La Taberna de Gragas


  • Respeta al resto de usuarios y a la gente en general.

  • No respondáis por responder, nada de monosílabos, ej: +1, wtf?, etc.

  • No utilizar el comando spoiler para paridas.

  • Intentar tener una buena redacción y ortografía para saber qué es exactamente lo que manifiestas.

  • Está prohibido ridiculizar o apalear a un usuario todos en masa, estamos aquí para pasarlo bien.

  • Está prohibido postear imágenes de scores vuestros con X/0/0, partidas consecutivas en rankeds, y screenshots similares, todas serán moderadas.

  • Prohibido hablar, promover o hacer apologia de herramientas de exploit tales como los farmeadores de IP/XP y cualquier cosa en la misma linea.


Primera partida que no feedeo con annie, se nota que a esta hora hay gente mas seria. Y que yo he aprendido a usarla, ya era hora, despues de varias partidas perdidas por mi culpa xD. Me hize un 7-4-12 not bad.


Yo soy nivel 14, suelo estar por la mañana y a paratir de las 00:00 mi nick es Paillo94. Agregame y jugamos.

1 respuesta

#11731 Es gracioso que hables de Annie...

Esta tarde me dio por poner el stream de Oce y justo decía: "El único modo de que Annie sea viable es, primero comprar el Void staff y después un Rabadon, si te queda dinero, otro Rabadon y luego otro y otro y si al final tienes más dinero, un Rabadon"

Evidentemente en inglés y con otras palabras, pero no se por que, me he partido solo en casa con la tontería xDDDDDDDDD


#11730 Yo tambien estoy al 12 agregame y nos pegamos un vicio (Mi nombre en el LoL es el mismo que aqui)
PD: la i lleva acento


#11722 yo creo que contra urgot de esa forma viene muy bien, me acuerdo de una partida yo con urgot contra un ezreal y se maximizaba la W, y me dio un repaso puesto que ademas el core de urgot es hacer cuanto antes el sudario glacial, y al stackear armadura en vez de mr me dio un repaso :(


da pena el nuevo campeon.

1 respuesta

#11735 no vale ni para fregar, he dicho.


Me acabo de comprar a Fiora.

Consejos para runas ??

#11738 ¿Por qué? Me está gustando mucho!

3 respuestas

#11737 Mi consejo es que la devuelvas xDDD

4 1 respuesta

#11737 rojas AD, amarillas Armor, azules Mres por nivel y quintas de AD o de Movimiento.


Al final le he cogido el gusto a Annie... mi primer AP carry. Y mas depues de la partida que me acabo de echar, despues de empezar feedeando basto todo el equipo y de caerseme el internet, he acabado 10-3-8 y hemos ganado de paliza. Me ha encantado, nunca habia vivido una remontada asi.


#11737 azules MR planas, rojas attack damage, amarillas armor y quintas de AS


Hay alguna manera de saber si alguien que has reportado con el tiempo ha sido baneado? Mera curiosidad para ver si el sistema este funciona

1 respuesta

Se supone que te envian un e-mail.A un amigo mio le llego hace unos dias uno en el que le daban las gracias porque finalmente se baneo a quien habia reportado.Pero el habra reportado como a 100 personas..asi que ya te puedes imaginar si realmente "funciona" xDD

1 2 respuestas

#11743 A mi solo me han mandado emails dandome las gracias por participar en el tribunal y me han dicho la cantidad de IP que he ganado (casi 3000, eso si, igual haciendo los 15 casos diarios casi 2 meses enteros diariamente)

1 respuesta

Jooooooooooder cada 100 reportes un email xD vamos finos macho #11743 xD!

A mi me ha pasado como dice #11744 un email de gracias por estar en el tribunal pero no te asegura nada. Pensaba que la gente que llegaba al tirbunal era porque tenía al menos una cantidad considerable de reportes no? O esa era la idea que yo tenía xD

1 respuesta

#11745 yo he visto en el tribunal gente con 1 reporte, con 2 y con 9, debe ser simplemente el que es reportado ahi sale xd

1 respuesta

#11742 Yo una vez mande un ticket al soporte quejandome de una premade del equipo contrario que me estaban tocando los huevos y pedí que me dijeran si los baneaban o no. Me contestaron que no podían decirme si los baneaban por motivos de privacidad...

1 respuesta

#11746 Con 1 seguro que lo has visto? es que estoy casi al 100% seguro de que minimo tienes que tener 2 para estar en el tribunal, quizás me equivoque

#11747 Y te parecerá raro... es como si pones una hoja de reclamación en un sitio e intentas llamar a ver si han despedido al tio o prohibido la entrada al cliente, no te lo van a decir


Lo pongo aquí por si interesa y no os habéis enterado, se ha creado un grupo para que se puedan poner los estudios en MV en un subforo:

Yo el tribunal lo hice...4 o 5 días, cuando me di cuenta que es hacerle su trabajo (Sí, lo que hacemos en MV) dejé de hacerlo, que me paguen más.

1 respuesta

#11749 Yo estuve igual que tu, 2-3 días, mirando los chats, y reflexionando si debe ser banneado o no, pero para la mierda de Ip que dan, y que el 75% de los que entran al tribunal, lo hacen como si estuvieran rellenando una quiniela, no merece la pena, y ahí recae, que la gente se lleve bans sin sentido, porque álguien le haya reportado sin motivo alguno, porque le sale de los cojones.
Es lo que tiene que Riot deja que randoms hagan su trabajo, ergo la gente se lleva bans sin haber echo nada.


Una dudilla, ¿hay alguna manera de mantener el lol con textos en castellano pero poner las voces en inglés?

2 respuestas

#11751 buena pregunta.. ahora lo tengo en inglés ( no sé por qué) y no me entero de nada de las habilidades, bueno, m eentero pero como ponga algo así más complicaete... suerte

Zimbabwe ENJOY


Soy el único que ha notado que hay algún bug con la Q de Lee Sin desde el último parche? Como que se queda medio trabado o algo así.

2 respuestas


A mi me a pasado, el otro dia tio Q di un viaje para tras y otro para alante a toda ostia xd


#11754 Habia un bug que provocaba que se quedase parado a mitad de salto, lo solucionaron con el ultimo parche pero ahora hace cosas rarisimas, te mete en las paredes sales disparado para un lado y luego vuelves... en fin


#11751 lo hay pero es un coñazo porque con cada parche los nuevos textos se quedan sin actualizar (reworks, nuevos champs, etc)

#11758 yo acabe haciendo lo mismo encuanto vi que cuando salio fiora olaf no tenia texto en su ulti y la propia fiora tenia el nombre de su archivo xd

1 respuesta

#11757 Entonces creo que directamente al final acabaré jugando en inglés. Excepto los hechizos de los nuevos champs, prácticamente ya me los se todos así que...

1 respuesta

Estremeando un amigo en la tlp


Posibles notas de este parche:

New Skins in the Store
Mythic Cassiopeia
Muay Thai Lee Sin v1.63
New Matchmaking Upgrades
Players who are under Level 30 are far less likely to face Level 30s
Greatly improved matchmaking for premade groups of 4
Matchmaking improved for highly skilled players trying to queue with lower skilled friends
Matchmaking in Ranked Solo/Duo Queue now restricts the number of duo queue pairings on each team to 1 per team
Improved initial seeding for Ranked Teams composed of skilled Ranked Solo/Duo players
Summoner Profiles now display the highest Ranked Team rating, instead of Arranged Team ratings

League of Legends v1.0.0.143
Zyra, Rise of the Thorns
Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Zyra will be released at a future date.

Fixed: Mark of the Assassin's tooltip now states the correct Energy return amount

Fixed: Despair now displays a range indicator when hovered over

Fixed: Valkyrie's targeting indicator now scales with distance from Corki

Evelynn (Remade)
Shadow Walk (Passive)
Evelynn fades away into the shadows. She can only be seen by nearby enemy Champions or true sight
While in stealth, Evelynn regenerates 1% of her max Mana every second
Casting spells, taking damage, or dealing damage unstealths Evelynn for 8 seconds
Hate Spike
19/23/27/31/35 Mana, 1.5 second Cooldown
Evelynn fires a line of spikes through a nearby enemy, dealing 40/60/80/100/120 ( 0.45 Ability Power) ( 0.4 bonus Attack Damage) magic damage to all enemies in its path
Hate Spike prioritizes what Evelynn has attacked recently
Dark Frenzy
No Cost, 20 second Cooldown
Passive: Evelynn's spell hits on enemy Champions grant her 4/8/12/16/20 Movement Speed for 3 seconds (effect stacks up to 4 times)
Active: Evelynn removes all slows affecting her and gains 30/40/50/60/70% Movement Speed for 3 seconds
Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy's cooldown
50/55/60/65/70 Mana, 9 second Cooldown
Evelynn slashes a target enemy 2 times, dealing 35/60/85/110/135 ( 0.5 Ability Power) ( 0.4 bonus Attack Damage) magic damage with each strike
Evelynn then gains 60/75/90/105/120% Attack Speed for 3 seconds
Agony's Embrace
100 Mana, 150/120/90 second Cooldown
Evelynn impales all enemies in the targeted area, dealing 15/20/25% ( 1% per 50 Ability Power) of their maximum Health in magic damage and slowing their Movement Speed by 30/50/70% for 2 seconds
Evelynn siphons their pain, gaining a 150/225/300 health shield for each enemy Champion hit which lasts up to 6 seconds

Now refunds half the mana cost if Parrrley kills the target

Added a buff timer to show when Perseverance will reactivate

Fixed: Body Slam no longer stops when encountering created terrain (ex: Anivia's Crystallize)

Sight reduction range reduced to 675 from 800

Fixed: Counter Strike's dodge component now works properly against Shen

Damage reduced to 60/70/80 from 60/90/120
Ability Power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.5

Ground Slam
Armor ratio reduced to 30% from 50%
Now has a 0.2 Ability Power ratio
Attack Speed reduction duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4

Summon Voidling (Passive)
Voidlings prioritize enemies Malzahar is autoattacking if Malefic visions isn't present
Voidling pathing and general AI improved
Voidlings will now hide in brush and won't attack if Malzahar is in brush and not in combat
Voidling dance animation added
Call of the Void
Delay is now consistent at 0.6 seconds
Now deals damage in a single hit - rather than two separate hits
Now grants vision along the entire line path - rather than only at the two end points
Now deals damage to units surrounding the end points
Null Zone
Cast time removed - Malzahar may now cast this ability while moving
Damage now starts 0.25 seconds after casting the ability
Nether Grasp
Malzahar ignores orders that would cancel his ultimate within the first 0.5 seconds of Nether Grasp
Voidlings prioritize champions immobilized in Nether Grasp above all other priorities

Fixed: Children of the Grave's initial damage now correctly draws turret aggro

Black Shield
Cooldown increased at earlier ranks to 23/21/19/17/15 seconds from 15 at all ranks
Cast range increased to 750 from 600
Soul Shackles
Leash range is now more accurate (now updates every 0.25 seconds from 0.5 seconds)

Shroud of Darkness
Shield duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
Cooldown increased at earlier ranks to 180/140/100 seconds from 160/130/100
Updated Umbra Blades tooltip

Fixed: Visionary will now grant free cost spells even if spells were ranked up while the Visionary buff was already active

Fixed: Attack Range is now 525 at all times.
Command: Attack
Ability Power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
Command: Shockwave
Fixed: Now stuns enemies that were in the middle of a movement skill.

Fixed: Arctic Assault no longer stops when encountering created terrain (ex: Anivia's Crystallize)

Basic attack and Power Chord missile speeds increased to 2000 from 1500
Aura persistence duration reduced to 1 second after deactivation from 2
Global cooldown reduced to 0.5 seconds from 2
Power Chord
Power Chord now resets your attack timer so you can use it immediately
Now deals all its damage instantly, rather than over time
Fixed: Opponents can no longer Cleanse the damage portion of Crescendo

Ki Strike
Damage reduced to 4 4 per level from 4 6 per level

Camouflage (Passive)
Fixed: Teemo now gains the Attack Speed buff instantly after leaving invisibility

Explosive Shot
Fixed: Passive damage no longer activates from spell damage
Fixed: Tooltip now reflects the Ability Power ratio

Twitch (Remade)
Attack Range increased to 550 from 500
Base Health increased to 389 from 356
Health per level increased to 81 from 78
Base Mana increased to 220 from 180
Mana per level increased to 40 from 35
Base Attack Damage reduced to 47 from 51.56
Attack Damage per level reduced to 3 from 3.3
Attack animation improved
Deadly Venom (Passive)
Damage reduced to 12/24/36/48 per stack from 15/30/45/60
60 Mana, 16 second Cooldown
After 1.25 seconds, Twitch becomes invisible for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds and gains 20% Movement Speed. Twitch gains 30/40/50/60/70% Attack Speed for 5 seconds after revealing himself
Venom Cask
50 Mana, 13/12/11/10/9 second Cooldown
Twitch hurls a cask full of venom to target area that slows targets by 25/30/35/40/45% for 3 seconds and adds 2 stacks of Deadly Venom
70/75/80/85/90 Mana, 12/11/10/9/8 second Cooldown
Deals 20/35/50/65/80 plus 15/20/25/30/35 ( 0.2 Ability Power) ( 0.25 bonus Attack Damage) per stack of Deadly Venom as physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom
No longer removes Deadly Venom stacks
Spray and Pray
100/125/150 Mana, 120/110/100 second Cooldown
Twitch's basic attacks become powerful piercing bolts with 300 bonus range, and Twitch gains 20/28/36 Attack Damage. Each bolt deals 20% less damage to subsequent targets down to a minimum of 40% damage. Lasts 7 seconds.

Acid Hunter
Damage adjusted to 50/80/110/140/170 ( 1.2 bonus Attack Damage) from 10/40/70/100/130 ( 0.85 total Attack Damage)
Lock-on missile cast range reduced to 1200 from 1500
Fixed: Rank 1 range is no longer higher than the other ranks
Noxian Corrosive Charge
Cooldown increased to 15/14/13/12/11 seconds from 11 at all ranks
Cast range reduced to 900 from 950
Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser
Cast range reduced to 550/700/850 from 700/775/850

Sanguine Pool
Movement Speed bonus now decays over time

Arcane Barrage
Reduced the delay between casting the spell and the impact to 0.5 seconds from 0.875 seconds
The visual indicator for the ultimate will appear at the start of the cast bar instead of at the end

Xin Zhao (Remade)
Base Attack Speed increased to 0.672 from 0.658
Attack Speed per level increased to 2.7% from 2.5%
Challenge (Passive)
Xin Zhao challenges his target with his basic attacks and Audacious Charge, reducing their Armor by 15% for 3 seconds. Only one target can be challenged at a time.
Three Talon Strikes
Now reduces his other ability cooldowns by 1 second with each strike
Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.2 from 1.0
Cooldown reduced to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds from 10
Battle Cry
Passive: Heals Xin Zhao for 26/32/38/44/50 ( 0.7 Ability Power) every third basic attack
Active no longer reduces other abilities' cooldowns
Cooldown reduced to 16/15/14/13/12 seconds from 24/22/20/18/16
Mana Cost increased to 40 from 35
Audacious Charge
Now challenges the target
Damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 ( 0.6 Ability Power) from 70/110/150/190/230 ( 0.4 Ability Power)
Slow increased to 25/30/35/40/45% from 20/25/30/35/40%
Slow duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5
Range reduced to 600 from 650
Cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 16/15/14/13/12
Crescent Sweep
Now knocks all unchallenged targets back
Now has a 1.0 bonus Attack Damage ratio
Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 seconds from 75
Armor and Magic Resist bonus adjusted to 15/20/25 per champion hit from 25 7/10/13 per champion hit
Now has a new particle

Fixed: Unholy Covenant (Passive) no longer reduces true damage

Satchel Charge
Cooldown reduced at earlier ranks to 26/24/22/20/18 seconds from 30/27/24/21/18

Summoner's Rift
Outer turret vision range increased to 1095 from 800

Twisted Treeline
The Dragon on Twisted Treeline now has the same chat kill announcement as the Dragon on Summoner's Rift

Heart of Gold
Health reduced to 200 from 250
Ionic Spark
Added a counter to show when Ionic Spark will be charged
Philosopher's Stone
Health Regen per 5 seconds reduced to 15 from 18
Avarice Blade, Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Philospher's Stone now have counters in their tooltip to indicate how much gold the item has generated over the course of the game

Co-op vs. AI
Changed the way bots evaluate towers to better take into account minions and enemies
Changed return to base logic for bots to make them more likely to heal and purchase items
Dominion bots should now properly ignore invisible units when deciding to defend capture points
Beginner bots are now less likely to assist each other during kill and retreat situations
Fixed: Bot assist logic now works during the laning phase
Updated Ashe Bot's item build
Master Yi Bot should now properly purchase Sanguine Blade on Dominion instead of The Bloodthirster

Added character portraits to the Spectator-mode Dragon and Baron kill announcements
Fixed: Spectator no longer occasionally causes floating text announcements to be permanently displayed throughout the game
Fixed: When using time controls, gold numbers will no longer get stuck on the screen for some users
Fixed several issues that occur when reconnecting, including ghost minions, invisible champions, untargetable towers, and strange store behavior
When disconnected, the game will now attempt to reconnect automatically

With every patch, we strive to improve the look of the game in varying degrees. We recommend that you have the latest available video card drivers installed.

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