Cambios en las maestrias y hechizos de invocador

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#60 Yi AP OP


#30 really ?¿


Sacado de surrenderat20:

Summoner's Wrath: Exhaust lowers targets MR/Armor by 10, Ignite gives +5 AD / AP when on CD, Ghost speed increased to 35%, Allied Garrisoned turrets deal 50% splash damage.

Fury: + 1/2/3/4% attack speed

Sorcery: + 1/2/3/4% CDR

Butcher: + 2/4 damage to minions.

Deadliness: + 3/6/9/12 AD at level 18 ( .17 AD per rank per level )

Blast: + 4.5/9/13.5/18 AP at level 18 ( .25 AP per rank per level )

Destruction: Increase damage to turrets by 2.5/5%

Havoc: Increase damage by 0.67/1.33/2%

Weapon Expertise: 8% Armor Pen

Arcane Knowledge: 8% Magic Pen

Lethality: + 2.5/5% Critical Strike Damage (5%/10% for melee champs)

Brute Force: + 1.5/3 AD

Mental Force: + 1.5/3/4.5/6 AP

Spellsword: deals 5% of your AP as magic damage in each autoattack

Frenzy: Grants 10% attack speed for 2 seconds after landing a crit hit.

Sunder: +2/4/6 Armor Pen

Archmage: +1.25/2.5/3.75/5% bonus AP

Executioner: Increase damage by 5% to targets below 50% health

Summoner's Resolve: Increases the duration of Cleanses disable reduction by 1 sec, gives +5 champion HP per level on heal, +10 gold on smite use, increases Barrier amount by 20

Perseverance: up to 2/4/6 health per 5 based on missing health

Durability: + 27/54/81/108 health at level 18 ( 1.5 hp per rank per level )

Tough Skin: reduce damage taken from monsters by 1/2

Hardiness: + 2/4/6 armor

Resistance: + 2/4/6 MR

Bladed Armor: Deals 6 damage to any enemy monster that attacks you

Unyielding: Reduce damage taken by champions by 1/2

Relentless: Reduce effectiveness of slows by 7.5/15%

Veteran's Scars: +30 health

Safeguard: Reduce damage taken from turrets by 5%

Block: Reduce damage taken from champion basic attacks by 3

Tenacious: Reduces the duration of crowd control effects by 5/10/15%

Juggernaut: Increase your max health by 1.5/2.75/4%

Defender: + 1 armor and MR per nearby enemy champion

Legendary Armor: + 1.25/2.5/3.75/5% armor and MR

Good Hands: Reduce time spent dead by 10%

Reinforced Armor: Reduce damage taken from critical strikes by 5/10%

Honor Guard: Reduce damage taken from all sources by 3%

Summoner's Insight: Grants bonus health on Revive for 2 min, reduces teleport cast time by .5 sec, reduces cooldown of flash by 15 seconds, increases Clarity's mana restore by 25%, Grants additional vision of enemy units revealed.

Wanderer: + 0.66/1.33/2% MS when out of combat

Meditation: +1/2/3 mana per 5

Improved Recall: Reduces cast time of recall by 1 sec and improved Recall by .5

Scout: Wards gain 25% increased vision for the first 3 seconds

Mastermind: Reduces the cooldown of Summoner Spells by 4/7/10%

Expanded Mind: + 72/126/180 mana at level 18 ( +4 per rank per level )

Artifacer: Cooldown of activated items are reduced by 7.5/15%

Greed: +0.5/1/1.5/2 GP10

Runic Affinity: +20% buff duration

Strength of Spirit: + up to 1/2/3 HP per 5 for each 400 points of mana you posses

Biscuiteer: Start the game with a regenerative biscuit that restores 80 health and 50 mana over 10 seconds

Wealth: Increase starting gold by 25/50

Awareness: increase experience earned by 1.25/2.5/3.75/5%

Vampirism: +1/2/3% lifesteal and spellvamp

Explorer: On Summoner's Rift, grants a ward at the start of the game that can be placed to reveal the surrounding area for 60 seconds. On all other maps, +25 starting gold

Pickpocket: +3 gold ( ranged)/+5 gold melee for each basic attack against an enemy champion has a 5 second cooldown

Intelligence: +2/4/6% CDR

Nimble: +3% MS

3 1 respuesta

#56 Cuando podias hacerte invisible cuando querias.


#63 ¿Que es lo de MS?

Por cierto, ¿la tenacidad tiene un limite como el CD reduction? Porque con maestrias + botas + irelia lol

Y la del pickpocket supongo que habra que invertir muchos puntos en utilidad para pillarla.

1 respuesta

#65 Movespeed, velocidad de movimiento. Y la tenacidad que yo recuerde no se stackea, si tienes varias cosas que te la den solo se aplica la mayor y au.

2 respuestas

#66 No si vienen de diferentes cosas, asi que en ese caso si que funcionaria, pero seguramente de manera atenuada


#66 y los items que dan tenacidad dan todos la misma cantidad. Pero el señor Morello es tan lerdo que en vez de hacer una especie de filo infinito sin ser tan tocho pero con tenacidad, pone la daga y la capa que obviamente no se las va ha hacer nadie pudiendo hacer un fervor.


Bueno os digo como va exactamente que ya me he enterao:

Si la pasiva del item se llama "Tenacity" no stackea porque todas las pasivas con el mismo nombre no stackean.

La maestria de tenacidad + tenacidad de los items si stackea, lo dice la propia maestria, asique irelia + maestria + mercury si funciona.