Mortal Online


hahaha ganas es poco :P a ver que sueltan esta semana que yo creo que no le puede quedar mucho ya hehe

1 respuesta

#2151 Halfbreed Khurite Khurite, 23 años, 1'80 de altura, esto es asi para que te llegue para maximizar totalmente Fuerza, destreza y constitucion, inteligencia y psyche ponlos con - al lado para que te bajen cuando te quedes sin puntos. Esa es la combinacion perfecta para un warrior.



Listo soy mas feo que pegarle a un padre mañana a ver si nos vemos in game


#2161 han soltado fecha?

2 respuestas

#2164 esta al caer.


#2164 nada de momento, si nos enteramos de algo lo diremos rapido hehehe xD


nada, lo pondran para septiembre/octubre cuando yo vuelva de currar WAAAAJAJAJAJJAJA

1 respuesta

Si se les tira mucho el verano encima no te extrañe.


#2167 callate warra lo pondrán cuando tu no puedas jugar muahahha xDD

1 respuesta

El erestor siempre jodiendo la marrana, te vas a quedar dos meses sin catarlo hijoputa xD

1 respuesta

#2169 #2170 os jodeis xDD


Dear Community,

The Test Server has enjoyed several server side updates and patches this week introducing lots of new GUI, illegal items (more on that in the near future) and a big change in the form of updated (high detail) sets of armours and weapons!

Almost all of the in-game sets have been converted (although the odd one is yet to be completed and a couple of sets are missing a piece) not going to show them all today, but here’s a sample and we'll show some more next week in the form of a FG Update-Lite.

On Live (zoomed in so you can see)

And how it’s looking on Test!

The lighting is a little different (as are some other things... points if you spot it) but you can clearly see the new detail that has been added.

That’s all for now – there has been rapid progress however we’re heading towards Mid-Summer in Sweden and the team is taking a few days to recover then they’ll be back for the final push.

So next week some more updated armours and weapons, the week after we’ll show you the illicit items system and explain a little about how the game mechanics for it are being implemented, how the guards react to a player carrying illicit goods and some great shots of the now close to completion GUI.

Exciting times - as many areas are in and working well, much to do yet but this is shaping up to be a huge expansion!

Thanks all!

1 respuesta

#2172 tengo ganas de ver el sistema de drogas xDD Henrik a comentado que también hablara en el proximo focus group update sobre las herramientas de comercio que parece que tiene algo preparado muy chulo :)


Queria hacerme un crafter mas adelante y no sabia por donde tirar ahora solo me toca buscar a camellos de poca monta para repartir mi material xDDDD

1 comentario moderado

#2175 si claro xDD el spoiler no hacia falta hahahaha


bueno meto por aquí un vídeo de pvp ya que esta esto un poco parado :)

hoy o mañana sacaran el focus gruop update con vídeo enseñando cositas cuando salga ya lo pondre por aquí



Hello Folks!

This week's Focus Group Update, hope you enjoy!

City Broker

Each city has a local broker where players can sell goods or put up requests for goods they’re looking for.

The Emperor takes a small and very reasonable fee for using this service more importantly, the controlling Guild of the city can take their slice too!

The city ruler chooses the tax rate in their city and can decide if they want to just have the Emperor's tax or add theirs on top too.

Optional Broker service

There are additional services available at your local Broker. Players may list their own vendor, are able to show where it’s located and give some more handy information about it too.

Player vendors will not have to pay tax to the Emperor, however, if the player vendor is located on controlled territory then the owner/controller of that territory will be entitled to charge a tax on these goods. So buying from player vendors may indeed be a better choice when buying in volume or high value items..

Buying directly from a player in front of you will of course be as usual and allow you to negotiate whatever price you want, and there will be no taxation involved.

There are also a few new skills available with this system that will allow you to mitigate against the taxation in a purchase when using NPCs, it may reduce the total price or part of the tax involved..

Illegal item system

The Emperor of Myrland makes the law, He decides which items, skills or magic one is allowed to learn or carry... The Emperor's guards are allowed to search citizens to ensure these laws are being followed.

Guards will randomly look for suspects within their sight to look for illegal items. If they think there is abnormal behaviour and the player seems to be avoiding the guards they will make sure they stop the citizen to search his belongings for anything illegal.

If a player is stopped by a guard conducting a search he gets three options:

He can try to persuade the guard to let him go, after all he may have powerful friends, perhaps sophistication, and intelligence or some other skills that affect the success rate at persuasion. A successful persuade attempt lets the player go about his business without any further actions from the Guards.
He can try to threaten the guard, however this may be a risky attempt since it’s a severe penalty to threaten the Emperor's guards, but if it succeeds they will quickly let the player go. Strength size and intelligence and some other skills affect the success rate of a threat attempt.
Finally, the player can try to bribe the guard, this may be a bit more common since money is important to many (sometimes guards too) in Myrland, and a successful bribe may indeed allow the player to continue on their way.

When the player gets stopped for a search they have about 10 seconds to give an answer to the guard, if they do not follow the guards directions or try to flee then the player will become a criminal.

Items have a different levels of illegality, as long as this is 0 then the guards will not interfere. In addition there are skills that can negate an illegal factor, allowing the player to conduct illegal activities undetected. So, as an example, a common drug may have an illegal factor around 200, there are skills that negates the 200 illegal factor to 0, meaning the guards won't react to that item either.

There are known to be citizens in Tindrem that want to get their hands on illicit drug types, but the Emperor wisely banned these substances so a smuggler may earn extra money by running tasks for these debauched citizens. Rumours abound that there are assassins in the shady parts of Tindrem who also have work for those willing... they want to “even” out the odds when the nobility vote on taxation and other important topics in the city of Tindrem. In order to complete these tasks, you may have to carry some “illegal” objects to prove your job has been successful.

Certain alchemy ingredients or spell ingredients may also be illegal to carry around within guarded towns. Finally, the wearing of the Emperor's Guards uniform and armor is illegal, if not pre-approved of by the Emperor!


Que grande! Un poco copia descarada de los diálogos con los guardias de los TES, pero queda genial xD Habría algunas cosas que me gustaría ver que pasaría, porque daría mucho juego. Por ejemplo que pasa si un guardia está interrogando a alguien y tú pasas con algo ilegal al lado? Está bien para intentar liársela o aprovechar. El problema ahora que lo pienso es que para variar si esas cosas funcionas lo va a hacer todo cristo y exploitear por donde puedan....pero lo visto genial, me ha encantado :)

2 respuestas

#2179 uhum que mente mas perversa la tuya ale me voy a dormir con un buen sabor de boca hoy, y dentro de... "1 mes" el parche VAAAMOOS xD


#2179 esta claro que si un guardia esta ocupado interrogando a otro seguramente tu puedas pasar por hay tranquilamente hehehe eso estara wapo y yo creo que formara parte del juego, es como cuando hay un control de policia y tu pasas porque ya tienen muchos coches parados hahahaha

ademas algunos echizos y técnicas oscuras también serán buscados por los guardias muhaha xD


cuando sale?

1 respuesta

#2182 ni puta idea selbryn xD saldra cuando salga hehehe

pongo por aquí unas imagenes de las armaduras para ver un poco la diferencia y tal

y el enlace oficial:


1 respuesta

#2183 hasta ahi llego ¬¬ pero me gustaría que fuera para verano xD

#2184 Pues menuda mierda de representante de la comunidad española tenemos xD

1 respuesta

#2184 pues puede ser selbryn a ver mucho no le queda ya, pero la verdad que no dicen fecha y no te puedo decir nada porque no lo se :)

calla puta xD que yo informo de todo lo que puedo :P


En mi cuenta del mortal me sale status normal.... eso quiere decir que lo tengo pagado?

1 respuesta

#2186 no, mira en • My Subscription si pone esto: You have an active subscription significa que si que la tienes pagada

1 respuesta

#2187 No pone que no ;P entonces lo de status normal que coño significa?

1 respuesta

#2188 pues que no estas baneado, que no eres un tester del focus group que no eres developer etc etc...


bueno pongo por aquí las cositas que tendremos en el awakening y algunas cosas posibles para mas tarde o para el mismo awakening xD


Nuevos guardias NPC

Nueva NPC IA

Mercancías ilegales y sistema de búsqueda de mercancías ilegales de guardias

Nuevas magias ilegales

Pergaminos de Magia, los hechizos tendrá que ser encontrados o escritos

Nueva textura de armadura

Nuevo sistema de taming para manejar varias criaturas al mismo tiempo


3 nuevas mazmorras

Nuevos monstruos y armaduras

Armaduras y armas loteables de los monstruos

Brokers de comercio en las ciudades

Libros basados en flash que se pueden escribir

Nuevos monstruos voladores

Lockpicking (abrir cerraduras)

Colores para las armaduras

Bolsas para el inventario/banco

Cliente de 64bit

Armslore (esto no se lo que significa)

Echizo de dominacion para arañas y monstruos de ese tipo

Nueva interfaz de usuario en flash

Push bug fixed

Lag por lotear supuestamente arreglado (esto me hace gracia :P)

Crash del cliente por lotear arreglado con la nueva interfaz

Posiblemente, en esta expansión, pero no hay garantía:

soplado de vidrio (para pociones etc etc)
cerámica (Pottery)
nuevos modelos de carácter
monstruos basados en agua (esto supongo que son bichos acuáticos)
fletching (crafter de flechas)


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