Epic Space Online #HO


¿Es divertido el juego?


Esta muy verde, divertir a mi me divierte pero sinceramente para gastarse pasta no esta.

1 1 respuesta

#122 ¿Tira mucho de gráfica?

1 respuesta

#123 Para nada, son graficos de hace dos décadas quizás si me apuras de hace tres xD, el juego esta totalmente en 2d.

1 respuesta

#124 Es que el concepto de juego me gusta mucho, perdón por preguntar tanto 3 preguntas más.

¿Le ves futuro?

¿Es díficil de aprender a jugar?

¿Esta balanceado?

Pregunto tanto porque quiero saber en que gasto el dinero jaja


-Futuro sinceramente no le veo mucho futuro, no te voy a mentir, pese a que meten parches con bastante frecuencia, el juego esta verde no lo siguiente y la gente al final tirara a lo de siempre, mas teniendo EVE por un lado y ED y SC por otro.

-Si pilotas un pelin ingles no es muy difícil, vamos hay una buena guía en sus foros lo primero es subir a level 20 e ir buscando basura por el espacio, pillar una nave decente (buscándola por el espacio) y montarte tu propia estación para craftear y hacer cosillas, el juego no es gran cosa pero tiene un noseque que a mi me mola aunque apenas entro a jugar, mas después de montarme mi estación y que no pueda tocar nada porque tiene que ser el líder de la guild el que lo haga es una mierda xD.

-Balanceado no he vsito nada de pvp de momento no sabría decirte, el juego ya te digo que es entretenido y divertido pero esta muy muy verde pero verde, por 13 pavos que lo consegui yo pues a mi me ha aportado diversión mas ahora que no se a lo que jugar pero vamos, si no vas sobrado de pasta yo no lo compraría te soy sincero. Yo estoy pelado y sin un duro también te lo digo pero esos 13 euros me han entretenido bastantes semanas y llevo sin comprar ocio electrónico meses (lo ultimo que he comprado ha sido el SC y soy original backer ya diría que años mas que meses xD) ysi van mejorando las cosas ire volviendo de vez en cuando a jugarlo, total no tiene cuotas, pero vamos no se hasta que punto te puede divertir o entretener a ti.

1 1 respuesta

#126 Gracias por todo ahora solo me queda reflexionar, pero creo que de momento no lo comprare, la falta de futuro y de pvp me echan hacía atras.

1 mes después

Alguna noticia nueva de este juego? Lo actualizan con regularidad? Están bien los cambios que están introduciendo?


Kranick me tomó para que lo comprase y todavía no ha jugado conmigo : c

1 respuesta

#129 no voy contigo ni a por billetes de 5 euros.

1 mes después

actualizacion bastante maja, otras 40 horas que le meto :P


We're still finalizing War Games and shortly thereafter we'll be adding the Karatsu and LRTS (Long Range Transport Ship) to the primary universe. This update introduces a massive overhaul to the Infinite Universe Server and changes a number of important features based on player feedback. As usual, bugs can be submitted on the Alpha Co forums for merits.

Missions Disabled
Missions have been turned off while we take a more detailed look at the system and how it impacts the economy. Pilots are free to submit proposals on the newly designed petitions interface. Link is below.

Improvements to the Economy
There will now be Alliance buy orders available for any in game item at varying prices. So there should be no reason to hold onto items you don't need in your station's cargo hold. Check the Market interface on your PDA or on your Account page for more information.

Crafting - No Minimum rank requirement
Craft anything, with no limitations. If you have the parts and a space station, you should have everything you need to begin crafting any type of item. Pilots still receive various bonuses based on HT Level and station type.

Galaxy Map Updated
The galaxy map has been improved to better show pilots the direction they should be travelling to a destination. Keep in mind the map only shows "The Core". Everything out side of this zone is uncharted. Don't forget, you can also use the Galaxy Map out of game, we've included the parameters in the url below:

Loot Rarity
Loot comes in 5 separate color coded categories. You'll also receive better quality loot when scanning with a higher HT Level. This a very in depth game play change, you can find more information here: http://news.epicspace.net/Important-Changes-to-the-upcoming-War-Game-Update.html

Radar 2.0
The Radar system has been revamped and combined with the scanner. In space, hit the "RDR" icon to start scanning your current sector. When you encounter a contact, hit the contact's name on the right hand side of your Hud to begin scanning it for loot. Only celestial objects will yield loot. HT Rank increases your scanning range up to a maximum of 3km.

Improvements to Mining
Mining is now tied to the radar system. After an object has been detected, scan it, then select the "HARVEST" option to begin mining. The process will continue until the celestial object has no more health or you have no more cargo space.

Important changes to the Scanner
The Scanner and Radar have been combined into one single device and are automatically available on all ships. Increasing your HT Level increases the radar's range up to a maximum of 8km and the scanner's range up to 3km. Your scan range will always be half of your Radar range. (Minimum 1km).

Player Petition System
A place for pilots to submit petitions to the Epic Space development team. Currently only Beta testers can submit, vote, and comment on petitions. See the new petition system here: https://www.epicspace.net/account/petitions.php

Hud Change: Speed / Heading
Heading and speed now appear on the lower right of the Hud. As a result, the heading and speed indicators no longer appear near the ship and fade in and out as before. Note: This part of the hud will most likely be covered by the Steam Overlay unless you have this disabled.

Cannot disassemble ship if it contains cargo.
Used to be a great way to massively destroy items, not anymore... sorry.

Improved Full Screen Support
You can toggle full screen on or off in the PDA. The game will remember the next time you run it.

Market Interface
Items are now listed by distance from the player's current location.

Master Server overhaul
The net code for the master server has been completely redesigned for optimization and to better support upcoming expansions. We do expect to encounter problems while we test these changes during this phase of the Beta. The great news is that players will now be notified in game if we plan to initiate a server shutdown for maintenance purposes. This will also give pilots ample time to dock and tie up loose ends.

Have a Steam Key
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. NC0MX-NK27C-J3I38 lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Ship and Station Wreckage
When a station or ship has been destroyed, there will be wreckage left behind that contains a small percentage of the target's cargo.

Combat Log
A list of events involving your ship or faction is now visible on the My Account page.

War Games Status
We took a different approach with War Games for the sake of simplicity. Most of which couldn't go into effect until the server overhaul was complete. This expansion is now due on or before Release 10.

Upon launch the following will be in effect:
Only High and Low Stakes Team Deathmatch games with 8 and 16 player servers will be available.
Low stakes will have a buy-in of 100 credits whereas high stakes will have a buy-in of 1k.
You need only be in the server and on a team at the conclusion of the final round to be eligible for your cut of the jackpot.
Purchasing extra ammo, ships, and health increases the amount in the pot.
If you don't have the necessary credits to buy into a game, you'll need to sell loot you've discovered in the primary universe.

We need to spend a development cycle updating the Red Wiki[wiki.epicspace.net] with the recent changes before we release the first rendition of War Games.

Restart Steam to grab this update. More information is forthcoming.


La verdad es que el juego me pico en su dia pero ya no me motiva volver xD

1 respuesta

#132 pos yo le voy a meter unas cuantas horas mas, me voy a fabricar una nave de esas que ya se puede creo xD


Es una gran idea de juego. Si la explotan bien, puede tener muchas posibilidades. Pero me da a mí que se duermen un poco en los laureles...

1 respuesta

#134 Le queda muchísimo desde luego yo lo tengo en la recamara me jodio bastante no poder controlar mi estación al estar metido en la guild y lo abandone xD

2 meses después

Que tal esta el juego ahora? sigue estando super verde? lo han abandonado o siguen sacando parches? merece la pena?

1 año después

ahora el epic space es en 3D haha xD por si lo quereis probar los que lo teneis.

para jugar es simplemente descargar el cliente de steam y os dara la opcion de epic space 3D.

1 respuesta

#137 Oye pues no pinta nada mal xd

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