee and Range synapse


buenos dias gente he leido varios comentarios y nada deciros que soy un super nobs y veo poca gente española asi que me encantaria jugar con vosotros mo id es dendermix y en steam igualo pero vamos el steam no se utilizarlo aunque lo tengo al dia jeje, otra cosa con problemas del nat, ¿tengo que abrir algun puerto especifico? gracias a todos haber si alguein me explica mis dudas y se echa una partidilla conmigo jeje.


Que alguien le dé vida a este post, con lo guapo que está el juego ahora mismo y casi nadie postea los cambios y las partidas jugadas, va gente animaros y revivid esto un poco!


pues yo estoy al loro jeje me encanta el juego pero no lo cojo el royo al caos


¿Como que no le coges el rollo al Caos? ¿Te has comprado la expansión? Te lo digo porqué el Caos es ahora mismo la raza más over que hay y si sabes llevar cualquiera de las que ya había con el Caos revientas.


soy nuevo con el caos y poco a poco le voy pillando el truco jeje pero vamos se admiten consejos jeje , oye he abierto ls puertos 88 y 3084 y algunas veces no contacto co el colega, el tambien los tiene abiertos un saludo. (haber si le dais vida a estooo)


mucha gente que jugaba, está cn la beta de StarCraft 2, por eso no hay vida en el hilo


yo nunca he jugado al starcraf pero no se qu tiene para ser tan adictivo


#224 hace 10 años, lo tenia todo y era el mejor... a dia de hoy, el sc2 es volver 10 años atras xD


Me quedo con mi DoW-2 de largo y no la mierda de SC2, además darle dinero a los timadores de Activision/Blizzard va contra mis principios, lo jodido es que hay gente que se piensa que por jugar al SC2 serán más buenos playerso algo, no sé es tipo lo que ocurre cuando comparas el puto WoW y el GW por ejemplo, no porqué un millón de moscas coman mierda quiere decir que la mierda sea buena, típica falacia ad populum que cada día hace picar a más ineptos, corred que Mr. T juega al WoW!!


Yo tengo la beta del SC2 y soy incapaz de jugar mas de 2 partidas,hecho en falta cosas del DoW2 supongo que ya me abre acostumbrado a su gameplay, eso si el battlenet es una puta pasada y el sistema de ligas aun mas, luego te pones en el live y te deprimes x'D.



El SC te podrá dar asco, como a mí, pero de ahi a decir que es basura, pues no, ni de coña vamos.

Pero bueno, como dice el de arriba, demasiado SC en el topic del DOW.


gente agregarme para jugar que toy empesando a manejar un poquiyo el caos xdd
agregarme a DeNdErMiX


¿Al final lo del torneo que estaba planeado se va a hacer?


yo y mis dos compis nos apuntamos


Si el torneo se hubiera hecho cuando lo propuse (pero se animaron 3 personas nada mas) yo me encargaria. Ahora mismo es fecha de examenes y no me quiero meter en berenjenales.


Podras poner fecha y asi la gente iria apuntandose y eso jeje


Si se tiene que hacer que sea ya, miremos cuantos se unen, yo y compañero de juego nos apuntamos, equipo [xDay].


Hola a todos no se si voy tarde o que pero estoy hasta la coronilla de tanto guiri.. y quisiera jugar cn algun español de vez en cuando o entrar en algun clan si es q lo hay para entrar ahora mismo.... os dejo mis datos y tal...

Steam : Moll : Manc0s FTW : Eldar
GFWL : Moll : ltza : Eldar

mushas gracias a todos ^^


agregame yo juego to las noches DeNdErMiX


IGN Live: neobpm, agregarme para echarnos unos vicios.


busco gente para jugar en partidas puntuadas por las noches me suelo cojer el caos y creo que ya he superado el nivel de nob asi que interesados avisarme xd


No se como no se juega más a este juego porque es una pasada. Y con el Caos más.


Yo juego cada noche con mi amigo, nivel 56 Eldar.