Pretemporada 7: Actualización de asesinos


#117 Dios xDD, me voy a probarlo a la de ya. Encima es que no tiene apenas cd, se han pasado veinte pueblos


RIP ADcarrys :P


Brutal la E de Talon xD

¿Que es eso ultimo del video? ¿Nueva habilidad de Karma o Kindred?

2 respuestas

Talon & kata tienen pintaza

si se la sacan con Zed también ya le damos la +S a Rito


GL la movilidad que le dan a los asesinos xD


Yo con unos bufillos a zed lb talon & company me conformaba, esto va a ser una jodida locura


#123 Parece algún efecto de las nuevas plantas


Me encanta la nueva Kat.

Ademas pinta jodidilla, me gusta




P: Blade's End

Talon's abilities wound champions and epic monsters for a short duration, stacking up to three times. When Talon basic attacks a fully wounded target, they bleed for a large amount of physical damage over time

Q: Noxian Diplomacy

Leaps to a target, dealing physical damage. If cast from melee range, Talon instead critically strikes the target. Whenever Noxian Diplomacy kills a unit, Talon regains a small amount of health.


Tosses a volley of blades in a direction, dealing physical damage and returning after a brief delay. On their return, the blades deal increased physical damage and briefly slow all enemies hit.

E: Assassin,'s path

Targeting terrain allows Talon to do a super-cool vault over it. Talon can't vault over the same terrain for a long period of time

R: Shadow Assault

Fires a ring of blades from Talon's location, increasing movement speed and making him invisible for a few seconds. When Talon emerges from stealth, the blades converge on his location, dealing physical damage each time they pass through an enemy. If Talon breaks his stealth by basic attacking or usin Noxian Diplomacy, the blades will converge on his target's location instead



P: Unseen predator

While in brush, Rengar's basic attacks cause him to leap at his target. Leaping to enter combat generates one Ferocity. At four Ferocity, Rengar's next ability is empowered, granting special effects and increasing his movement speed.

  • Bonetooth necklace: Rengar gains trophies whenever he takes down a unique enemy champion. For each Trophy, Rengar's attack damage is permanently increased.

Q: Savagery

Slashes enemies in an arc in front of Rengar, followed by a piercing strike, dealing physical damage and generating one Ferocity. If cast with four Ferocity, each strike's damage is massively increased.

W: Battle roar

Roars, generating one Ferocity, dealing magic damage, and healing Rengar for a portion the damage he's taken in the last few moments. If cast with four Ferocity, Rengar removes all existing crowd control effects and prevents incoming ones for a short duration

E: Bola Strike

Tosses a bola in a targeted direction to deal physical damage, generate one Ferocity, and slow the first enemy hit for a short duration. If cast with four Ferocity, the bola roots the first enemy hit for a short duration instead.

R: Thrill for the hunt

Rengar's predatory senses take over, stealthing him for a long period of time. While stealthed, Rengar gains movement speed and can see the nearest enemy champion to him from very far away. Rengar can leap to the revealed champion for a guaranteed critical strike



P: Sigil of Malice

Leblanc's abilities inflict Sigil of Malice, which can be detonated and consumed by her other abilities after a few seconds to deal bonus damage.

Q: Shatter orb

Fires an orb that damages an enemy. if the orb triggers Sigil of Malice it shatters, consuming the sigil and dealing damage to the nearest available Sigil of Malice.

W: Distorition

Dashes to a target location, dealing damage to all nearby enemies upon landing. Recasting Distortion within a few seconds returns Leblanc to her starting location.

E: Ethereal chains

Launches illusionary chains in a direction, damaging and shackling the first targer hit. If the target reamins shackled for a few moments, they'll take additional damage and become rooted.

R: Mimic

Leblanc becomes invisible for a short duration, creating a Mimic to take her place and cast a stronger version of one of her basic abilities. The Mimic lasts only for a few moments and expires if it takes damage from champions or turrets.

Mimicking Leblanc's ultimate spawns a Mimic at a tarte location instead. Once formed, the Mimic will walk toward the nearest visible enemy champion, casting a non-damaging version of Leblanc's most recently used ability upon arrival.


P: Voracity

Whenever an enemy champion dies after being recently damaged by Katarina, her cooldowns are significantly reduced.

Q: Bouncing blade

Throws a dagger, dealing magic damage to the target and two nearby enemies befores falling onto the ground.
If Katarina picks up a dagger, she flourishes, dealing magic damage in an area around her.

W: Preparation

Tosses a dagger in the air, gaining movement speed for a short duration. After a brief delay, katarina can pick up the dagger.

E: Shunpo

Instantly blinks to target enemy, ally, or dagger. Upon arrival, Katarina deals magic damage to the nearest enemy. If Katarina targets a dagger. Shunpo's cooldown ins massively reduced.

R: Death Lotus

Become a flurry of blades, rapidly throwing knives at the three nearest enemy champions and dealing massive amgic damage over the duration. All enemies struck receive Grievous Wounds, reducing their healing


#123 es el nuevo objeto "Redemption"


no tiene cd la e de talon? que se han fumado? XD talon jungla? XDD


Según entiendo esas murallas quedan imposibilitadas de saltar por un tiempo mas menos grande


Holy moly...


Se me ha puesto durísima xD


Se les ha ido la mano con Talon, de hecho se les ha ido hasta el brazo, si llegas antes asi a la fuente que usando el jodido recall, la virgen


Cambios a otros asesinos


  • El tiburón de Fizz se hace más grande cuanta más distancia haya recorrido "Carnaza para tiburones"
  • La W ha sufrido una modificación con la que aumentar la recompensa cuando se utilice en el momento oportuno


  • Al matar a un enemigo con R - Marca de la Muerte, Zed consigue PERMANENTEMENTE un % del AD de sus víctimas
  • La W ya no otorga AD adicional.


  • La W se castea en el sitio a donde usas el dash.
    • Los pink wars ya no revelarán tu posición.


  • Las evoluciones de Kha'Zix también evolucionan. La Q, la W y la R recibirán actualizaciones para ser más adecuadas en asesinatos en solitario
    • La W aporta más CC
    • La R aporta más movilidad por el mapa


  • El clon de Shaco pone tres cajas (W) y hace huir a los enemigos cuando muere.
  • La duración de la invisibilidad (Q) aumenta con el nivel.
  • Shaco puede poner cajas (W) cuando es invisible, pero se revelará durante unos instantes.


  • La pasiva ya no ralentiza.
  • La R activa la W al atravesarla, aturdiendo a los enemigos y consiguiendo el escudo correspondiente.
    • Se aumenta el rendimiento de la build AP

Zed contra jhin, rip partida


hay mama como me esta gustando esto xD


Se me está poniendo más dura que el pilar de trundle.


Que se han fumado con lo de Zed?


No me quiero imaginar cuando salgan todas estas cosas, full asesinos de lo rotos que van a estar


Cada parche que ponen se me quitan mas las ganas de jugar ADC y lo llevo maineando desde la beta, menuda puta vergüenza de balanceos que hace esta gente.


minimo dejadme a Tristana, jinx y corki rotos si me van a deletear xddd


Bueno con el nuevo objeto los adc podrán seguir haciendo daño en la tf aunque estén muertos xD


Bueeeeeeeeeno como main ADC voy procediendo a desinstalar el juego. En fin xD


Me imagino a Faker con esa Katarina y me da un chungo.


Como me esperaba... No me gustan los cambios a Kha aunque habrá que probarlo con nuevos items y tal cuando salga


Yo a Talon lo veo flojillo, no os parece?


Me parece muy bajo el cd de Edge of Night.

1 mes después

llevo un tiempo sin jugar acabo de probar a fizz y el cambio a la W me parece una putada.