Mortal Online


Version – Release

Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall.

------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------


  • Rebuilt the stat-loss for reds, it now works like this:
    When you kill a blue player, you receive +1 to your long-term and short-term counts.
    •The long-term timer decides if you are Red or not.
    •The long-term timer is on a 8 hours / count timer.
    •Going above 5 long-term counts flags you Red.
    •The short-term decides if you will receive stat loss or not.
    •The short-term timer is on a 4 hours / count timer.
    •Going above 5 short-term counts will cause you to loose stats when you resurrect. (10% stat loss as always)
    Each time you kill another blue player you will receive another count and the timers will reset.
  • "/statlosscount" or "/statloss" in the chat will show you your current stat-loss time.
  • You will now lose a murder count every 8th hour.
  • Remade a lot of the GUI-stuns into cool downs meaning they no longer cause full-stun.
  • Reworked how much cool down you have for doing certain GUI/server operations a bit.

AI & Mounts:

  • Donkeys with bags now have 28 slots.
  • Built a system to make it easier to see what mount-equipment fits on which mount.
  • All the attacks of the rare boss encounter have been tweaked. They are now more consistent with its animations.
  • The behavior of the rare boss encounter has been tweaked.
  • Murder system for pets has been implemented. Pets can now recieve murder counts like any other player. It's still being worked on.

Art & Sound:

  • Gaurs, cousins of the Wisents, can now be found roaming the south west regions of Myrland.
  • Audio from low frequency thunder strikes are no longer played directional for a more authentic thunder storm.
  • A few Molva Beasts from Nordveld are now running free in Myrland.
  • Mount equipment for Molva beasts added to a certain vendor.
  • Molva beast leather armor can be bought in the color red, blue, green, yellow, black, white and gray.
  • Saddles and Armors added for the Rare Mongrel Horse, can be bought in Vadda.
  • Bullhorse saddle can be bought for 200 silver instead of 50.
  • Tabards added.
  • Added Tabard tailors in every city.
  • Tabards can be bought in the same colors as banners.
  • All teal banners have been removed.
  • Added props within the palisades close to Morin Khur.
  • Added props within the palisades close to Kranesh.


  • Added directional blocking. Moving right or left while pressing block will make you block in that direction. If you block in the correct direction when you get hit it will result in a perfect block. The old perfect block is still active too.
  • Took down the amount of damage you do when spam-clicking with a weapon rather then letting it charge.
  • You will now get a damage message when you get hit by a siege weapon.
  • Raised overall melee-damage a bit.
  • Took down the overall defense of armors a bit.


  • Guild ranks 3 to 10 will now be able to invite members to the guild.
  • Disbanding a guild will now also clear the ownership on any houses that the guild owned.


  • All player constructible objects (Houses, Keeps, Walls, Bridges etc) should now be visible from a much longer distance.
  • Catalysts can now be sold by player vendors.
  • Some houses and keeps have been slightly moved to fit with their surroundings.
  • Crafting recipes can now be used on workbenches in houses.


  • Magic reflection now stays on the target until logout or until canceled by an incoming spell.

Skills & Attributes:

  • Parts of the skill-system is rebuilt. It should solve some of the current skill issues.
  • Using spear stance now drains a bit of stamina.
  • Spears now lose durability if you hit someone while in spear stance.
  • Extraction now requires that you use a certain amount of catalysts for maximum yield. (And you will no longer lose the entire stack of catalysts when using them.)


  • Streamlined the Extraction Window.

------ BUG FIXES ------


  • Players should no longer be teleported through palisades.
  • Fixed issues with players who looked strange when they logged in on a mount.
  • Siege Weapons now work on unconstructued buildings.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes made unequipping your off-hand weapon/shield/torch disappear.
  • Killing players in mercy mode will now correctly flag the killer.
  • You can no longer interact with siege weapons while dead.
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to sprint without losing the right amount of stamina.
  • Fixed a bug connected to Extraction that sometimes made the extracted materials not show up.
  • You can no longer add items to your carry-pet from a very long distance.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause invisible creatures/pets.
  • Fixed a bug where teleporting you to a priest when dead didn't always work.
  • Fixed a bug that enabled players to equip items while dead.
  • Palisades will now correctly take damage from Siege Weapons.

AI & Mounts:

  • Some spiders were not dropping intended loot, they should be fixed now.
  • Animal corpses will now spawn in a better way and most of the oddness like rotation on corpse is now fixed.
  • Pets killed when the owner is offline will no longer respawn when the owner logs back on.
  • General tweaks and fixes were made for the taming system.
  • An issue that made some creatures fail in any stable handling and re-creation has been resolved. Affected creatures was: River prower, Shore prower, Terror bird.
  • Pets should now keep their names even between server reboots.
  • Pets should no longer automatically follow their tamer after a server reboot.
  • Pets attacking blue players should now be flagged only when actually reaching its target and making an actual attempt to attack.

Art & Sound:

  • Fixed props that interfered with palisades close to Morin Khur.
  • Fixed props that interfered with palisades close to Kranesh.
  • Fixed odd altitudes on keep and houses inside palisades close to Nereb Madgulu.
  • Stone and dust debris when clicking on your character in character creation is back.
  • A memory leak by the Morin Khur starting point has been fixed.


  • Fixed a bug where leaving your guild wouldn't reset your guild membership flag.
  • Fixed a bug where leaving your guild wouldn't reset your acronym.


  • Fixed a bug where it was possible that the house would not receive payment for upkeep when payed with multiple stacks.
  • Accessing the chest from the outside of a house should no longer be possible.
  • It should no longer be possible to open a locked palisade gate from the outside.
  • Houses that have had their owner changed should now have a properly functioning guild stone.
  • Houses should have less issues when being rollbacked.
  • Houses will now receive the correct amount of HP when upgraded to a new tier.
  • Player Vendors no longer take items in your bank as payment.
  • Player Vendors no longer spawn inside the floor of the house.
  • Fixed a bug where the money from a Player Vendor transaction did not end up in the house owner's chest.


  • Fixed a bug where AoE spells with self target properties would still check if the target was in range and if it was alive.
  • Fixed a bug with AoE spells that made them hit dead players.
  • Fixed a bug with AoE spells that made them cost no reagents.
  • Fixed a bug where AoE spells didn't grant skill gains.
  • Fixed a bug where initiating a spell cast while resting wouldn't stun you during the "getting up" animation.
  • Fixed a bug where magic damage wouldn't cancel the logout timer on the target.
  • Fixed a bug where blocking while casting magic could lessen your damage taken.
  • Fixed a bug where magic reflection would make the caster immune to spells until logout.

Skills & Attributes:

  • You can no longer gain experience using spear stance on NPCs.
  • Hitting a Guild Member with Spear stance will no longer flag you gray.
  • Spear Stance will no longer trigger from the sides or behind the player using it.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented gaining skill levels above 80 in Ecumenical Spells.


  • Items will no longer be added on top of each other when trying to stack items.
  • Fixed a typo in the logout-message.
  • Mount-bags will now close if you move to far away.
  • Fixed issues caused by the UI closing itself when moving too far away from a vendor.
  • Fixed up several low-res UI elements.
  • Fixed a bug where new chat messages would get out of sync if they contained too many wide characters.
  • Fixed the chat wrapping bug.
  • Fixed an typo in the extraction process where it said refining instead of extracting.
  • Fixed the run-and-extract bug.
  • Loyalty on Mounts should now update correctly.
  • Fixed a small bug in the guild member GUI.
  • Placing a deployable item will no longer consume the entire stack.

------ KNOWN ISSUES ------

  • Currently there as a bug that cause client-crashes if you open vendor-GUI several times in a row.
    a.k.a Haiel
    "We agree that any human being, programmers and testers included can make an error."
  • ISTQB Foundation

por lo que e visto en una screen que me paso everon, la montura es el rinoceronte del teaser.


Me ha gustado sobre todo el cambio que le han hecho al perfect block.
El combate va tomando una forma que me esta gustando, ganas de comprarlo x10000.


Oleee, voy a leerlas xD

PD: vale leidas, esto AHORA empieza a ser un juego :) .



Los tabardos :)

Por detras:

Por delante :

Conclusion, ya tenems uniforme los Promethean, pero la mierda esta de los tabardos no me ha convencido.


por lo que veo, aun no tiene skins!


Son horribles Franky, para ser sinceros xDDDD


Si dices nuestro uniforme no es la armor esa de yonki del chikipark, es la Draconigea con la armor de caballo roja, y el tabardo rojete tmb.

Si lo dices por los tabardos, doy fe xD

PD: me da que tienen el mismo problema que tubieron con los armor pal caballo roja, que parece medio rosa, al principio serems la Super zerg alliance, Mega Chupis, pero bueno, no imprta, el orgullo ya lo perdimos hace tiempo xD


A ver cuando dejan ponerles skins, y subir los logos!



El gran Kimuru


Que barbaro!


Los Promethean , estamos en todas, presenciado :)


Pero tu estabas?


Asedio con catapulta:


No en ese frente pero si,

Adios casitas xD


Franky, me referia al tabardo obviamente xDDDD que son feos de cojones xDDDDD


Pos toma tabardo xD, mi muñeco de homeless, con el tab.


Dios a ver si saco tiempo para darle al mortal q casi no he podido jugar!!!!!!!!!
Por cierto las razas influyen en algo?


#2929 En los stats, y mucho :)


Que pasada lo de las catapultas reventando casas, xD, cada dia tengo mas ganas de volver, Septiembre ven a mi!!.
Por cierto, ¿El thursar sigue siendo la única opción viable si te interesa el pvp?


Mas o menos, ahora cuanto mas alto menos puntos, pero en realdiad esta un poco mal eso, porque quitan puntos a todos, no se, es algo raro, de todas maneras, si, es el mejor para pvp.


Por qué siempre todos estos videos los hacen poniendo una música (en mi opinión pura basura, pero bueno será para que veamos lo high que son) que ni encaja con la ambientación ni nada?

Tanto cuesta hacer un video normal, con la ambientación del juego y como mucho poner alguna música del señor de los anillos o algo acorde a ello?

No ofense, y pueden hacer lo que quiera ofc, es su video, pero sólo es una opinión.


#2933 normalmente los tios que editan los videos no buscan esa sintonia con el video, simplemente ponen la musica que a ellos les gusta y ya esta xDDD


#2933, esos videos no son gente que les vaya el lore del juego o similar, por lo que la música le ponen la que les pega, básicamente xD


no se puede probar el juego ni 10 dias antes de comprarlo? sq no me ha quedado muy claro


#2936 No, no se puede.


pues me lo voy a pensar seriamente, buscaba algo entre oblivium i ultima online, pero sq pagar tan pronto cuando esta aun en desarrollo, ademas tb hay q pagar mensualidad, me parece raro cuanto menos...

gracias x la rapida contestacion


un mmo en el que hay que pagar mensualidades!! que sera lo proximo!?


nose porque te parece raro apgar mensualidades.

Tema cerrado