Pokemon World Online 2011 beta

Nuevo hilo de Pokémon World Online


On [12/700]


Una pregunta, hasta que no juege con brock y gane no paso de ciudad no?


Joer no me llega el email!!

#1444 Sí! ahora cuando le doy a registrar me pide el email para volver a enviarmelo, pero me sale un error :S

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has escrito el captcha respetando las mayusculas?



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En fin, yo he combatido ya con todos los entrenadores de la zona, pero se me ha petado el server varias veces y no se me ha guardado.

Conclusión, no puedo luchar otra vez contra ellos y no tengo reputación suficiente para luchar contra los del GYM. Así que estoy atascado. xDDDDDDDDDDDD

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Cual son los del GYM, Brock?


eh a mi no me sale el puto mankey solo me salen caterpies y spearrows


FFFFFUUUUUUU me han timado en la tienda de ciudad verde, he comprado 5 pokeballs x 2000 a la vieja y el viejo me las vendia al precio normal FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

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#1448 hahahah

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#1449 Sí es que hay una vieja y un viejo xD

Y he ido primero a la vieja que es la de las subastas por lo que se ve o algo así y me las ha vendido por 400 cada una y luego veo que el viejo las vendía por 200 xDDDD


sigo sin poder registrarme en la pagina. yo no se si soy idiota o que pasa, pero no puedo. ni cumpliendo las mayusculas del captcha ni nada de nada. xD

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A todos estos que aun no habeis jugado y ya estais quemados por el registro ir haciendo estomago pq como ya habreis leido el juego se cae cada 2 x 3 y apenas se puede jugar asi que... Xd


#1451 4 dias llevo yo intentandolo xD Hoy es el 5º...

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si alguien me pudiese registrar se lo agradezco que me sigue poniendo de reenviar mi email pero no me envian nada los muy truanes XDDD

nada no registra XDD que alguien que tenga cuenta que intente registrar cuentas a gogo y nos vaya dando alguna jaja XDDD ahora que tengo esta mañana un Ventana y no poder jugar vaya pata...xD


vamos a ver si lo puedo poner en clase ... j3j3

tiene buena pinta y tal, pero me da que no :(

pd: que no tiene version portable?

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#1455 dale duro, si puedes hacerme una cuenta te doy un besito <3


me sale todo el rato error al rellenar el formulario :/

o me dice : Invalid password o Error al rellenar el formulario.. :/


Nunca va.


Noticia de uno de los admins:

I thought I'd post a few quick announcements about the latest PWO matters right now.

First, for those who are wondering where Xanatus has gotten off to recently, he's still around and working hard on improvements to our server. However due to a busy schedule he is now finding little time to talk. Even I'm finding it difficult to get a word with him...

About the server: As you all know, we're working on a huge rewrite of the server code to fix a large number of bugs and try to get it more stable. Xan, Shane and myself are working together on this, and we'll post more news when we have something to announce. I myself recently did improvements to the Battle System, such as improving how Confusion works; as well as modifying some of the messages that appear in battle. Of course, Shane and Xan are doing the REAL big stuff, and some of the things they've been working on lately even go over MY head. But it's a great team. Oh, if you're wondering, it seems the problems with the server's intense instability lately is to do with faulty pointers and asserts, so we're running through the code to see where the faults actually lie. Xan THINKS he may have an idea of the problem, so we're all hoping he can fix it soon. He's also working on some of the latest Tracker issues, or so Shane tells me.

Arenya recently retired from the Mapping Team - and from PWO as a whole - so over the past few days we've been discussing who should take her over. Since I was the leader in the past and still had a sub-role, it's been decided that I should be the new leader, and I willingly accepted. I've decided to also employ Glaceon as the Vice-Captain of the team, so if I can't be around she'll take over and keep me up to date on the latest matters. It may take a while before the team gets back into motion again, but hopefully this new management should mean we can have the team working smoothly very soon. To our current mappers: Most of you should already know what projects we need done, but I'll make a topic in Mappers HQ at some point when I have time so we're all on the same page.

Actually, on the subject of retirements, it has occurred to me lately that not only have a lot of staff left PWO recently or decided to drop their current rank; but also some people's ranks are marked wrongly on the Forums. We'll be working on correcting everyone's ranks to what they should be now over the next couple of days. We'll also need to update some of the in-game powers... (anyone got a list?)

Lastly, we're aware that the Playerdex has been failing to send out emails to people on occasion when they attempt to reset their passwords, register new accounts etc; and we are doing everything we can to help there. We would appreciate, therefore, that people stop making topics regarding these problems as they simply waste everyone's time. Same with topics about "is the server up?" - or, as some of you prefer to write it, "MOD HALP Y I NO CONNECT 2 SRVR?!?!". Honestly...

I'll end with some shameless plugging, just 'cause. I just released the latest update to my tool for PWO - IDQuicker Playerdex Helper v2.2. If you've never heard of it, this tool is a combined browser, search tool and launcher in one. It opens up to the Playerdex immediately when you open it, and after logging in to the Playerdex you can use it just like you would normally; but at the top of the program is a toolbar with options to instantly start over; search up a person's Trainer Card or Box listing (if you're permitted to see it) if you know their Trainer ID, or search information on a specific Pokemon if you know the Pokemon ID; and click one button to screenshot the current view. I designed it to make finding and recording information easier. There's also features to start PWO at the same time as the program. Anyway, the latest version updates the program to work with the newly-relocated Playerdex so it works properly now; plus there's now a built-in Server Checker! Check out the thread in Programming Talk for more information or click here.

Thanks for everyone's time.

Edit: Oh, and yes, this DOES mean I'm no longer considering myself AWOL.


Estos tíos con tal de no gastar ni un duro en pillar un server decente son capaces de optimizar el código más allá de los limites de la realidad xD

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optimizan optimizan pero no arreglan...


Este puto juego es una mierda cuando entras va como el ojete y eso si loras entrar... FU! esto no es ni beta.


#1435 Pues a mi me sale en verde y sin embargo no me conecta ...

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#1463 Dale 5-10 minutos... sabéis leer? xD


Ya va siendo hora de que mejoren gráficos.... y esas cosas.

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#1460 pero si el codigo tiene fallos que hacen que crashen el server que mas dara que se migren a un pepino de dedicado? xD primero tendran que arreglar los bugs para que sea estable no?

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#1465 Sí, eso es sin duda lo que más falta le hace al juego.



El problema ahora mismo es el servidor, andan en un server casero de mierda el cual peta porque no aguanta tanto player, lo que pasa que no se quieren gastar €€€ xD

Por mucho que optimicen el código no van a solucionar el problema, en vez de petar a los 350 petará a los 375..


#1453 pues a este paso se me estan quitando las ganas de jugar. XD

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Alguien me hace una cuenta??? :(

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