Escape From Tarkov #HG | Una mezcla rusa de MMO y FPS

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#89 O DayZ.


Dear players, we've put together another FAQ with most important questions related to the game pre-orders.
We would like to remind you that Escape from Tarkov is NOT a Free-to-play project. There will be NO microtransactions. You will only pay once in order to buy the game.
Q: When will the game be released on Steam?
A: Some time after the game release with our own platform.
Q: Could you please tell us a rough date of the Alpha test, so we could understand, should we buy packs with Alpha test now?
A: First quarter of 2016.
Q: Will alpha and beta tests be conducted in Steam or in a separate game client?
A: Separate game client.
Q: Do you mean that if I didn’t pre-order the game, I won’t have access to the Beta?
A: You have a chance to gain access to the Beta, if you subscribed to the site news through the Sign Up form.
Pre-order provides guaranteed access to the Beta test.
Q: I would like to preorder the game, but what are the system requirements?
A: System requirements will be published early next year, in the beginning of January. Please stay tuned for updates.
Q: If I preorder after the beta has started, do I still have guaranteed access?
A: You will get access to be beta if it will still be underway.
Q: When will you start to give away beta-test access?
A: Giveaway of the Beta-testing access will start when we will announce the date of Beta-testing.
Q: Are we going to be able to buy all the packs with bonuses after the game release?
A: No, after release there will be other packs, with lesser bonuses.
Q: How long will limited edition pack be available? When is the last day, when we could buy it?
A: Limited edition will be available for 2-3 months.
Q: Will there be Alpha / Beta tests for Mac?
A: Sure, after the PC release.
Q: Tell me please, after Alpha and Beta tests are over, will the price of the game be lowered?
A: Possibly, the game will have discount right after release.
Q: Will the game be accessible through Steam on Alpha/Beta stage? Or is it first test, then release on Steam? If the latter, will it be possible to link the game account to my Steam account?
A: Yes, there will be testing in Steam. As for the linking of game account to Steam account, the details are still unknown, however, the client version of the game will be played on the same servers as the Steam version.
Q: Will there be a retail edition of the game?
A: Yes, there will be retail edition.
Q: Can you plese tell if there is going to be a Collector’s Edition/Gift Box set of the game, when can we expect it, and how much will it approximately cost?
A: There will be a Collector’s/Gift edition after the game release, along with the regular retail version, but the price is not yet determined.
Q: Is this the final price?
A: Yes.
Q: Does it matter if i register my account in USA and buy the game in Europe?
A: It does matter, the region of purchase is the region where the game will work.
Q: What happens if we pre-order and then something happens like the game never shipping and or getting done?
A: You can get a refund for your pre-order.
Q: Is there going to be a planned progress wipe, and, if yes, on what testing stage?
A: There will be progress wipes on both alpha and beta stage but, of course, players who pre-ordered the game, will come to release with their respective equipment sets.
Q: What is a unique in-game ID?
A: A unique symbol before the username, unique appearance of the player card and, probably, a unique player appearance (face or head).
Q: What is unique secure container for?
A: You can use it to store items you don’t want to lose in case of death in the raid.
Q: What additional equipment and resources will be there in a stash?
A: The exact contents is yet to be determined, but it will contain food, medical supplies, ammo, weapon parts and trading items.
Q: How is large field backpack different from the standard one?
A: It has more inventory slots.
Q: Tactical combat tomahawk is just another melee weapon skin, or it is somehow different from the standard melee weapon?
A: It is different. All melee weapons in the game are different and have their own unique characteristics.
Q: Better standing with all traders, what does it mean?
A: Traders will treat you better, offer better prices and a larger selection of goods.
Q: More money at the start is how much more, exactly?
A: 2-3 times more than in standard edition.
Q: Giant stash size is 10x60, but how large is the standard stash?
A: The standard stash is 10х20.
Q: Improved starting equipment and inventory, what is the difference from the standard one?
A: Standard set of equipment will be given to those who buy the game after its release. It contains a limited quantity of some basic items. E.g., the standard set will contain 1 PM mag, and improved set will contain 2 mags and a box of ammo.
Q: How early is the early unlock will be available before the official release?
A: 3 to 10 days.
Q: I wonder if the more expensive editions are worth it? What is the point of enhanced starting inventory if I can lose it all in the very first firefight?
A: Although it is possible to lose everything, but only if you take everything with you, without leaving anything in the stash, which is not physically possible.
Q: Are we able to upgrade the stash later, or is it an pre-order feature only?
A: It is possible to improve the ingame stash in time if the necessary conditions are met.
Sincerely, Battlestate Games developer team.


Lo de los Dlc's me tiene intrigado ... no dicen nada :(
Como introduces Dlc's en un MMO / fps survival ? Historia ? Complicado si se supone que es survival "open world "

Si alguno sabe ruso estaria bien ver lo que dicen en sus foros

1 respuesta

Todos hablando de la edicion de 100 pavos.. yo no veo el problema, como si son 5000, comprar el juego esta a 35 euros, yo me cabrearia mas si estuviese a 60 pavos como algunos y no tener una edicion de 100 que no voy a comprar.

El juego tiene buena pinta, ya veremos en que queda y que los dlcs sean tonterias cosmeticas y skin.. :wtf:


A mi para lo que han enseñado en esos escuetos gameplays, siendo el primer juego da la empresa y siendo la empresa de rusos me parece que aún comprando la edición más barata es como tirarse a una piscina de cabeza sin saber si hay agua.


Me he registrado para la BETA y dice que puedo ver el estado en mi perfil pero no me puedo loguear porque me pedian una constraseña al registrarme :psyduck:


#93 es que yo creo, y lo dije varias páginas atrás, que muchos se están pensando que esto es un juego parecido al DayZ y no tiene pinta...
Yo por lo que he entendido de la info y vídeos que han sacado, es que este juego es un juego singleplayer y luego su modo online es un PvP puro en mapas pequeños, a lo Survarium, sin más.

Pero por aquí algunos ven un multijugador de supervivencia en mapas enormes a lo DayZ, H1Z1, Rust...

3 1 respuesta

Pues si , tiene toda la pinta .

No se por que me imaginaria algo tipo DayZ o si acaso Mapas medianos instanciados

1 respuesta

#97 #98 Vamos, que el vídeo que puse yo en #76 o no se lo ha visto nadie o no habéis prestado atención al mismo :psyduck:

Los mapas serán de 18 km cuadrados. Habrá 60 jugadores en el mapa. Sí, es online. El modo historia transcurrirá dentro de ese online. Es PvE mezclado con PvP.


Yo de momento me abstengo de hacer preorder hasta no ver el juego en beta o hasta su posible salida final en Steam.Ya me an dado bastante gato por liebre con los early y mas aun con los rusos (Warz,Survarium,etc).

Aun así el sistema de inventario y el gameplay mostrados pintan como el juego que siempre quise.Ahora solo falta saber si sera mundo abierto a lo Dayz o similares o bien si sera por zonas o mapas como cualquier fps.De cualquier forma si el juego tiene buen rendimiento,y incluyen todo lo que prometen podría ser un pelotazo.

Me gustaría que un juego de este calibre tuviera la acogida de Star Citizen y que se haga mas y mas grande (en futuras actualizaciones o expansiones) e intergeneracional.

1 respuesta

#100 Tienes la respuesta un post mas arriba :psyduck: :psyduck:

2 1 respuesta

#101 Las respuestas ya las leí en su momento.Yo hasta que no lo vea en el juego implementado no me creo nada.Aun me encuentro esperado el modo PVE en Survarium.


New pack of answers for your questions.

  • we remind you that site now have new section ABOUT, where you can find some more information about the game.
    Q: I have signed up to the beta test, how and when will I know if I’m invited?
    A: You will receive a letter with invitation to join Beta as soon as it starts.
    Q: Will there be any closed beta draft criteria? If I make it to beta, will I have to buy the game after release?
    A: There are no criteria for selecting players for beta, but we will gather the player statistics. If you got into closed beta by signing up on the website, you will be provided with a free test version; however, after the testing ends, you will have to buy the game to continue playing.
    Q: Will the Beta be available after the game release?
    A: No.
    Q: Will there be a bug report system in beta?
    A: Of course, there will be one.
    Q: Will the game feature explosives, beside grenades and under-barrel grenade launchers?
    A: We are also going to include mines and rocket propelled grenade launchers with antipersonnel charges and mines
    Q: Will there be a PvE in the game?
    A: Yes, basically, most of the Scavs encounters are PvE.
    Q: Will Scavs be playable?
    A: Yes
    Q: Can I gather loot when playing as Scav?
    A: Yes
    Q: In that case, isn’t there a risk that everyone will play as Scav instead?
    A: No, since playing as Scav is, ultimately, harder, as you won’t be able to choose starting equipment, and the number of playable Scavs on the raid location is limited.
    Q: How large will locations be?
    A: The Free Roam location will be 16 sq. km..
    Q: Will the game be available in English?
    A: Yes
    Q: Will the game be PC-exclusive or there is going to be a console release as well?
    A: We are considering a release on consoles, however, the game is “PC first”, there is going to be no feature compromise.
    Q: How the third-person view will be used in the game?
    A: We are probably going to make separate servers with third-person as an option.
    Q: Will the game allow adding player mods, player quests, raids, etc?
    A: For the most part, no, since it is an online game. However, we favor the idea of letting players add their own items, as long as they pass our check and get approved.
    Q: How will the reputation system work? How do you plan to avoid the game turning into yet another “douchebag simulator”?
    A: We have prepared an extended separate material on this, please stay tuned for updates.
    Q: Do you intend to do a live stream to dissolve the “pre-render” septicism?
    A: Certainly.
    Q: Will there a be a Steam Greenlight announcement, and when?
    A: Yes, as soon as the Beta is ready.
    Q: Will we be able to make our own hidden drops?
    A: Yes, but within raid session only.
    Q: Will there be any kind of free-running in the game? Maybe mounting obstacles higher than character or cutting chain-link fences?
    A: Nothing of that sort was planned so far.
    Q: How will the PC and console versions differ in terms of graphics?
    A: It’s still a bit early to talk consoles, but the PC graphics quality will obviously be higher.
    Q: Will there be radios, comms interception, binoculars?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Are there going to be narrative videos, as in some other projects?
    A: Yes, there are going to be pre-scenario engine-based cinematics.
    Q: Do you plan to include stationary heavy weapons?
    A: We’re considering it.
    Q: How will the maps be limited and what obstacles will keep the character from escaping the city?
    A: Roadblocks, minefields, snipers, slashings etc.
    Q: Does weapon modding and maintenance require tools? Will the weapons have an operating resource?
    A: Yes, you will need a repair kit for maintenance and a multitool for some of the modding. The weapons will have a durability resource, it will deteriorate both physically and visually.
    Q: In a huge city like Tarkov there are bound to be some banks, are we going to be able to rob them?
    A: Yes, there will be one of the TARBANK branches.
    Q: Is there going to be a subway as separate location?
    A: We can’t tell about subways yet.
    Q: Are you going to continue working with "Main Road | Post" studio?
    A: Yes.
    Q: How many weapons can I take with me into the raid?
    A: One on the belt, one on the back, pistol in a holster, knife in a scabbard. You can also take a small-sized weapon in your backpack.
    Q: Are you going to post some game developer video blogs or you will keep everything in secret until the release?
    A: Yes, we will certainly make some developer diaries later.
    Q: You were saying that weapons will jam if deteriorated, will this happen to the gun mods?
    A: Yes, this is also planned.
    Q: How do you eat in this game? Are there going to be safe zones, where you can eat?
    A: There will be no safe zones at the game locations, you will be safe only outside of the raid.So you will have to eat carefully.
    Q: Players will manage their own prices for the items, don’t you think that this will make some items incredibly cheap?
    A: This is economy and this is how it works in real life. If the item is cheap, then it is widespread enough to be cheap.
    Q: Is there going to be an animation of the healing?
    A: Possibly.
    Q: Will there be a map? Are we going to able put markers on the map?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Are we going to be able to paint our weapons or put some stickers?
    A: There will be patterns and paint to paint your weapons with camouflages.
    Q: Will the playable character model move its head to look around?
    A: We do plan to make the head movement control.
    Q: Will there be a way to interrupt the reloading of another player if we shoot him in the hand?
    A: We haven’t thought of that… yet.
    Q: Is there going to be level destruction?
    A: The levels and level elements will be destructible to a certain extent, but we don’t promise total destruction.
    Q: Will weapon deteriorate over time and how will it affect weapon?
    A: It will affect its stats negatively, it will jam and misfire more often, and fall to all other sorts of trouble.
    Q: Will different weapons have different durability?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Will game have standing / crouch / lying positions?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Are we going to fire from the cover? Can we blindly fire from cover?
    A: Yes, this is planned.
    Q: Are we going to “stick” to covers?
    A: Most definitely, there will be no sticking to cover.
    Q: Is there an ability to customize gear for your own needs? Will it affect gameplay?
    A: Yes. It will affect accessibility of mags to reload your weapon (only mags that stored in the vest and pockets are counted). Also we plan to make a vest editor for MOLLE system based vests.
    Q: How does the player damage system works?
    A: There will be no regeneration. There will be bleedings, fractures, pain shocks and so on - you will have to treat it all with special medical items, apply them to the damaged parts, watch for side effects and so on.
    Q: Is there going to be any checkpoints?
    A: No, there will be no checkpoints - it is online game.
    Q: Will our progress and loot be saved if we will survive?
    A: Everything that you’ve gained during the raid, will be yours, if you will leave the raid location alive.
    Q: How does the loot items look like in the game? How, where and at which conditions it will spawn?
    A: There will be loot of various rareness and it will spawn at locations at different places, in containers. Specific loot will spawn at specific locations (facility, center of the city). Rare loot items will spawn at places, where no one looked, (hard to access places, closed rooms and so on). For each raid, lootable items are being generated over again.
    Q: How random will the story-essential loot be? Will there any particular place where we can easily spot it?
    A: The loot of this kind will always switch the spawn locations and discovery conditions (e.g. door access codes).
    Q: Will there be rare or even unique items in game - weapons, equipment, etc - with a low chance of finding?
    A: Yes.
    Q: We would like to know more about the Arena game mode. You said it will be like gladiator fights. Just how similar it will be to the gladiator fights?
    A: There will be various arena modes, but the main arena fight will allow you to pick any equipment, with previously taking a look at your enemy (if there is a possibility). For the most part, it will be 1 vs 1 fights to death on a closed arena.
    Q: Do you plan to include weapons like bow and crossbow?
    A: We don’t plan to include bow and crossbow.
    Q: Is there a chance to meet pack of wild dogs in the Free-roam location?
    A: Possibly.
    Q: Will the game world be based on one server? If yes, will it be international? Or there is going to be some subdivision?
    A: There will be numerous game servers (one for every raid/free roam). There is going to be no national filtering, only ping and player level will matter.
    Q: Can the internal clan/squad member comms (e.g. over radio) be overheard by other players at some particular distance?
    A: Yes, we are planning to have the extended radio management - frequency search, loop bearing, scrambling, etc.
    Q: It would be great to learn more about the clan system, will there be any sort of base-building?
    A: No base building is planned at this time, but there is going to be a detailed clan management system.
    Q: How are things going with ingame bullet ballistics?
    A: The game has completely realistic ballistic model, as well as the damage model.
    Q: Do you plan to add transport?
    A: At this moment - no.
    Q: Is there going to be VR support?
    A: Possibly.
    Q: Will there be some sort of a death penalty? For instance, necessity to heal critical wounds or skill reset?
    A: Yes, you will have to do healing, but the skills won’t be reset.
    Q: Will all the modifications be installed on a separate screen? Or there is going to be capability of changing some of the elements on the go?
    A: Some easy-to -use mods can be applied on the go, however, an in-depth modification will only available outside the raid.
    Q: Are you planning to add some sort of firing range?
    A: Possibly.
    Q: After completing the story location, will it still have timer?
    A: Yes, there will still be timer.
    Q: Are you going to make DLC’s for the Free-roam location?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Where can I preorder the game?
    A: At our official website:
    Q: Is there going to be an option to buy game not in Steam?
    A: At first we will sell the game at our site, before releasing it on Steam.
    Q: After all of the planned projects are done (and successful), do you plan to buy rights for STALKER and develop it?
    A: No. We haven’t thought of that.
    Q: Is there some sort of PR mail, where we could contact you for some sort of partnership?
    A: [email protected]
2 comentarios moderados

Requisitos de Hardware temporales:

Dear players, we are announcing APPROXIMATE system requirements of Escape from Tarkov.
During tests game will be optimized, so by the release system requirements may change, but not that much.
If you have system which is lower than listed requirements, it doesn't mean that the game won't work.
And again, this is just approximate system requirements.
OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 Bit)
Processor:dual-core processor 2.4 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo, i3), 2.6 GHz (AMD Athlon, Phenom II)
Graphics Card: DX9 compatible graphics card with 1 GB memory
Sound: DirectX compatible audio card
Network: permanent connection to the Internet
Disk space: from 8 GB
OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 Bit)
Processor: quad-core processor 3.2 GHz (Intel i5, i7), от 3.6 GHz (AMD FX, Athlon)
RAM: from 8 GB
Graphics Card: DX11 compatible graphics card with 2 GB or more of memory
Sound: DirectX compatible audio card
Network: permanent connection to the Internet

1 respuesta

#106 Pues no piden muchisimo.... o eso parece al menos xD


Después de ver lo optimizado que salen los early de empresas independientes de software, prefiero mantener mi cartera a salvo.

El juego tiene una pinta cojonuda, pero ya me se el cuento de te vendo 3 videos y luego cuando lo juegas te dan arcadas.

1 respuesta

#108 No eres el único que lo piensa.


A mi la pinta del juego me parece genial, un buen survival sin zombies, aunque en los que hay actualmente el menor de los problemas son los zombies pero bueno...
Lo único que para una early me parece caro el precio. No se los estudios de marketing que hacen y tal pero desde mi punto de vista creo que es mejor vender 30 a 10 que 10 a 30... Ojo, no tengo ni p*** idea de marketing, pero es algo que siempre he pensado, si quieres dinero "facil" no pongas cosas muy caras.

De momento mi cartera esperará y si me toca para la beta y me gusta cae.

1 respuesta

#110 No están vendiendo early access. Te venden el juego completo cuando salga y más posibilidades de participar en la beta si has pagado (o granted access si pagas lo suficiente) o en la alpha, pero no es lo mismo que sacar un early access como el DayZ y pedir pasta por él, en este tienes posibilidades de probarlo sin que haga falta pagar, aunque solo sea la beta y no la alpha.

2 respuestas

#111 dayz también te vende el juego y si quieres juegas desde la fase alpha.... Ah y sin cobrarte 60€ para tener un poco de ventaja sobre otros playera.

Ya veremos cuanta y que gente lo va poder probar sin pagar.

1 1 respuesta

#111 El "Guaranteed access to closed beta" lo tienes desde la edición mas barata.Y yo pienso como #112 a saber cuando es esa beta y la de "gente" que podrá probarla.Lo de "gente" va por que seguro que el 90% serán youtubers de mierda y no los que realmente les harían ganar pasta con el juego.

Si quieren hacer las cosas bien deberían de garantizar el acceso alpha offline a todo el mundo de manera gratuita para probar el motor de juego,la IA,sistema de inventario,etc en un mapa de 1 Km o así con algo de historia,algo que le diga a la gente por donde va la cosa o incluso dar esa opción pagando el pack mas barato.Luego para los que mas paguen podrían dar acceso a alpha con acceso a multi limitado a X jugadores simultáneos.Y ya en beta dar acceso multi al resto para ir probando la estabilidad de los servidores.

Es que sin hacer nada de eso siendo una empresa completamente desconocida es como lanzarse a una piscina sin saber si tiene agua dentro.Yo ya me canse de hacer de conejillo de indias.

1 1 respuesta

#113 Aun me acuerdo de la gente que defendia a capa y espada el Survarium. Que hasta me decian que por gente como yo (que odia los early access y me parecen un timo) no salen juegos buenos...

Hasta que no vea que vaya a tener futuro no pongo ni un duro ni medio.

1 respuesta

#114 Yo fui de los que apoye Survarium y me arrepiento terriblemente.Aun ando esperando ese supuesto PVE...



Nada interesante salvo que la alpha sera en febrero y la beta tal vez en marzo.

Hello dear users!
We receive a lot of similar questions to our email. That's why we have decided to answer some of them right here and now.

  • Can you give us a hint, when the alpha test is going to start?
    Alpha test, as well as the beta test, is planned for first quarter of 2016. We plan to start Alpha testing in February. We will announce the exact date when we are absolutely sure of it.

  • When we will be able to pre-order the game in Steam? And if I pre-order the game through your website, how do I activate it? Is it through your own launcher?
    Pre-order in Steam is unavailable.
    At first, game will be available through our launcher, with digital key activations. Keys will be sent via email to those who have pre-ordered / bought the game. Considering the connection to Steam, we are still working on it, but we don't guarantee that you will be able to play with your account in Steam.

  • Can we record the CBT gameplay for Youtube?
    Yes, you can do that. However, during alpha tests publication of any materials is strictly forbidden, accounts who will leak materials will be banned.

  • I saw that EFT is being sold on other sites. Is this a fraud?
    Yes, you can't buy Escape from Tarkov anywhere except our official site. We don't sell or give the keys to any third-party websites or persons.

  • When we will be able to upgrade the purchased packages? Can I buy the top edition before the Alpha?
    We are working on it, upgrades will be available soon. You will be able to buy the top edition before Alpha starts, that's for sure.


¿Que engine lleva?

Para ir viendo que va a necesitar.

"alpha sera en febrero y la beta tal vez en marzo."

1 respuesta

#118 Eso es lo que entiendo yo de su comunicado.Y aunque pueda parecer raro otras compañías lo hacen así de seguido.Tienes el ejemplo de Ubisifot con The division,que su beta esta al caer.

El juego esta programado en Unity 5.

1 respuesta

#119 Si pero esta compañia es independiente, no es una gran compañia como Ubisoft

Disculpa que ponga en duda una compañia que esta haciendo su primer juego y la lanza en modo de early access.

1 respuesta

Usuarios habituales
