Notas Test Realm


New Champion

Trundle, the Cursed Troll
Decompose(passive): Whenever an enemy dies near Trundle, he is healed for 4% of their maximum health.

Rabid Bite: Trundle leans in and savagely bites his opponent, dealing physical damage and sapping their Attack Damage stat for himself. “On-Next-Attack” functionality.

Contaminate: Trundle afflicts the ground around him with his curse, gaining a massive movement speed, attack speed and crowd control reduction boost as long as he stays on it.

Pillar of Filth: Trundle raises a pillar of filth at target location, blocking collision next to it and eminating a slow aura around it.

Agony (ultimate): Trundle immediately drains hp, armor and magic resist from an opponent, and drains these values once again over the course of the next 6 seconds. Trundle gains these stats for himself.


  • Overdrive
    o Removed the movement speed reduction at the end of Overdrive.
  • Power Fist
    o Fixed a bug where Power Fist was not breaking spell shields.
  • Updated recommended items
  • Increased his base attack speed
    o This should enhance the effectiveness of the attack speed portion of Overdrive.
  • Static Field’s passive and Power Fist will now display their particles when they kill a unit.


  • Missile Barrage
    o Fixed a tooltip typo with Missile Barrage


  • Pounce
    o No longer deals damage if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect


  • Overall we wanted to shift some of Pantheon’s power from Spear Shot to Heartseeker Strike so he can better scale into late-game
  • Spear Shot
    o Base damage reduced to 12/24/36/48/60, from 30/40/50/60/70
  • Heartseeker Strike
    o Percent of Attack Damage increased to 28/32/36/40/44%, from 18/22/26/30/34%
  • Grand Skyfall
    o Mana cost reduced to 150, from 150/250/350
  • Aegis Protection
    o Now shows a counter as you build up charges
    o Threshold required to trigger the Aegis increases slightly with game length
  • Should alleviate situations like cannon minions breaking Aegis Protection


  • Rocket Jump
    o No longer deals damage and slows if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect

Twisted Fate

  • Second Sight
    o No longer provides a benefit to allies while Twisted Fate is dead.


  • Baleful Strike
    o Increased the missile speed by 100.
  • Equilibrium
    o Increased the increased mana regeneration percent to 0.75% from 0.5%.
  • Increased the missile speed of Veigar’s basic attack by 100.


  • Tides of Blood
    o Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood was not providing Vladimir with enough increased regeneration and healing
    o Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood did not deal full damage if you had 4 stacks before casting

Xin Zhao

  • Audacious Charge
    o No longer deals damage and slows if his dash is interrupted by another movement effect


  • Wriggle’s Lantern
    o Now shows a duration in the mana bar, like sight and vision wards
  • Doran’s Blade
    o Increased the damage granted to 8 from 6.
    o Reduced the Health granted to 100 from 120.
    o Reduced the lifesteal granted to 3% from 4%.
  • Doran’s Ring
    o Increased the ability power granted to 15 from 10.
    o Reduced the Health granted to 100 from 120.
    o Reduced the mana per 5 to 4 from 5.
  • Sword of the Divine
    o Added a new hit effect and new activation particle.
  • Several items no longer grant beneficial auras while the item holder is dead, including:
    o Aegis of the Legion
    o Innervating Locket
    o Will of the Ancients


  • Autumn Summoner’s Rift
    o Moved Nashor to the same location as the summer version of Summoner’s Rift.
  • Twisted Treeline
    o Grez the Lizard Lord
  • Increased the HP per player level to 175 from 150.
  • Increased his magic resistance to -20 from -30.
  • Decreased the gold granted to his killer to 50 from 100.
    o Twisted Treeline Super Minions
  • Increased health to 1200 from 1000.
  • Increased their base damage by 30.
  • Masteries
    o Rank 2 of Utility Mastery should now work properly.
  • Removed “hun” from the word filter

Tanto revuelo con nerf nosequien, nerf nosecuantos, y hay 3 contados y nada esagerados xDD


trundle trundle trundle es lo unico que puedo/quiero leer :D:D


Y Kog'Maw sigue intacto de momento <3


la verdad poco cambian, bliz m parece muy guapo lo del overdrive.........y phateon hay k volver a tener cuidadisimo a lvls bajos


hasta la season 2 no creo q nerfeen a vlad y compania


Y ahí está el nerfeo a los objetos Doran.


Quizá el cambio a Veigar resuelva el problema de farmear en los 3 primeros niveles spammeando la Q. A nivel 1 hace tan poco daño que cuando se lo lanzas a un minion, cuando llega a él ya ha muerto y te quedas en plan "WTF". Gastas el maná, el CD y no obtienes oro ni AP...

Edit: ¿A qué se debe el nerf a los objetos Doran? ¿Se supone que es para evitar las builds con 4 espadas de Doran y ese tipo de cosas?.


#8 Yo creo que es para eso, pero no sé si funcionará.


Genial lo del Overdrive de Blitz :D.


a mi me parece una soberana gilipollez lo de los doran, no se para que los cambian


Quiero ver lo que significa esto:

"Trundle gains these stats for himself"

De su ultimate... Para toda la partida? durante 6 segundos? uhmmm


Nerfeo a los Doran? Vosotros veis lo mismo que yo?

Solamente quieren premiar el "SKILL" de cada jugador en los lvls bajos. ¿Cómo? Poniendoles más daño, menos vida y menos regeneración...


Akali debe adorar estos cambios en la espada de doran, como va a molar eso de poder llevar full AP y magic pen :D


cuando meten el parche?


y que es eso que le ponen el bltz?


#16 Que después de usar el augmento de velocidad ese, ya no se relantizará.


Que exactamente lo que le han hecho a Vlad¿


solventado un par de bugs haciendolo mas fuerte aun xd


soy el único que piensa que Kennen necesita un nerfeo?


Kennen te puede ganar una teamfight el solo, al igual que Galio con su ulti,twich etc,bien usado es un incordio y tiene bastante supervivencia mas aun si va con zhonya,es una mosca cojonera pero aun asi yo lo veo equilibrado.


#20 No.. no eres el único ._.


#1 el aporte está bien, no es por echarte mierda, pero no tiene ningun sentido para mi ponerlo en ingles.


#23 HOLA? Supongo que cualquiera que haya ido al coelgio lo entiende...

Supongo que cualquiera sabe utilizar un traductor...

En fin.


#23 /facepalm


#23 No es por echarte mierda, pero no tiene ningun sentido sabiendo que no han salido en español (al menos no cuando abri el thread)


#23 Cuando dieron ingles faltaste o ...?


Pantheon, pese a que no lo uso, se lleva un nerfeo de Q basto basto


#28 Pero le buffan el golpe buscacorazones, no?.

#23 Fail.


#29 le bufan en general para late game a costa del early game.