You have seen the true voice of metal fall quiet, surrounded by the massed harmonies of your weak whispers. But listen closely to those whispers, and you shall find the seed of truth. Five Four voices. Five harbingers of destruction, waiting patiently for their time to rise. And on that chosen day, these five shall change your world forever. Sonic brutality has never ascended such heights before. These voices have already slain the dragon and butchered the baron. They have ravaged the fields of justice, burned Runeterra to the ground, and slaughtered millions of Teemos. When they come, their breed of metal shall smite your plebian souls and punish your frail bodies. You will cower at their visage and tremble at the name... Pentakill.
And Pentakill is coming... for you. Because you have sown, and soon you shall reap."[/i]
Para la preorder:
Lightbringer 4:56
Deathfire Grasp 4:00
Ohmwrecker 5:18
Last Whisper 3:37
The Hex Core 4:33
The Prophecy 0:47
Thornmail 3:43
Orb of Winter 3:31
Disponible a partir del 3 de Junio