Star Trek Online


Doy fe que lleva 7 años esperando ese juego. Por cierto enhorabuena no se quien me dijo que fuistes papa.

Imagino que ya te lo habras comprado.

Aunque para ti mejor estos.


#31 lol inferno XDDD

si por aqui hay un bicho lloron XD

ya tengo disfraces hace mucho jajaja

  • 1 posteo doble

Ya se puede reservar y web nueva !!

PD: que pocos trekkies estamos por aqui :(


A mi me encanta ST, pero macho solo kling y federación, con lo que molan los romulanos. Por lo que veo y leo, el sistema de level parece calcao al E&B que subias te daban puntacos y los repartias. Las naves escolta me han hecho tilin.


no se donde lei que " estaban pensando hacer jugables a los Borg" ....

De todos modos al parecer con el personalizador de chars puedes hacerles tener la pinta que quieras, andoriano, romulano, etc etc etc

Eso si , faccciones al principio, Fed y Klingon, y esto, enmarcado en post Nemesis pues ....

Tendria que haber al menos Cardasianos también aunque en esta epoca estan casi destruidos.


Ya tiene fecha la Open Beta: del 12 al 26 de Enero.


Los science vessels tienen una pinta muy interesante =D


He visto los videos del combate naval y es una mezcla cojonuda del E&B y el Potbs. Se sabe algo del PvP?


Vuelve a sonar de nuevo esa musiquita... SPACE, THE FINAL FRONTIER...


#38 se sabe que hay dos facciones , pvp en tierra , en el espacio, zonas en conflicto con free pvp. que no hay drop de equipo y que peudes guardar las naves, que el combate de naves es lento y el de tierra rapido y poco mas ...

17 días después

Para Deli:

NEW YORK, Dec. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Atari, Inc., one of the world's most recognized videogame publishers, and acclaimed MMO developers Cryptic Studios(TM), are pleased to announce several pre-order programs for the highly anticipated Star Trek Online for PC. Based on the world renowned sci-fi series, Star Trek Online gives gamers and fans of the fiction a chance to boldly explore the Star Trek universe for the first time on a truly massive scale. Star Trek Online is available at retailers in North America on February 2, 2010.

All Star Trek Online pre-orders receive guaranteed access to the Star Trek Online Open Beta test from January 12th to January 26th, 2010. In addition, Star Trek Online also offers an exclusive Early Start Program with pre-orders at all participating retailers that runs January 29, 2010 through launch on February 2. The Early Start Program allows players to get a leg up on other interstellar explorers and access the Star Trek universe the weekend prior to the game's launch. Unlike beta play, all in-game progress made during the Early Start Program will carry over to the live adventure.

All customers who pre-order Star Trek Online receive access to the Open Beta and Early Start Program. Details on exclusive pre-order content for Star Trek Online include:


GameStop customers receive the ability to command the exclusive and always classic USS Enterprise from Star Trek The Original Series.

Best Buy

Best Buy is offering their customers a fun in-game pet. As a Federation Captain, players own a famed Tribble of Star Trek lore that will accompany them on their travels into the final frontier. As a Klingon commander, players control the boar-like Targ, a beast found on the Klingon home world of Qo'noS.


Amazon is offering an exclusive "Liberated Borg" Bridge Officer. This bridge officer, who comes with unique nanotechnology augmentations, assists in missions and gains experience as the player does.


With the Wal-Mart Bonus Skill Points package, receive addition skill points that enable players to improve their characters quickly.


Target customers who pre-order Star Trek Online receive a unique ground weapon -- a TR-116. This rare projectile weapon is used in dampening fields and other challenging environments; it is also modified with a micro-transporter which beams the fired projectiles to targets at close range so that a user can fire without a direct line of site.


Direct2Drive customers receive an exclusive Multi-Spatial Personal Shield. This advanced personal shield system is based on Borg technology, which constantly regenerates itself and the health of its wearer.


STEAM is offering customers Chromodynamic Armor. This armor is based on technology brought back from the Delta Quadrant by USS Voyager improves the damage and critical hits of energy weapons.


JODER Robertito XD!!

Hay que elejir entre: Un pet clasico, llevar el NCC 1701 (Enterprise) no si el A B C D o E :p, tener un 7/9 en tu puente (borg liberado), un escudo personal (para pvp tiene que estar bien), armadura especial, + skill points no se cual elejir !!

El borg liberado para espacio esta muy bien, pero casi mejor el escudo yo creo :D

Bueno ya veremos


Joder Deli que buenos los videos de combates de naves uffff Ademas he visto mis favoritas las naves Romulanas de cajòn me harè Romulano ;)

La leche el Halcòn Romulano que se ve en uno de los videos , esteticamente es el que mas me gusta..caerà uno fijo


no puedeas hacerte romulano solo klingon o fed, aunque puedes personallizar un fed para que se parezca a un romulano.


Los Romulanos con la federaciòn ?? Salvo su Alianza contra el Dominio, ni de coña me hago de la Federaciòn , al lado Klingon de cabeza ;)


al fin y al cabo un romulano es un vulcano converso :D


Nuevas screens vía Kotaku



Special Packages Contain Exclusive Content, Collectibles, and Game Access

New York, NY (December 11, 2009) – Atari, Inc., one of the world’s most recognized videogame publishers, and acclaimed MMO developer Cryptic Studios™, announced today a Collector’s Edition and a Digital Deluxe Edition of Star Trek Online, available for purchase on February 2, 2010, for a limited time only. Both packages include exclusive content, collectibles and game access.  Right now, the $79.99 Collector’s Edition can be pre-ordered at and the $59.99 Digital Deluxe Edition can be pre-ordered at Direct2Drive and STEAM.  Both special editions are also available at

“True Star Trek fans are sure to appreciate the exclusive features the Star Trek Online Collector’s Edition and Digital Deluxe Edition boast,” says Jim Wilson, President and CEO of Atari, Inc.  “With extended content and one-of-a-kind collectible items, Star Trek fans and gamers alike can experience the full extent of the Star Trek experience.”

[b]The Star Trek Online Collector’s Edition adds to the experience with such bonus features as[/b]:

    * [b]Deluxe Packaging[/b]: Futuristic 3dX holography set in a high quality brushed aluminum finish.  Heavy duty construction with magnetic closures and nested compartments for all components.

    * [b]Deluxe Manual[/b]: High-end, hardbound, art book, manual and disc case in a single, elegant package. “HD Printing” on over 40 glossy pages highlights exclusive art from the Star Trek Online universe.

    * [b]Communicator Badge[/b]: High-quality cast-metal design based on the in-game badge model. Fully 3D sculpted with recessed burst and curved contours.

    * [b]Guest Passes[/b]:  Credit card style buddy passes to invite three of your friends for a three-day trial of Star Trek Online.  Codes can be transmitted digitally or physically.

    * [b]Red Matter Capacitor (in-game item)[/b]: A unique item that charges up and delivers extra energy to all of your ship’s equipment for a short time.

    * “[b]Star Trek: The Next Generation” Uniform (in-game item)[/b]: Uniform Options from “The Next Generation” Series.  The timeless look worn by Picard, Data and Riker.

    * [b]“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” Uniform (in-game item)[/b]: Uniform Options from the “Deep Space Nine” Series.  Gray shoulders on a black uniform, just like Sisko, Worf and Dax.

The Star Trek Online Digital Deluxe Edition offers such bonuses as [b]five exclusive in-game items as well as the ability to play as a “Joined Trill”[/b] – a symbiote that grants you several lifetimes of experience.  The five exclusive in-game items include:

    * [b]Original Star Trek Uniform Set[/b]: Three uniforms from the original series (blue, red, yellow).

    * [b]Exclusive “KHAAAN!” Emote[/b]: An unforgettable moment from the second Star Trek Film.  This exclusive emote allows players to relive Kirk’s unforgettable moment of fury, with the timeless cry… “KHAAAN!”

    * [b]Exclusive Klingon Blood Wine Toast Emote[/b]: Raise a glass like a Klingon!  Greet other players with an exclusive Klingon gesture –the blood wine toast.

    * [b]Unique Registry Prefix[/b]: Give your ship the coveted NX prefix, seen only on a handful of elite Starfleet vessels like the Defiant, 22nd century Enterprise, and Prometheus.

    * [b]Unique Ship Item[/b]: Automated Defense Battery. This Tactical Module grants any ship a passive 360 arc attack power with a short range.

In Star Trek Online, the Star Trek universe will appear for the first time one a truly massive scale. In this massively multiplayer online game, players can pioneer their own destiny as Captain of a Federation ship or become a Klingon Warlord and expand the Empire to the far reaches of the galaxy. Players will visit iconic locations from the popular Star Trek fiction, travel to unexplored star systems, and contact new alien species. Every moment spent playing Star Trek Online will feel like a new Star Trek episode in which you are the hero. Immerse yourself in the future of the Trek universe as it moves into the 25th century: a time of shifting alliances and new discoveries. As the Captain of your very own ship, it’s up to you to lead your crew on missions that span the galaxy.

Star Trek Online is a licensed product from CBS Consumer Products.  For more information, please visit:


Tentador .


Muy Muy Tentador


Y caro.


stargate online, startreck online, starwars tor... quien ganara la batalla?


tacha a stargate porque hasta que salga pasara mucho mucho tiempo.

Luego STO vs SWTOR ... esta claro que en España jugaran 1000 veces mas a SWTOR, pero ST es grande en los paises en los que gusta la sci fi como USA UK GER etc ... ST tb es para un publico mas adulto, por su fuerte componente de space opera y su Lore infinito mientras que SW es para un publico mucho mas joven y amante de la mezcla fantasia - tecnologia - mistica que es SW.

Cryptic lleva mucho tiempo haciendo MMORPGs mientras que para Bioware es su primero.

Luego en mi opinion STO esta ambientado en la mejor epoca, despues de ST:VOY, con el dominion por un lado, los borg por otro y con una guerra klingon vs fed volviendo a la epoca de ST:TOS.

Pero los MMORPGs son mucho mas que eso, tiene que tener contenido divertido, buen combate en el espacio, buen combate en tierra, buen pvp, buen high end y un conflicto que de contenido a los clanes para que sea un juego en el que merezca la pena quedarse.


Acabo de ver un video de pelea de Star trek y que decir, deja q desear. Y bueno SW:ToR no lo termino de ver tampoco.


Nuevo video, no muy revelador pero tiene bastante material in-game:


Otro video:

"Star Trek Online Starbase 24 Trailer"

Y para los vagos les dejo una especie de FAQ (en ingles of course)


Francamente ¿tan dificil resulta hacer animaciones? No hago mas que ver mmorpgs y mas mmorpgs de compañias "nuevas" con graficos decentes, prometedora jugabilidad y ..... animaciones plus ortopedicas que no encajan por mas que quieras, tenia la esperanza de que Star Trek iva a ser distinto pero mi gozo en un pozo.


Bueno este ultimo trailer no es ninguna maravilla creo este cae seguro seguro ;)


A mi lo que ma me gusta que los pjs en sueter y licra esl combate naval... pinta alucinante.

A todo esto no hay alguna comunidad hecha ?



Interesante pregunta.... La hay??


#56 +10 llevo tiempo haciendo la misma reflexión, no entiendo que en juegos con inversiones astronómicas salgan con animaciones malas

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