Parche 4.10


Rework de Nidalee

*New icons have been added for all abilities
*Added a new particle to distinguish "Hunted" opponents
*Javelin Toss visuals adjusted for better readability
*Bushwack ground visual indicator improved to be more noticeable


Moverse entre los arbustos aumenta su velocidad un 10% durante 2 segundos, esto se incrementa un 30% si nos movemos en dirección a enemigos visibles en un rango de 5500.

Hunted: Hacer daño a los enemigos con la Javalina o las trampas deja a los enemigos marcados como "Caza" por 4 segundos, permitiendo que sean visto e intrementando tu velocidad un 30% si avanzas hacia ellos. (Rango 5500) e incrementando tu proxima habilidad de Cougar contra ellos.

Q - Javelin Toss

HUNTED Applies the 'Hunted' debuff to champions for 4 seconds
RANGE 1500 units (damage caps out at 1300)
MINIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE 50 /75/100/125/150 (+0.4 ability power)
MAXIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE 150/225/300/375/450 (+1.2 ability power)
COST 50/60/70/80/90 mana
COOLDOWN 6 seconds
WIDTH Missile width 60 ⇒ 30

W - Bushwhack

HUNTED Applies the 'Hunted' debuff to champions for 4 seconds
MAGIC DAMAGE 20/40/60/80/100 + 12/14/16/18/20% current health (+1% per 50 ability power) over the duration of 4 seconds
DURATION 2 minutes
COST 40/45/50/55/60 mana
COOLDOWN 17/15/13/11/9 seconds
CLARITY Only affects one target per trap

E - Primal Surge

HEAL 45/85/125/165/205 (+0.5 ability power)
ATTACK SPEED BONUS 20/30/40/50/60% attack speed
COST 60/80/100/120/140 mana
COOLDOWN 12 seconds

R - Aspect Of The Cougar

RANKS Aspect of the Cougar has 4 ranks and Nidalee starts the game with 1 rank in it
COST No cost
COOLDOWN 3 seconds

Q - Takedown

HUNTED BONUS The first Takedown targeting a 'Hunted' champion deals +33% increased damage
UTILITY Nidalee gains +75 attack range for the Takedown attack
MINIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE 4/20/50/90 (+0.24 ability power)
MAXIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE 10/50/125/225 (+0.6 ability power)
COST No cost
COOLDOWN 5 seconds

W - Pounce

HUNTED BONUS The first Pounce directly towards a 'Hunted' champions will have up to 700 range
UTILITY Killing a unit in cougar form reduces the cooldown of Pounce to 1 second
UTILITY Nidalee now pounces in the direction of the player's cursor
MAGIC DAMAGE 50/100/150/200 (+0.3 ability power)
COST No cost
COOLDOWN 5 seconds

E - Swipe

HUNTED BONUS The first Swipe that damages a 'Hunted' champion reduces the cooldown of Pounce to 1 second
UTILITY Nidalee now swipes in the direction of the player's cursor
MAGIC DAMAGE 70/130/190/250 (+0.45 ability power)
COST No cost
COOLDOWN 5 seconds

R - Aspect Of The Cougar

RANKS Aspect of the Cougar has 4 ranks and Nidalee starts the game with 1 rank in it
COST No cost
COOLDOWN 3 seconds

Hitting an enemy with a spear or trap now puts a "hunt" debuff on them four seconds ( the yellow marker above Kat ). While the debuff is active, there is a tether between Nidalee and her target as well as a circle showing Nidalee her increased Pounce ( W ) range.

While the circle shows your pounce's ( W ) increased range, the tether indicator turns red or green based on if you are close enough to pounce at double range. If the indicator is red, your pounce would be normal. If the indicator is green, you are in range and will successfully do a double range pounce towards an enemy.

[ Ignore blue / missing particles ] Since Katarina is "hunted", pounce has an increased distance ( as previously denoted by the ring around Nidalee )

Nidalee can use this doubled range on Pounce to clear a number of distances she normally couldn't! In this example, I'm able to jump over a thick treeline to attack the Katarina I landed a spear on.

Rework Skarner

*Updated textures for base and all skins. Skarner also now has specular maps, making him all shiny-like

  • Added new particles for Skarner's W and his new passive
    *New icons have been added for all abilities

Passive - Crystallizing Sting

CRYSTAL VENOM Skarner's damaging spells apply a 'Crystal Venom' debuff to enemy Champions and large monsters for 5 seconds
UTILITY If Skarner lands a basic attack on a target with 3 stacks of 'Crystal Venom', he will deal an additional 20-105 magic damage and stun the target for 0.5/0.75/1 second
CRYSTAL VENOM After being stunned, targets cannot be debuffed by Crystal Venom for 6 seconds

Q - Crystal Slash

NEWUTILITY Basic attacks reduce Crystal Slash's cooldown by 0.5 seconds (doubled against Champions)
NEWCRYSTAL ENERGY Crystal Energy now additionally grants +3/4/5/6/7% movement speed per stack (up to 3 stacks)
BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.8 attack damage) ⇒20/32/44/56/68 (+0.4 attack damage)
BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE 24/36/48/60/72 (+0.4 ability power) ⇒20/32/44/56/68 (+0.2 ability power)

W - Crystalline Exoskeleton

COOLDOWN 16 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds

E - Fracture

MAGIC DAMAGE 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒40/60/80/100/120 (+0.4 ability power)
COOLDOWN 14 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 12 seconds at all ranks

R - Impale

NEWIMPALEMENT Impale consumes all stacks of Crystal Venom and deals 50/75/100 magic damage per stack consumed
COOLDOWN 130/120/110 seconds ⇒ 110/100/90 seconds



W - Drunken Rage
NEW FERMENTED Gragas no longer loses the damage reduction if he is interrupted during his drink
CLARITY Updated tooltip to specify that the percentage damage against monsters is capped at 250

BUG FIX Fixed a bug where Lay Waste appeared to give more vision than it actually did
BUG FIX Wall of Pain's VO will no longer be interrupted by movement commands
SWAG Added the screech of a certain bird of prey to Statue of Karthus' dance
CLARITY Requiem's visual effects are now more noticeable, so you can properly resign yourself to death

Q - Sigil of Malice
NAME Sigil of Silence ⇒ Sigil of Malice
REMOVED SILENCE No longer silences target

W - Ardent Blaze

R - Grand Skyfall
BUG FIX Fixed a bug where Pantheon could use Summoner Spells before landing. Most notably, Flash could be used before landing to reposition Pantheon's landing damage area.

BASE MANA 246 ⇒ 250
MANA REGEN PER LEVEL 0.5 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 0.9 mana per 5 seconds

E - Flay
CLARITY! Now displays the correct buff icon

W - Rocket Jump
COST 80 mana at all ranks ⇒ 60 mana at all ranks
UTILITY Now more accurately checks for nearby landing spots when jumping close to, or over, walls

R - Buster Shot
UTILITY Range now scales with level (like Draw a Bead/Explosive Shot)

ICONS New icons have been added for all abilities


Passive - Deadly Venom
TRUE DAMAGE 2/4/6/8 (at levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 1/2/3/4/5/6 (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16)

Q - Ambush
STEALTH TIMING Time to stealth without taking damage now 1.25 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
STEALTH TIMING WHILE BEING HIT IN THE FACE Maximum time to stealthwhile taking damage now 3 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds

R - Death Mark
BUG FIX Zed no longer teleports to a random location if he Death Marks someone who is in the middle of a dash (eg: Xin Zhao's Audacious Charge, etc).

Lifesteal Items

NEWEssence Reaver

UNIQUE PASSIVE You gain 2-8% of the damage dealt by basic attacks as mana. This effect increases based on how much mana you are missing.
RECIPE Vampiric Scepter + Pickaxe + 975 gold
TOTAL COST 2650 gold

Doran's Blade

REMOVED LIFE ON HIT Basic attacks no longer restore health on hit
HEALTH 80 ⇒ 70

Vampiric Scepter

LIFESTEAL 10% ⇒ 8%

Bilgewater Cutlass

LIFESTEAL 12% ⇒ 8%

Blade of the Ruined King

ACTIVE ABILITY Maximum health damage now 15% ⇒ 10%
ACTIVE ABILITY Active ability now steals 30% movement speed ⇒ 25% movement speed
PASSIVE DAMAGE Current health damage per hit now 5% ⇒ 8%
LIFESTEAL 15% ⇒ 10%

The Bloodthirster

REMOVED BLOODTHIRSTY PASSIVE No longer grants bonus attack damage or lifesteal per unit kill
NEW BLOODTHIRSTIER PASSIVE Lifesteal can now overheal, granting a bloody shield that absorbs 50-450 damage (based on champion level). This shield decays when out of combat for 15 seconds.
LIFESTEAL 12% ⇒ 15%
TOTAL COST 3250 gold ⇒ 3500 gold

Attack Damage Items

B. F. Sword


Infinity Edge


Mercurial Scimitar

NEW MERCURIAL PARITY Active ability now gives the movement speed bonus to ranged characters as well
TOTAL COST 3700 gold ⇒ 3800 gold

Attack Speed Items


ATTACK SPEED 12% ⇒ 15%
COST 400 gold ⇒ 450 gold

Berserker's Greaves

ATTACK SPEED 20% ⇒ 25%
TOTAL COST 950 gold ⇒ 1000 gold


ATTACK SPEED 18% ⇒ 20%
TOTAL COST 1175 gold ⇒ 1100 gold

Wit's End

ATTACK SPEED 42% ⇒ 50%
TOTAL COST 2400 gold ⇒ 2500 gold

Youmuu's Ghostblade

NEW YOUMUU'S PARITY Active now lasts for 6 seconds on ranged champions as well (previously lasted only 4 seconds on ranged champions and 6 seconds on melee champions)
Recipe Cleanup

The following items have had their recipe costs adjusted due to the Dagger and Zeal price changes, but their total price remains unchanged:
    Phantom Dancer
    Sword of the Divine
    Madred's Razor
    Wriggle's Lantern
    Runaan's Hurricane
    Trinity Force
    Statikk Shiv
    Blade of the Ruined King

Warden's Mail & Randuin's Omen

Warden's Mail

PASSIVE Passive Cold Steel's attack speed reduction now 15% ⇒ 10%

Randuin's Omen

REMOVED PASSIVE Passive Cold Steel no longer reduces attacker's movement speed
PASSIVE Passive Cold Steel's attack speed reduction now 15% ⇒ 10%

Support Items

NEW Ardent Censer

UNIQUE PASSIVE Your heals and shields on another unit grant them +25% Attack Speed for 6 seconds
UNIQUE PASSIVE +8% movement speed
MANA REGENERATION 10 mana per 5 seconds
TOTAL COST 2200 gold
RECIPE Forbidden Idol + Aether Wisp + 550 gold

Forbidden Idol

TOTAL COST 750 gold ⇒ 700 gold

Mikael's Crucible

TOTAL COST 1600 gold ⇒ 2450 gold
RECIPE Chalice of Harmony + 720 gold ⇒ Chalice of Harmony + Forbidden Idol + 870 gold
MANA REGENERATION 12 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 20 mana per 5 seconds

Locket of the Iron Solari

UTILITY Active's shield amount is now calculated using the recipient champion's level if the recipient is a higher level than the item owner

Ability Power Items

Athene's Unholy Grail

MANA REGENERATION 15 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 10 mana per 5 seconds


MANA REGENERATION 12 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 10 mana per 5 seconds

Summoner Spells


COOLDOWN Cooldown when teleporting to towers now 200 seconds ⇒240 seconds


MOVEMENT SPEED BOOST Speed boost duration now 2 seconds ⇒ 1 second


BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Exhaust did not grant assists when used against slow immune targets (who are still affected by the damage reduction effect)


Reinforced Armor

CLARITY Tooltip clarified to state that it reduces the total damage from critical strikes

Summoner's Rift

BASE GOLD 145 ⇒ 180

Bots in Beginner-level Co-op vs AI matches will always play from Purple side

Ranked Duo Queue
*Players may only queue for ranked duo games with players ranked within one full tier above or below them. For example, a Silver III player may duo with players ranked anywhere from Bronze V to Gold I.
*Unseeded players who were ranked in solo queue during the previous season will use that rank to determine duo eligibility.
*Unseeded players who have never been ranked in solo queue are able to duo queue with Gold, Silver or Bronze players.

Team Builder
Captains in Team Builder will now be able to see a list of "Suggested Players" that they are able to invite into their games. We'll be experimenting with this feature to include players that we believe you might have fun experiences with.

*Players who use their keyboards to purchase from the shop should no longer see the shop close when a purchase fails
*Fixed a bug where players would occasionally need to unlock the camera twice for the setting to apply

Upcoming Skins

Sweeper Alistar
Superfan Gragas
Striker Lucian
Goalkeeper Maokai
Red Card Twisted Fate

Sweeper Alistar

Goalkeeper Maokai

Superfan Gragas

Striker Lucian

Red Card Twisted Fate

Primetime Draven

New Summoner Icons

Tryndamere Ability Icons

"Futbol" ward skin


Q - Javelin Toss

WIDTH Missile width 60 ⇒ 30


Fuck that hitbox

4 1 respuesta

Welcome to League of ADCs


lb ya no silencia?

1 respuesta

bye a las lanzas de nidale... :(

por lo demas el rework es interesante, pero las lanzas.. :(


#4 No


So no me equivoco meter lanzazos de 450 + 1.2 de ap va a seguir haciendo pupa, aunque ahora va a ser menos ya que han ajustado el hitbox

Por otra parte, demasiados cambios a los objetos de adc, ahora tendré que empollarme la teoría para no hacer un fail en las primeras partidas xD

1 respuesta

Buena mierda han hecho con el cáliz y el botrk.


A mamar la nida ya era hora.


-¿Que quiere decir "Skarner also now has specular maps"?


Por otra parte creo que Nidalee va a estar más rota que nunca con las nuevas bonificaciones de "cazado" y poder transformarse desde el lvl 1.


#7 Hazte 2/3 dorans (3 más chachi para mi gusto) + IE en early y gana el mundo. Con las 3 dorans te sacas 210 hp, 21 dmg y 9% de ls, renta bastante para mi gusto.

Por otra parte, llevaba ya un tiempo haciendo a casi todos los adcs mercurial scimitar, con el buffo que le han metido yo creo que será objeto imprescindible.


A nidalee la han subido mucho, la lanza es mas dificil de hitear pero el gato es bastante mas util


tengo ganas de probar a GP y Pantheon con el nuevo objeto que recupera mana.

#15 La Q de GP creo que funciona como un Autoattack, lo que me refiero es que ya no tendrán el problema de mana para hacer spamQ, autohits minions full harras champ.

1 respuesta

#14 basic attacks as mana


Interesante cambio a Tristana, se empezará a ver algo más?


Welcome back Kog'maw


Parece que ya se puede bajar el parche 4.10.


no paran de bufarme a tristana y me la piyo antes del bufo a la Q hace 2 meses, gracias rito <3


Por fin un buffo a THRES.....XD


Pedazo de parche, casi que solo juego ADC y ahora me toca esperar a que la gente empiece a decir que items valen la pena y los nuevos builds paths, puta vida tetes.


No entiendo porque tocan tantas cosas, parece que lo hacen al tuntun.

Tanto attack speed y tanto life steal, pero luego meten un cambio a la BF totalmente contrario a todo eso.

Lo de Nidalee, le va a caer un nerf gordisimo. Las trampas te sacaran media vida y un poco mas, llegan a sacar el 20% de la vida mas lo que quita al momento, y encima te deja marcado para que te salte a la cabeza y te chasee a la velocidad del rayo xD

A ver si se empieza a ver mas a mi queridismo Galio ahora.

Y bueno del item nuevo de support, el Ardent Censer ese mejor ni hablo, ya habra rios de tinta quejandose sobre curaciones en area que dan 25% de AS a todo el equipo por la cara xD


Solo vengo a decir que nidalee mete bastante, solo que ahora es a combos y no solo a lanza.


Si leyerais un poco los hilos veriais que el item de support no afecta con skills en area no vas a tener a thresh metiendo 25 de as con la w de free

1 respuesta

Que mierda le han echo a la sanginariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??????????????????????? Aqui lo teneis en español...


impresionante buffs a los AD carrys, nerf al randuin, buff a IE, zeal, blade (para los que hacen autoattacks)

voy a sacar mi tristana a pasear :3


Sivir la vuelven fuertota con todos los cambios estos

La E de morgana se aplica en el objeto nuevo?... puede ser rentable.

Genja tenía razón, viva la triple doran


Yo pensando que habria un nerf a nidale y veo esto ... ahora va a ser mas divertida que nunca xDDD.

Aunque tendra que ir un poco mas con armadura para ir a mele mas frecuentemente.

P.D. el gato mola mas xD


soy el único que ve el heal ya una mierda?

"cura" menos que la barrier y encima se reduce a la mitad con ignites, el boost es inapreciable ya al ser de solo 1 segundo

volvemos a la barrier con el ad carry me da a mi


#24 Leo los hilos, y bastante de hecho, pero eso no lo lei.

De todas formas no estaba pensando en Thresh, mas bien en la R de Soraka. Btw si le pones eso a una Nidalee support, que te da, 10000% de AS al ADC? me sige pareciendo merecedor de nerf.