Passive - Royal Privilege
The first attack or ability against an enemy champ deals bonus damage. This cooldown resets when she draws a new element.
Q - Edge of Ixtal
Qiyana slashes the area in front of her dealing damage. If her weapon is using an element, her weapon hurls forward as a projectile and explodes.
River - Roots opponents on hit.
Wall - Deals bonus damage to units with low health.
Brush - Leaves a stealth trail that gives movement speed.
W - Terrashape
Targeting an element, Qiyana dashes forward to gather its power. While enchanted, she gains movement speed near the element, attack speed, and bonus damage
E - Audacity
Qiyana dashes a fixed distance towards a target, dealing damage to them.
R - Supreme Display of Talent
Qiyana creates a shockwave, knocking back enemies. Any River, Brush, or Wall hit by the shockwave then explodes dealing damage and briefly stunning enemies.