Escape From Tarkov #HG | Una mezcla rusa de MMO y FPS

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:pill: Discord oficial Hispano
:key2: Merluso
:bell: Tarkovitas
:low_brightness: BAX


#120 No te tienes que disculpar por nada.Si lees mis anteriores comentarios yo estoy en el mismo dilema que tu.

Solo vengo por aquí a actualizar lo nuevo que se va cociendo.

1 respuesta

#121 Yo no pongo en duda tus palabras, si no la de ellos.



vamos que no se fía ni dios.
Pero es normal, después de las chapuzas/estafas que hemos sufrido en estos últimos años,...


De momento si lleva Unity 5 tiene mi sello de que puede de que al menos salga optimizado.

Estaremos atentos.

1 1 respuesta

#124 Espero que no se quede solo en Dx12 y use también Vulkan.




Mas preguntas y respuestas.

Third pack of answers for your questions!
We remind you that Alpha test is planned for February of 2016.
And Beta test is planned for first quarter of 2016.
Q: How large is the arsenal going to be?
A: Large enough. USSR/Russian-made weapons will predominate for the obvious reasons, but there will be plenty of guns from the rest of the world as well. Weapons will also be regularly added after the game release.
Q. What types of weapons will be the most common?
A: Depends on the location. The rule of thumb here, however, is that weapons do not appear scattered around the map for no good reason. The easiest way is to buy or barter it with traders.
Q: How does the spawning system work? Is there a chance that oldies will stalk the spawning locations?
A: There is no respawn, you only get one life for the raid. Initial spawn at the raid beginning will be equidistant from other players. Stalking the locations is impossible, as all PMC operators spawn at the same time.
Q: How does penetration of equipment and human body work?
A: It is based on a physical model. Penetration may vary by the type of the bullet. The bullet can pass clear through, split or deflect after penetration of obstacle. The same goes for human body.
Q: What size are the secure containers?
A: Different. From 1x2 to 3x3 slots, maybe even 3x4.
Q: Are there going to be female characters?
A: No female characters are planned.
Q: What kind of data will be there in the player card beside the username?
A: Effective results, level, experience-based classification and various other stats.
Q: Can traders be in conflict with each other? Will they accept only specific goods or everything at all?
A: Yes, if you buy from one trader, some other trader might not like it, and they all may have personal and business level conflicts with each other. Every trader is unique - he buys and sells a particular range of goods and provides specific services.
Q: What kind of missions will traders give?
A: Various tasks related to acquiring data. searching for items, contract kills, location discoveries, etc.
Q: Does this mean the Free Roam will be expanded? Will there be more raids? DLCs?
A: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Can I see dirt on the weapons? Or deformed slugs that failed to penetrate the vest?
A: The weapons will visually deteriorate, so the dirt and scratches will be visible. No deformed slugs in the vest, though.
Q: Will we be able to see the character’s body?
A: Yes.
Q: Can the weapon be destroyed if hit by a bullet?
A: Haven’t thought about it yet.
Q: On character death - can the player return into the same raid location where he died? Can he recover the equipment from the cor[se, provided, of course, that it wasn’t looted by anyone else?
A: No, return to the same raid instance is impossible.
Q: If the group loses a fighter in the raid, can he rejoin it, or they will have to carry on with irrecoverable casualties? In the latter case, can they pick up his equipment (provided that situation allows it) to return it?
A: KIA operator can’t return to the group until next raid. His weapons and equipment can be picked up as usual.
Q: What is the Free-roam going to be? On death, the lobby is loaded, and I will have to choose equipment from stash again, is that right?
A: Yes, that is related to scenario progress.
Q: Please tell me if I was right in my guess that there is one stash for all game modes and it is accessed from the game menu?
A: Correct.
Q: Let’s suppose I got lucky in the raid and got out alive with a rare weapon. Can I place it in the stash to later use it in the Free-roam?
A: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Will I lose loot if I die in the Arena mode?
A: Yes.
Q: Regarding the exchange of items within clan or group - will there be a common clan stash outside of the raid mode? Can the group exchange items within the raid?
A: Yes, there will be a common clan stash. Group member can exchange items by removing them from inventory and picking them up.
Q: Will the player limits be different in the story mode and freeroam mode?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the current player limit at this moment?
A: Right now it’s 12 PMC operators in the scenario mode. This and the number of playable Scavs is yet to be determined by tests.
Q: Will there be a spawn system like “get in where you got out”?
A: No, both raid and free roam can only be exited in the specified spots.
Q: Considering FPS and TPS, what will the main mode be?
A: FPS. TPS will be a rare thing, only turned on separate servers with no progress save.
Q: How about strafing? Will the sidestep shooting be restricted somehow?
A: No artificial restrictions; however, accuracy will plunge due to high weapon oscillation.
Q: Will the game be optimized for SLI/Crossfire?
A: Tests will show.
Q: What will the stash look like?
A: Stash is a set of slots that can be used as an out-of-combat warehouse, i.e. in the menu/lobby.
Q: How will the friend-or-foe system be implemented? Will the allies have any marker if you play with friends?
A: Maybe we’ll show them on the map.
Q: How will the blood pressure affect the character?
A: Duration and severity of bleeding, headaches.
Q: Will we be able to move bodies?
A: That was not planned.
Q: How will the voice commands like “Hello” / “Need help” be implemented? Is there such thing in the game at all?
A: We plan to do a separate command menu.
Q: Will the game have gestures?
A: Probably.
Q: Beside knife and the tomahawk, will there be any other melee weapons in the game, and, maybe, even a trenching spade?
A: There will be several types of knives, and maybe a trench spade as well.
Q: Can the doors be kicked down or unlocked by shooting the lock down?
A: Just as the first action video shows, the doors can be kicked down, and shooting locks is planned as well.
Q: Can we make the copies of the keys?
A: That’s an interesting idea, maybe.
Q: Will the character be able to swim, climb trees or ropes?
A: We haven’t planned anything like this, except maybe for swimming some time in the future.
Q: Is there a possibility to encounter neutral civilians who failed to evacuate?
A: Maybe, but not just yet.
Q: What kind of small living things are planned?
A: Birds.
Q: Beside auctions and trading, will there be any kind of free-of charge donation of items?
A: No, but they can be exchanged/given by dropping.
Q: Will the developers manage the trading prices in any way?
A: The market will have its way all the same, so we do not intend to tamper with prices.
Q: How many people can the clan or group have?
A: There won’t be tight restrictions on clan size, but the raid group can have up to 5 fighters in it.
Q: Will the clans or groups be tied to factions?
A: Most probably there will be several types of clans, faction-wise.
Q: Are the alliances between groups and clans possible?
A: This is still under discussion.
Q: Will the game feature any old, WWII weapons?
A: Some. For now, we plan SKS, SVT and TT.
Q: Can we somehow customize the character appearance, along with equipment? Camo, maybe?
A: Maybe.
Q: What will happen if the player is disconnected from the server? Does he die or return to base with all loot and experience?
A: He stays on the server. If he does not reconnect, he can be killed or simply won’t have the time to find an exit.
Q: Can I acquire everything that is mentioned in the pre-order packs in the game, by myself?
A: Partially.
Q: Can I lose all equipment from the pre-order pack in the game?
A: Yes, certainly.
Q: Will there be paired mags (with clip-on or duct tape)?
A: Most probably.
Q: How is the account security implemented?
A: We are considering the phone number-based authentication and launch control (if you launch the game from a new device or from new IP, you will have to enter a code).
Q: Will the clothes wear out?
A: No.
Q: Will the different scenarios have different player limit?
A: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Can we join the ongoing scenario, or do we always start at the beginning?
A: Only Scavs can join in midgame.
Q: We know about three playable factions. Will there be more in the future?
A: No.
Q: Will there be a pain shock in the game?
A: Yes.
Q: Will there be any kind of interaction between players and Scavs?
A: Playable Scavs have the same interaction abilities as the PMCs, and you can reason with them. However, NPC Scavs are always hostile.
Q: Will there be a limit for Scav spawn on the location? E.g. kill 10 Scavs and you’re relatively safe.
A: The limits will be determined by location.
Q: Will there be a demo or an open beta?
A: No demo, but there will be an open beta.
Q: Free access to DLCs in the Edge of Darkness Edition means free DLCs for life, or expirable season pass?
A: Free DLCs forever.
Q: Can I heal other players?
A: You can give them a medkit.
Q: If I lose everything I had late in the game, what do I do?
A: It’s virtually impossible to use everything, if you resort to secure containers and insurance services.
Q: Will there be any bonuses for the most active testers?
A: Quite probably.
Q: Are flashlights and laser designators turned on by separate keys?
A: Correct.
Q: What about tripwires, can we make them?
A: We are considering it.
Q: Will the food supplies spoil?
A: Not yet.
Q: Can a hit in the grenade in player’s tactical vest cause explosion?
A: No.
Q: Can we get to the Norvinsk?
A: No.
Q: Can we shoot the weapon out of enemies’ hands?
A: We haven’t planned that.
Q: Can we damage the weapon by shooting it when the character holds it or it just lies on the ground?
A: No.
Q: Will there be any natural disasters that will influence the story progress (phenomenal heat waves, for instance)?
A: No disasters were planned, but the game will have the weather changes.


Abierto el foro oficial del juego

1 respuesta

Una estimación del tamaño que tendrá su mapa.Se supone que irán aumentándolo con el tiempo

2 respuestas

#129 vaya yo creo que entendí mal lo del mapa en su momento. Habría jurado que iba a haber varios mapas muy grandes pero individuales.

No esta mal el tamaño para ir empezando supongo :)

1 respuesta

#130 Por lo que he leído en alguna entrevista se ve que también hay como una especie de arena de batalla donde se pueden enfrentar dos bandos y de esos si hay varios mapas.

1 respuesta

#129 Si tiene ese tamaño pero no está "vacío"... por mi perfecto


#131 ¿Qué trauma tienes con el hay? :psyduck:

1 respuesta

#128 A ver si ponen foro en ingles xD

1 respuesta

Vaya pintaaaaaaaaaaaaza!


#133 Que pasa por escribir desde el móvil haciendo uso del diccionario.


#134 Tienen foro en ingles.



Este parece el hilo con mas información. A favoritos, que pinta tiene. Nada que decir del tamaño del mapa, con esa calidad gráfica con que no esté muy vacío me doy con un canto en los dientes.


Imágenes en su mayoría sacadas de vídeos ya vistos,pero en las que se puede ver con algo mas de calidad los detalles gráficos y de inventario

El resto de imagenes podeis verlas en su Facebook



¿No os parece demasiado la customización de armas? Yo no sabría que hacer con tantas piezas distintas. Y además, como en el loot haya 30 piezas por cada arma, ojo con encontrar las del arma en la que estés interesado.

2 respuestas

#142 la mayoria que ves en la imagen de arriba son accesorios que puedes incluir en el riel ya sea una linterna, un laser, un lanzagranadas, etc

Luego si que parece que hay cosas mas "complejas" como el cañon, tamaño de cargadores, una cosa que pone "receiver" que parece que es la parte de introduccion de las balas (no se en que influira en el arma)

No creo que sea dificil de entender creo yo xD


#142 A mi me parece perfecto, si pretende ser realista pues mucho mejor, y supongo que influiran en las estadisticas del arma.


exacto, si no influyen en las estadísticas y es solo estético por mí como si ponen 200 partes

si confirman que influyen, precompro la edición más tocha xd


En el foro ingles le preguntan a un desarrollador sobre la balística y accesorios,confirma que si afectará al arma el uso de accesorios.Yo supongo que también mete en el mismo saco los upgrades internos.

10 días después

Por ahora solo disponible en ruso, pero se pueden ver cosas nuevas :)

1 1 respuesta

#147 Las animaciones son pura delicia.


A mí me ha encantado el nivel de detalle de las armas, la manera en la que tiene en cuenta la bala en la recámara y las animaciones para extraer balas de la misma.

Se avecina un posible exclusivo potencial si cumplen con lo que muestran.


Ouh shit, balas encasquilladas y animaciones de recarga en las que no se sacan y guardan el cargador en la manga

:qq: :qq: :qq:

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