RAW #HO | MMORP de mundo abierto



en los stretch goals desglosan que van a necesitar sobre unos 2Millones para poder dejarlo todo bien. Los 70k imagino k son unicamente para levantar servers y abrir una alpha. Esto va para largo.

1 1 respuesta

La idea es buena, pero tiene toda la pinta de que va a ser un fail estrepitoso.


#31 Los stretch goals no funcionan así, no es una cantidad para cada uno, si no diferentes metas en una misma cantidad. Cuando se llega a la cifra de esa meta, se da por conseguida, y a por la próxima. En este caso, todo lo que quieren implementar para el early access les costaría 350.000$ (según sus cálculos, claro). También te digo que lo de que va para largo las saquen adelante o no es más que seguro.

Por cierto, parece que el boca a boca ha hecho efecto (es posible que en alguna web también les hayan hecho publicidad, lo ignoro) y no deberían tener problemas para conseguir la meta principal.


Primer vídeo de gameplay: conducción.

También han explicado algunas cosas en la última actualización del Kickstarter:

"...Due to the above reasons and because people already had a negative experience with RP games, we decided to reduce our goal to $79.000. Of course we need a lot more than $79.000. The minimum comfortable amount is about $300.000. We said earlier that there will be several fundraising campaigns. Kickstarter is the first stage... After Kickstarter campaign, we will start IndieGoGo campaign."

"Of course we use public assets. We're not hiding it. Of course all public assets will be replaced with custom ones over time."

"We need to open an office, purchase hardware and software. For example, we plan to acquire a motion capture system in the future. And most importantly we have to hire more people. Now the priority is to hire more programmers and 3d-modelers. We'll hire a shader artists, texture artists, map designers if we raise enough money. Also we have to pay taxes in the amount of 30-40% of raised funds."

"We would like to say a little about our approach to development. It’s based on “from general to particular” principle. This means that we plan to create a general gameplay first, and then work out the individual elements more carefully. This approach will help to create playable version of the game much faster than if we tried to drill down into each element first and would not release the game until it is finished completely. Once we make a stable version, with basic but well-functioning gameplay, we will release the game in early access."

Quien quiera leerlo al completo que vaya a la pestaña de actualizaciones en la página de la campaña.

2 3 respuestas

#35 osea, hacen una campaña pidiendo X para financiar el juego, y ahora te sueltan que necesitan mas pasta




#35 "vamos a hacer un juego sin más para que vayáis jugando, y vamos a ir cambiando los modelos poco a poco con la pasta que nos vayais dando."

Solo a mí no me gusta su plan?


Es todo muy shady, no se quien podria meter su cartera aqui xdd

20 días después

Pues ha pasado algo, porque Kickstarter ha suspendido la campaña hace unas 3 horas, y se ha ventilado todos los comentarios (no sé si es política habitual cuando hay una suspensión, supongo que sí), aunque luego se ha podido seguir comentando.



Doble post para poner un comentario de la campaña en el que han puesto las explicaciones que han dado en discord:

What just happened?

Kickstarter suspended our campaign. There were no warnings, nothing. They just closed it without providing any actual reasons. Here is a copy of the only message that we received from them (screenshot attached down below).

Why this happened?

We don't know. We assume, that there were some people, that were massively reporting on our campaign to kickstarter directly. This is might be one of possible reasons that triggered kickstarter to suspend our campaign. It's very suspicious that they suspended us only 24 hours before ending of the campaign. It's unclear why they have waited for the very end of the campaign to close us.

We are very disappointed right now on how kickstarter manages such a situations. They could at least contact us on the first place and ask us things that they were concern about. That didn't happened. They just closed us. That is it.

What's next?

As we mentioned, we are very disappointed, but not broken. We are going to release gameplay video as we promised no matter what. It will take us 2 more days, but we will share it with our community here on Discord as soon as we possibly can. We will not stop making gameplay demonstration videos after this one and we will continue to ensure our reliability in the eyes of our community.

After demonstration of new gameplay video, we will start working on solutions that can give the community an ability to support our further development of the game. IndieGoGo can become one of those solutions. The second solution is to make it trough our web-site.

That is all information for now.

Please stay tuned for new upcoming information here on Discord. We will do our best to inform you as fast as we can about everything what is going on with our game and it's future."


Jooder, que mal huele esto.


Las explicaciones que ha dado Kickstarter para cancelar la campaña:

"Our rules and guidelines ask that creators seek to raise the amount of money needed to bring a project to completion and fulfil all rewards," a spokesperson told PCGamesN.

"This creator stated in an update that they would need to raise additional funds outside of Kickstarter to complete the game. We require projects to be honest and clearly presented, and this project failed to meet that standard."


un juego excesivamente pretencioso con solo 2 devs, la gente no aprende :man_facepalming:


No sé como hay gente que se sigue tragando estos engaños en los KS, cuando es demasiado ambicioso ya huele mal y siempre acaban mal.

A mi me dicen que todo lo que han mostrado es un mod del GTA V y me lo creo

1 respuesta

#45 En internet hay gente a la que le sobra demasiado el dinero.

1 respuesta

#46 Belle Delphine nos saluda

2 meses después

Espero que sigan para delante aunque les cancelaran el proyecto en kickstarter :)

4 meses después
