#3826 ¿Es tu caso esto?
Apparently, if you have a 1.0 Standard edition you CAN NOT purchase the box for the PC version of ARR CE (for the physical items) and get the CE upgrade on your account.
You must either: Purchase the 2.0 PS3 CE for the physical items -OR- purchase the digital upgrade and forgo the physical items
#3834 Continua la historia, todavia te quedan algunas misiones.
spoilerTienes que unirte a una GC primero.
#3835 Despues del primer update introduciran (tbc) barber shop.
All job requirements
Bard = 30 Archer / 15 Pugilist
Summoner = 30 Arcanist / 15 Thaumaturge
Scholar = 30 Arcanist / 15 Conjurer
Dragoon = 30 Lancer / 15 Marauder
Black Mage = 30 Thaumaturge / 15 Archer
White Mage = 30 Conjurer / 15 Arcanist
Monk = 30 Pugilist / 15 Lancer
Warrior = 30 Marauder / 15 Gladiator
Paladin = 30 Gladiator / 15 Conjurer
Unlocking dungeons
Minion list