The Secret World #HO | Dark days are coming...

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Guía de Crafting por Stumkrav: #1883


Ami el pvp me no es que me parezca malo, es que me parece inexistente.

Las 2 bgs primeras (stone y dorado) me parecen super simples, la de stone se gana con 2 personas y la otra es puro campeo.

La de Fusang la verdad que esta divertida pero para ser el único recurso pvp decente flojea un poco.

Sabéis si van a meter content PVP a corto plazo?


Si a alguien le sobrara una key de esas de prueba, se lo agradecería mucho :P

1 respuesta

#1892 Ahora te mando un mp!

1 1 respuesta

#1893 gracias de nuevo!


#1821 sip son super simples. Igual que coger una bandera o mantener un establo xD. Pvp enlatado no hay mas...

Ahora que stone se gane con 2 mmmmm, creo que te patinas un poquitin. Como en toda bg, gana el equipo mejor organizado. Incluso en fusang, solo que por ahora es todo matar, matar y matar. 1 semana de juego... La gente quiere sangre :D.


¿alguno podria enviarme una key de las de 24 horas para probar el juego y decidirme a comprarlo o no? :)


el juego como historia y pve esta wapisimo.supongo que cada pocos meses meteran parches de conetenido.

eo pvp es lo mas malo que he visto en mucho como jugar al max payne 3 online pero pagando 15 pavos.

un gran juego mmo-aventura grafica perfecto para hecer tiempo en espera de GW2 y PANDARIA.


Bombaclot son


Si bien el Metascore ha bajado, por las reviews de algunas paginas, la opinion de los usuarios es sorprendente. No me esperaba que a la semana de salida todavia estuviese tan alto.


La primera instance del juego como se llama y donde esta? que requisitos te piden para entrar? como no hay lvl ya sabeis jeje

1 respuesta

#1900 The Polaris, situada en Kingsmouth. En el puente del nordeste, veras un helicóptero y unos hombres de negro. El QL sería entre 2-3.


Ragnar y su equipo han estado currando en una aplicación muy curiosa, se trata del Chronicle

Mediante esta página, que pronto podremos acceder desde el mismo juego, podremos contemplar un leaderboard a modo de Armeria, muy similar del que dispone World of Warcraft. Toda una sorpresa que se tenían muy calladita. Aquí podéis ver mis stats por ejemplo, que skills llevo, que he desbloqueado, stats pve/pvp... Sin duda los chicos de Funcom estan apostando muy fuerte con The Secret World.



He estado mirando un poco las skills y he pensado en si seria factible para raidear, tener a un tio con una o 2 curillas spameables y el resto skills support. De esta forma, puede ir dopando a la raid constantemente y ademas apoyar un poco en curas. ¿como lo veis?


Claro, puedes hacer de support, es de unas las posibilidades de las skills. Si te fijas, hay armas que tienen daño/support, no necesariamente daño/healing, como sería el caso de elemental por ejemplo o las pistolas, que son dmg/healing.

1 respuesta

#1904 Ya ya, si yo lo veo factible. Ahora pongamos un caso real:
Deus Vult monta raid, quereis a Yuga como completo support apoyando curas, sacrificando asi a un raider que puede curar al 100% o hacer dps al 100%? XD
Mas que nada, para empezar a investigar esas builds. Yo desde mi punto de visto, lo haria. Tener a un tio apoyando a toda la party con buffs, e incluso tenerlo de debuffer en los combates que sean necesarios lo veo muy util para liberar a los heals.

1 respuesta

#1905 Por ahora no hay raids, hay 3 modos de dificultad y world bosses sumoneables, que seria el equivalente.

El support puede ser dps/support, por ejemplo un blood/rifles que haga dps y pasivas que aporten curas a modo de dots, tipo shadowpriest del wow. Puedes construirte el personaje como quieras.


Vale, pues quizas le de prioridad a buscar esas skills azul clarito xD De todas formas, me estaba haciendo deck exorcista, asi que ya veremos que hago.

1 respuesta

#1907 piensa que todavia nadie ha probado nada a alto nivel, vas a tener el privilegio de empezar a experimentar. Quien sabe si para hacer las instances elite merece la pena sacrificar dps por un tio que de 15% mas a critico 15% de absorcion de daño, purgas, curas, debuffos....

quien sabe...


Mendigando key de las que acaban el 15, venga que se caducan! :)


Yo estoy igual. Si alguno aun no ha dado su key me gustaría probarlo para decidir si lo pillo o no.


Me jode decirle pero: que dejen de implementar mierdas y arreglen el bug del chat, que esto empieza a pegar un tufo bastante considerable.


No te digo más que nos hemos quedado a medIas de hacer Ankh por lo del chat y que no os podía responder al invite para la siguiente dungeon xD La verdad es que a veces tenía problemas con el chat, pero ahora es brutal xD


Llevo varios dias viendo videos y fotos de este juego, y tiene una pinta de la ostia, pero me da mal royo gastarte los 50 €urazos que vale y k luego no me acabe.

alguien seria tan amable de pasarme una key por MP.

Mil gracias y espero veros pronto, ingame!

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Desde el primer día el juego está por 30 euros xD

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#1914, mis disculpas, me he basado en el precio que ponia en #1.

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#1915 Y es su precio oficial realmente, pero lo puedes encontrar en las páginas de keys más barato :)


Llevo meses siguiendo este juego y me lo pillé por probar. Es el único MMO que me ha enganchado tanto y bien en años probando sucesores del wow.

No se si será la novedad de ir descubriendo cosas, explorando, probando, pero desde luego para mi es totalmente recomendable, eso si no apto para todas las edades.

Tengo algunas dudas ya que aún estoy en kingsmouth y se me escapan cosas.

Quiero un personaje que use rifles de asalto y elementalism (creo que es el deck Mercenary (iluminati)).
Los SP points los pongo en rifles y elementalism, pero hay veces que no deja subir los puntos de estos 2 y tengo la opcion en ponerlos en otras armas o magias. Voy guardando los puntos o los gasto en otras ramas?
Hay forma de resetear los SP points?

Hay alguna forma de recuperar los objetos vendidos como en el wow?

Porque la ropa de la gente mola tanto y yo parezco un mendigo con un rifle? De momento sólo se me ha desbloqueado una cazadora bien fea xd.

Cuando llego a Londres? Aún estoy en kingsmouth, en el puente haciendo quests, supongo que me mandarán pronto a otro lado.


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#1917 los SP vete guardadolos, a medida que coges equipo superior te pide que tengas la habilidad de SP especifica para usarlos, por ejemplo Head Talisman QL 5 te pedira que tengas 5 puntos en esa especialidad.


Servers ON

UPDATE 1.0.1


Fixed the cause of some stalls in performance while in Seoul.
When you zone, you will now be returned to you original dimension (unless you are in a team, in which case you will stay in the same dimension).
Fixed a visual issue where blood effects while using magic abilities would show green or orange square textures.
You can now use the Meet up feature if you are in combat stance, but not in combat.
Reduced loudness of Radio music during a cinematic with Sophie in Besieged Farmlands.
Weapons should now behave properly in the training areas.


The Athletic hoodie, blue now appears in the dressing room.
Fixed several clothing items that had the wrong visual looks compared to their descriptions.
Clothing in the item shop now matches their thumbnails.
The Neutral Faction pants and jacket should now get delivered correctly when claimed.
The Bubble Vest, blue item will now be delivered properly.
Players can no longer buy anything they already own from the clothing vendor.


Increased the size of pets.
Pets no longer collide with players.
Owl pets have had their visuals slightly improved.
All dogs now look like shown in the preview in the item store.


Addressed an issue which could sometimes prevent players from using chat while the servers were under heavy load. We are aware that this fix will not resolve all of the current chat issues.
The officers chat in a cabal is now restricted to only those that can see it.
Fixed an issue where it was difficult to select a chat channel if you left the game via disconnecting.


Hammer sounds have been improved.
Updated the Striker ability to properly apply damage when the target is hindered.


Fixed several issues, including one regarding incorrect tooltips on QL 3 glyphs.
Updated all mission rewards to properly decompose into dust/fire/water as appropriate.


Hell Raised Normal - Recursia: Triggerthings have had their HP reduced by 20%. Elite and Nightmare Triggerthings are unchanged.
Hell Raised Normal - Recursia: Phase 3 will now trigger at lower health. Elite and Nightmare modes are unchanged, and will continue to trigger at the previous (higher) values.
Hell Raised Nightmare - Recursia: Recursia should now successfully cast Anima Eruption at any target in the fight, regardless of range.
Hell Raised - Machine Tyrant: The Machine Tyrant should now hit his targets more consistently.
The Darkness War : Nightmare mode buff Underworld Ward now works.
Nightmare mode minibosses will now drop Nightwatch level glyph kits.
Reduced the number of unique item drops from Nightmare bosses.
Gatekeeper's Challenge : Gatekeeper's damage output was reduced slightly.
Minibosses in Nightmare mode dungeons will now drop QL 10 blue items with a chance of QL 10 epic Glyph crafting kits.


The particles for Immunity are no longer overwhelming and easily noticeable on the larger bosses.
All guild related events (except for someone else in the guild joining up, leaving, and changing online status) should be displayed as onscreen messages now.
Right clicking one item then left clicking another item will no longer both close the menu and pick up the item.
Sending too much money should now only give you one onscreen message.
Compose Letter is now correctly called Compose Mail
Compose Mail "To(recipient's nickname):" text field only accepts characters, letters and hyphens, as intended.
You can now use SHIFT-TAB to jump back between textfields when composing a mail.
Mails are now marked as read properly.
After confirming the deletion of a mail item, you will no longer have to manually select another mail - the next mail will be automatically selected for you now.
Holding an item on the mouse pointer and then clicking the right arrow (next page on store and sell) no longer opens a deletion popup.
"Expand Size Limit" in the store tab now looks like Expand size in your inventory.
You will now get feedback if you try to remove funds from your Cabal bank and you are of too low a rank.
Scrolling through your mail with the scroll wheel should now work correctly.
Changed the color of the envelop asset from red to white.
The prompt given to players when deleting mail with no attachments now reflects that there are no attachments in the message.
Messages can now be sent if the message body only contains numerical characters.
Fixed an issue with the Expand size on the store tooltip.
The split item GUI should no longer misbehave when splitting a stack in the guild bank or store and sell tab.
You are no longer able drag and drop items to the Compose Mail attachment through the Postal Service windows.
Placing an item from normal inventory over the bank GUI will no longer cause the bank GUI to grab the item.
Read mails now appeared greyed out after being read.
Improved the visibility of receiving mail.
Fixed the ability to send cash without having to write a message as well.
Increased width of drop down menu components to support longer text.
Players are not able to type more than 4000 characters in the text field. Larger text pastes will be truncated. There is no visual indication that you have reached the limit.
Trying to take a mission that puts an item in the inventory when the inventory is already full now shows the message ?One of the Mission Goals failed to create. Make sure you have an open slot in your inventory. ?
Depositing an item in the same cabal bank slot at the same time will no longer cause the player to become unable to receive items.


Spectres in Blue Mountain should now be a little easier to defeat.
Teeth have been fixed on several NPCs.
Lair monsters should no longer block the path to where Gravedust can be found.
City of the Sun God : Sutekh no longer walks through rocks on his daily constitutional.
New York : Fixed Charles Zurn's hair.


Players will now appear as they should in the first cinematic.
Dragon - Into Darkness : Bong Cha's congratulatory phone call will no longer echo to bystanders.
The Haunting: Fixed an issue where one task could fail during the mission.
The end boss in the mission Too Deep, Neesh-Um, the Stalker of Nightmares, will no longer aggro the player until his adds are killed.

Media popups for gravestones in Kingsmouth town should now appear correctly.
Fixed rubberbanding issue in Kingsmouth sewers.
Ravens will now properly fly off during missions when they are supposed to.
Player can pick up the flamethrower and get the finished product when on Tier 3 of the mission Flame Away.
Dead Air : The mission should always be completeable now. The crate will respawn after the filth hulk dies and can be interacted with so long as there are players with Tier 5 active.
Dead Air : Waymarker is placed properly at the serial number location. The serial plate no longer has an empty tooltip.
Ambushes are now triggering properly, and will solve the goal on any player near the Lost Drone.
The Trapped Survivor in Kingsmouth Town should now respawn correctly after dying or completing the mission "That'll Leave a Mark".
That'll Leave a Mark - Injured man will get into the fight more often, but if he manages to get to the sheriff without fighting, then the player can consider himself fortunate.
A Sacred Place : Dragging zombies into the church awards group credit.
Journey's End can now be shared.
Adjusted the placement of the map and Beaumont's Notes in Dawning of an Endless Night so they no longer have clipping issues with the tables they are on.
Made it more clear how to interact with the computer in Kingsmouth Code.
Horror Show - Collecting cameras now awards group credit.
Zen and the Art of Weapon Maintenance can now be shared.
The buff provided by the Siren's Song during Dawning of an Endless Night now has a description.
The Hunger : The Voracious Wendigo is now killable.

The Savage Coast
Tolba Bay's zombie population should now stay dead longer.
The Terrible Wendigo in Savage Coast no longer spawns right where the Council of Venice have set up shop.
Jack's Back has had some improvements made to prevent some issues with the mission.
Monsters should no longer fight players in Nicholas Winter's immediate vicinity.
The Urn for mission 'The Black House' should now always be present if you are on the right tier.
The Urn for The Black House in Savage Coast now does less damage if activated incorrectly.
The Resident Horror should now always respawn properly for the mission Life Imitating Art.
The Mud Golem encountered in 'Theme Park Tycoon' should now provide mission credit to all players who have engaged him.
Poltergeists during the Strange Candle event in the Black House now have a proper name for the burning effect.
Newspaper clippings for "The Black House" should now have proper subtitles.
Taking the Purple : Made improvements to this to help ensure the ambushers will always spawn during tier 2.
Increased the grace location on the telescopes so it's more lenient about where you can solve the mission A Reasonable Man.
Hell Hath no Vacancy : Daniel Bach now has a more audible reason to appear unsettled during the cinematic.
The Player, Not the Piece should now fail and resume correctly if you disconnected during the final event.
Volatile Essence Flask inventory item now has an updated icon.
Waypoint for the second mangled corpse in mission 'The Strange Boat House in the Mist' now correctly points towards the goal.
The Angry Clown in the mission Theme Park Tycoon now properly wields his chainsaw.
Ak'ab should no longer be able to move the wardstones with their dash during the Savage Coast ward defense for Dawning of an Endless Night.
Added several waymarkers to mission 'Gravity'.
Photographing monsters for Daniel Bach during "Bring it Bach" should no longer randomly award two updates for one picture taken.

The Blue Mountain
Visuals for the trail will show properly in War of the Totems.
The Filth Amendment : Subject Zero will now always spawn when all four spikes have been defeated. Spikes will recover from their wounds after 5 minutes and must thus all be defeated within that time.
Off the Menu: The zombies during the Defending the piece of meat event are now less numerous and weaker.
Homeland Insecurity - Checkmate beacon activation time has been rebalanced to take 2 seconds to activate.
Homeland Insecurity - Penumbral brood queen has had her hitpoints reduced somewhat.
Homeland Insecurity: The respawn rate of the Dreyrugr Lord for tier 2 was greatly lowered.
The Orochi Group: When the player is caught by a drone or an agent, he will no longer have to fight a Corrupted Orochi while exiting the container.
Scavengers: The difficulty of the Skeleton Crew mob spawned during the assault in Tier 1 was slightly lowered.
Dawning of an Endless Night : Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing Tier 18 if they crashed during the cinematic in Tier 17.
Dawning of an Endless Night : Disconnecting during a cutscene at the end of the mission will no longer strand you in black waters.
Population of Ak'ab at Kraken Cove and in the immediate surrounding of the Mansion has been reduced.

The Scorched Desert
"The Big Terrible Picture" in the Scorched Desert should now reset both the flames and crystals puzzles correctly.
Ammunition crates gathered during "Ten Thousand Bullets" in the Scorched Desert should now give credit to all players in a team.
The Ancient Tomb Guardian boss for "Black Sun, Red Sand" has been rebalanced to fit better with appropriate gear intended for the fight.
Map marker for "Black Sun, Red Sand" tier 4 now has been updated.

City of the Sun God
Funeral Pyre can now be shared.
Ghoul, Well done can now be shared.
Mission "Halls of Lost Records" should now be more multiplayer compatible.
The mission "Foundations" has now made it back into the City of the Sun God. The mission is given by The Great Architect.
Earthrifts in Dust Devils should now be more multiplayer friendly.
The Eye of Horus ability no longer has a placeholder name.
The mission starter for "She Who Likes Silence" in the City of the Sun God has been moved slightly, making it easier to pick up the mission.
Waypoint marker for From Ashes now include all the urns.
Mission marker for tier 3 of Mummy Issues in the City of the Sun God now points to the door of the Tomb.
The Dark Places - Soul Corruptor no longer has a placeholder name for the ability that makes it take to the skies.

The Shadowy Forest
Tenebrae : Tenebrae no longer keeps attacking when reaching 0 hp, and will resolve the mission goal properly.
The siren song now plays at the end of the cinematic for "Fungal Fireworks".

The Besieged Farmlands
Updated muzzle flash on Scarecrow shotgun to use a custom modified one that is now facing the correct way. Effects also updated to use better looking shotgun spray.

Carpathian Fangs
Tweaked collision around Dracula's Castle in order to make the window more accessible.


Me han vuelto a dar la tunda los muertos de la quest de los sasquatch...