Gray Zone Warfare ¿Competencia real de Escape From Tarkov?

Enlaces de Interés


#690 El juego está verde no, lo siguiente. Lo van a ir mejorando, de hecho han sacado ya dos parches más o menos grandes y a final de año meterán el primer parche de contenido donde meten el ciclo día/noche y otras cosas. Yo de momento lo dejo aparcado ya que para mi al juego le faltan cosas esenciales y no quiero quemarlo ya que me parece que tiene un potencial enorme.

Lástima haberlo sacado tan pronto, le quedaba un año más antes de salir del horno.


Con el motor gráfico que tiene, sacando este juego poco a poco en 2 años, sigue siendo un juegardo. Yo lo tengo desinstalado, pero confío en que salga algo bueno en unos 2 años.


Yo con lo que ví el primer mes de juego me vale para saber que he hecho una buena compra y que es un juego al que meteré horas cuando tenga más contenido y algo más pulido el gameplay y el gameloop.

Lo tengo parado pero para mí es un bueno juego.

1 mes después

Gray Zone Warfare: Night Ops World Premiere Reveal Sept 6th
Good News, GZW Community,

After an exclusive first look at the Day/Night Cycle at Gamescom, we're bringing you the full Night Ops presentation this viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024 19:00 on Twitch. Join us live for a brief overview of what’s to come later this year. While it’s still a work in progress, the time has come to share what we’ve been working on.

Our first major update is designed for players seeking a deeper, more immersive combat experience. Night Ops will reward tactical prowess and adaptability, introducing new tools, highly requested features, and quality-of-life improvements that elevate gameplay and keep you coming back for more, both in daytime and nighttime gameplay.

Creators and press will share their first impressions on the same day, offering valuable insights into the update. But the heart of our excitement lies in engaging directly with our community—your feedback and enthusiasm are what drive us. We look forward to your reactions and discussions as we gear up for the launch of GZW: Night Ops.

We're committed to keeping the community updated right up to the launch of our first major update and beyond. The Night Ops presentation is just a preview—future devlogs, posts, and streams will reveal more.

Get ready for the first live reveal of Gray Zone Warfare: Night Ops, this coming Friday on Twitch:

2 respuestas

#694 me acaba de llegar el correo, a ver qué tal.

Me gusta que siga avanzando bien.


#694 Ganitas de que vayan avanzando para poder empezar a jugarlo "en serio"

1 respuesta

#696 yo creo que el juego va a necesitar un par de años hasta que tenga un loop jugable decente

1 1 respuesta

#697 Eso ya lo doy por sentado XDD Por eso me alegra ver que van haciendo cosas y no fue un momento fugaz de publi cuando pasó el drama con Tarkov

1 respuesta

#698 no, yo sabía que no fue por eso, quizás un poco si aprovecharon el drama para vender, no sé.

Pero creo que no cuentan con demasiados devs en general para poder meterle cosas rapido. A dia de hoy todavia no han publicado el road map que querían sacar, así que entiendo que todavía estarán tanteando cosas o lo anunciaran con esta noticia del ciclo de noche

la ultima update que hicieron fue el 30 de julio para arreglar varias cosas. Estan trabajando vaya


Según comentaron, su plan es sacar un gran update cada 6 meses y entre medias, aparte de trabajar en dicho update, ir balanceando y mejorando pequeñas cosas.

Yo preferiría parches más pequeños y continuos pero vamos a ver cómo va este plan de trabajo.

Si este primer gran update viene bastante cargado de novedades por mí vale.


Y respuestas del mismo tweet (a mi nunca me responde las preguntas)

1 1 respuesta

#701 Pues habrá que hacer hueco para volver a instalarlo imagion..


Empieza la presentación de la update:


Me esperaba algo más cutre y tremendo hype me ha entrado.
Ganazas de este parche.


Un resumen de la update:


Ojo a este hilo donde hablan de lo que tendrían planeado para el juego en futuras updates (sacado de videos de entrevistas y demás)

Si hace la mitad de eso se queda juegarral increíble


A ver que tal al final el parche, yo creo que es totalmente insuficiente pero bueno ya se verá, por otro lado, una de las cosas que menos me gusta es eso de "accelerated day and night cycle speed", ¿se sabe cuánto durará un día entero en el juego?


Edit: Por si acaso, para el listo que vaya a echarle mierda a como se ven las NVG o que el arma no lo tienes en medio al apuntar, es una representación real de unas NVG de monóculo PSV-14 puestas en el ojo derecho. Son las más básicas y sí, se ven así de mal en la vida real

1 2 respuestas


1 respuesta

#709 esto es del ABI, hilo equivocado


#708 Una de las cosas más chulas, y lo explicaron en el directo del otro día, es cómo han recreado las NVG en función de la cantidad de luz ambiente.
Era maravilloso ver al chat diciendo que eran una mierda, que no se veía nada, era horrible y el developer explicando y mostrando que si estás en medio de un bosque de noche no se verá nada porque no hay fuentes de luz, pero si enciendes tu linterna por ejemplo se ve mejor.

Me parece grandioso que un juego apueste por este grado de realismo.


#708 en el minuto 0:58 se ve caer una estrella fugaz con la NVG puesta y todo.


Hay un stream el jueves de QnA con el CEO, y si dice Rick que el roadmap lo presenterán antes, pues entiendo que será mañana miercoles


Desvelado el roadmap


Hello, GZW community,

We are developing Gray Zone Warfare with a single belief: we love delivering fun and memorable experiences for gamers, with gamers. Whether by listening to players' feedback or having a clear vision for the project's future, we are committed to pushing limits with you. Every major update, patch, or hotfix is a step – bigger or smaller – toward creating the ultimate tactical shooter. For the past months, we have heavily focused on the roadmap, giving you now a first glimpse of the future and exciting new experiences to look for in Lamang, where Every Move Matters.

*** Please note that the Roadmap is a work in progress and may be subject to change as development and community feedback evolves. ***

Own the Night Ops
[Fall 2024]

As darkness falls, the island offers new challenges, opportunities, and tactics.

Mastering both day and night operations, equipped with advanced gear, adds depth and excitement to every session, ensuring a continually rewarding experience in a constantly changing environment. Night Ops enhances this with immersive Night Vision mechanics and new Environmental Points, while daytime missions feature revamped tasks and quality-of-life improvements. Equip advanced gear like flashlights, lasers, and cutting-edge night vision technology to master both day and night operations. Adapt to tactical challenges and advanced enemy behaviors to thrive in a constantly evolving, hostile environment.

Uncover the Dark Revelations
[Spring 2025]

Rain and storms unearth new depths to the story of Lamang.

Immersion lies at the heart of Gray Zone Warfare. Surrounded by rain and the resonating whispers of the past, your connection to the island deepens, intensifying the atmosphere of this desolated Southeast Asian paradise. Each step you take will bring you closer to uncovering the island’s dark revelations and the events that shaped its current state, enhancing your engagement and making every discovery more impactful. With every new location, environmental detail, and storyline element, Lamang Island becomes increasingly vivid and captivating, drawing you deeper into the mystery of the events that unfolded before the PMCs arrived.

Rise as an Elite Operator
[Fall 2025]

Prove yourself, improve, and seize strategic ground.

Elite PMCs thrive on skill, precision, and the pursuit of mastery. Sharpen your abilities through tactical maneuvers, earn certifications that reflect your expertise, and prove your worth on the battlefield. Every decision you make, whether it’s precision sniping from a distance or charging in with close-quarters combat, hones your craft and strengthens your status. Additionally, camps will attract attention, leading to increased conflict between PMCs and heightening the stakes of every battle. Be mindful that seizing a camp comes with the risk of needing to defend it against rival factions.

Forge the Tools for Battle
[Spring 2026]

Gather, adapt, create, prevail.

Crafting becomes a cornerstone of survival in this unforgiving landscape. Success hinges on your ability to gather resources, refine your crafting techniques, and forge the tools essential for overcoming challenges. Each crafted item will enhance your capabilities and open up new tactical possibilities. Mastering these skills will not only boost your survival but also grant you a combat advantage, ensuring you are well-equipped to face the trials ahead. Your adaptability and resourcefulness are your greatest assets in this evolving battleground.

Strike From the Shadows
[Fall 2026]

Master the art of silent and deadly warfare.

In this update, stealth and precision become crucial as you navigate missions that demand a delicate touch or face high-stakes challenges. Victory often hinges on your ability to operate covertly and strike with deadly accuracy. Enhance your skills in stealth tactics and tactical maneuvers to gain a decisive advantage and outmaneuver your enemies. Perfecting these skills will enable you to achieve your objectives efficiently and silently, ensuring you maintain the advantage in even the most intense situations.

Engage in Rising Tensions
[Spring 2027]

The balance of power is fragile and easily disrupted.

In the face of rising tensions on Lamang Island, the balance of power is delicate and easily disrupted. Your faction’s success hinges on mastering the art of influence and control. Strengthen your position, outmaneuver rivals, and disrupt their plans to gain the upper hand. These tactics will sharpen your tactical skills and help shift the balance of power in your favor, securing dominance in this high-stakes environment. Your ability to navigate and impact the factional landscape will be crucial in achieving victory and shaping the ongoing struggle for supremacy.

Battle Over Ground Zero

Your ultimate mission is to navigate the complexities of Lamang Island and uncover the perilous Ground Zero. This epic finale is the culmination of all lore and PMC activities, where every move, battle, and secrets converge. Ground Zero isn't just a destination—it's the climax of a journey shaped by every faction's efforts and the mysteries you’ve uncovered along the way. Conquering Ground Zero will test all your skills and strategies, offering a profound and rewarding conclusion to your adventures on Lamang Island.

Beyond the Future

Gray Zone Warfare is just beginning to unfold, offering a tantalizing glimpse into its mysterious and dangerous world. With only 20% of the design complete, the journey ahead is filled with potential and promise. Each new update brings us closer to refining the game with enhanced optimization, balance, and depth. As we continue to develop and expand, your feedback will be crucial in shaping the future of Gray Zone Warfare. Stay with us as we build and evolve, ensuring that every step forward enhances your experience and brings new challenges to master.

Every Move Matters,