Mortal Online


atching Error! Old File not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match.

ese es el error que me tira


ya solucione el problema,si quiero ser mago que raza me recomendais hacerme?

1 respuesta

#2312 pues creo que es veela con 120 de destreza para correr mucho y que no te pillen los warriors xD

1 1 respuesta

#2313 pero en ancestro viene para elejir 2 como si fuese uno hombre y otro mujer y pudes elejir en 1 el del tio y otro el de la tia,no lo entiendo muy bien eso


en la raza elfa ke no se si se llaman alvarin o algo asi eliges los 4 circulos con veela, que son los elfos blancos, intenta tener 120 de dex y 100 constitucion la fuerza no es para nada importante en un mago lo que vas a tener que subir por lo menos antes de la expansion es dex cont e inteligencia y los puntos sobrantes se los metes a psyche, importante que los primeros puntos en creacion de personaje se los pongas todos en dex y la altura no estoy muy seguro eso depende de si quieres mas vida o menos pero lo importante es que puedas correr mas que nadie no tienen porque pegarte XD


esta caido el loggin?
me da error de pasword o user incorrect ,/


sip esta caído el loging server no te preocupes :)


visto lo gimped que estaba voy a hacer un reroll, la movida es Halfbreed Khurite Khurite, 23 años, 1'80 de altura ?)
se puede cambiar algo?
graciasss :santo:

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#2318 ese es :)


Buenas gente, aquí uno nuevo que anda algo perdidillo, he leído las últimas páginas y alguien dijo que si entraba alguien nuevo contactara con su clan (es) en el juego, pero no se como hacerlo :(

2 respuestas

tengo un error al crear personaje,o cuando estoy en el juego,me pongo a cambiarle la edad del personaje o cosas asi en creacion de personaje y se me cierra el juego derrepente...

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#2321 hmm eso es un poco raro, te sale mensaje de error o algo?

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#2322 nop,se sale asi sin mas,solo me pasa con este juego y ni he podido probarlo xD

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#2323 joder pos no se que decirte estoy preguntando por el ts del clan y a nadie le pasa algo parecido :(

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#2324 A mi también me pasa, pero puedo jugar unos 5 min y luego sale, sin dar error ni nada


joder, mirar a ver de bajarle un poco graficos y quitarle el dx10 si lo teneis activado

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#2326 Al contrario le he puesto el DX10 y no se me cierra, eso si, me va a 20 FPS


y los graficos los has bajado?

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pf otro mas,ni lo he podido probar todavia,haber si miro como solucionarlo aunque lo dudo porque es muy raro


#2328 Nop

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#2330 pues bajalos al minimo quita opciones rollo motion blur y todas esas mierdas y prueba de iniciarlo, si te aguanta pues pones otras configuraciones asta que funcione bien


el 99% de los que jugamos tenemos ordenadores decentillos y tenemos que jugarlo al minimo de graficos por ese tipo de cosas fps bajos crashes congelaciones etc XD, aunque tmb hay que decir que ahora esta un poco mas optimizado que hace 1 año aun asi es una optimizacion patetica la que tiene el juego


#2320 joder como te han hecho vacio estos cabrones xDD <- alguna guia y tutorial en español



#2320 ostia no había visto el mensaje sorry :(


Dear community,

We hope you enjoy the new screens and new content in this week’s Focus Group update!

Because the GUI and AI systems are so interconnected we have been unable to inject pieces of Awakening into live for earlier partial releases. The focus group has been enduring several really tough testing sessions using both old and new user interface, which has made things very difficult - so many thanks to the focus group for working through strenuous circumstances.

We are happy to report that we have now removed nearly the entire old interface and have most the new systems in place. Development progress in the UI department of Awakening is now rapid and close to conclusion.

In terms of performance, the focus group has confirmed not only an improved overall frame-rate in the game, due to new interfaces (and the old removed), but that the new user interface is also very responsive. Gone are the laggy and strange behaviors of the old interface! Some systems which rely heavily on GUI interactions, such as magic, are much more responsive. The game both looks and feels totally new thanks these changes.

Next week we will move into finalizing this system; we are approaching the end game for one of our last remaining key components. The focus group has been most helpful in catching a lot of bugs and helping us to make rapid and solid progress.

The AI system is being tweaked, especially the AI behavior in dungeons and smaller spaces. This, along with some creature stat balancing and player skill testing, means we’re into the final phase of the AI systems as well. We have not been able to spend as much time we would like to on air and water creatures; we didn’t expect to have them in at all for Awakening, but we got them almost for free due to another system we built. We are going to make sure these work well enough to include during the upcoming test phases!

The dyes system is close to being finished and has turned out to be far more dynamic than we initially thought possible. We are now going through the colors which the players can discover; we want to make sure that the color style fits our world.

To dye an item, first collect ingreients from around the world. Different ingredients, whether a plant, coal, or just about anything else, can have different pigments for dyes. These ingredients can then be mixed into a vial using the alchemy potion-making process. The vial icon will reflect the pigment of the potion if it was to be used as a dye, so you can get a rough idea of what the potion is made of simply by its color.

Once you have your colored potion, you can now add it to your dye tub. A dye tub will typically start with clear water, but as you add your potions it will mix the color in the tub. You can combine as many potions/dyes of any color you like to create your end result color in the dye tub. For example, mixing a strong red dye with a weaker green dye will produce brown. Add another color, and your new color will be a combination of those.

The dye tub is used to dye various types of gear. At this point, only soft parts are able to be dyed with this system and not plate types; however, most clothes and leather/soft parts on armor can currently be changed.

With Awakening players can learn two new skills: tailoring and dyes. There won’t be a huge collection of cloth types to craft with Awakening, but this will grow over time.

Alchemy will get a real boost with Awakening. You will be able to craft your own vials and NPCs will no longer sell potions or vials. A good glassblower will be able to craft minor, medium, major and grand potions as well as perhaps make them exceptional. Exceptional vials are able to hold even more units.

As you know by now this dynamic system does not allow us to stack vials with content in them since they can’t be mixed. Bigger vials will work a bit like stacked potions, empty bottles will be stackable, and we plan to add a keg for alchemists where they can store large quantities; we’ll have to wait a little while for this feature.

The bag system is now finished and on the test server, but it has some minor restrictions right now. You will be able to use bags in your inventory, chests, banks, etc. You won’t be able to sell a bag with items in it to an NPC/vendor. You will be able to sell/trade a bag with items in it directly to a player via person to person trade, but not place that bag on a player vendor for sale (but don’t worry, the player vendor interface is not as restrictive as it is on the live server currently). Right now we have also set maximum banked items to 200 items (including shed bank). This works as a global cap. Each chest in a house will be increased to 100 items per chest. This is something we may change during Awakening release if needed, but it is important for technical reasons that we keep the amount down in bank storage.

Right now we are filling the world with new content. We have created a ton of stuff: new skills, gear, special moves and items to be discovered in different ways. Treasure chests are spread out across the world in various locations. Some can be lock-picked, and some of them just require the correct key. New elements are being added under water allowing a greater use of water skills.

Be sure to visit the town criers to get an update on what’s going on in the world and for latest events.

One important update regarding alchemy potions in the game: we have tried to find a suitable solution for converting or using the old big heal potions in our game. We simply can’t find a solution which allows keeping them as they are in the game today, nor allowing them to be sold or converted into empty vials due to it ruining the balance of the alchemy profession. This is also because the old potions simply don’t follow the current potion healing system.

This means that there is a big chance that those potions are going to be useless when Awakening goes live. We want to inform everyone about this before the release of Awakening so they are to be considered traded/used at your own risk while they work as they do on live. When Awakening arrives they are not going to work as they do now, nor will you be able to sell them to NPCs.

We are not going to have many more updates between now and the release of Awakening. We are however going to give one large last update regarding some of the Awakening content and the “new age” coming to Nave.


la mejor actualizacion hehe a ver cuando ponen la expansion xD


la verdad es que esta bastante bien, todo esto ultimo me ha gustado bastante.


es todo muy bonito con muchas cosas nuevas pero alguien me confirma si van a aumentar la seguridad del juego referente a dupers etc ? :D

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#2338 mas que seguridad, que lo veo dificil, que no les tiemble el pulso al banearlos


La han mejorado. Por lo que tengo entendido el tema es q ahora cada item tiene un numero o alguna movida asi. Asi q deja rastro. Ademas en el ultimo varrido de dupeos calleron unos cuantos. Pero vamos. Con la nueva interfaz imagino q sera muy jodido dupear sin dar el cantazo. Saludozzz

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