Punk music hits a new low (screw fat wrechords!)
Fat Wrechords, the record label that NoFx runs, has threatened a torrent site dedicated to punk music. here is the email i sent them (edited to post here):
So, one of the moderators on torrents.com has said it was you guys that have shut the site down. If this is the truth, you guys do a poor job of representing punk music. I understand about the banning of sharing advanced cd releases, but shutting down a whole community, that is just $hi%y. I found out about more bands that I like today from torrents.com then any other place ever. If I didn't know about these bands, I would not be able to support them. Tell me if that is not supporting punk music. so in conclusion, Fat Mike, you suck, and I will never consider you to be a true punk. What about the song Dinosaurs Will Die? When can I expect to see a music video of that song on MTV?
the song Dinosaurs will die is a song against mainstream music and labels. and here is some more proof od hypocracy:
from http://www.nofx.org 'Q and A' section
'I was curious as to your opinion concerning mp3's and pirating cds. Has it hurt nofx or fat wreck chords??
Yeah it hurts nofx and fat, but whadya gonna do. I dont really care that much. it's like taping a record at a friends house. I'd like to think that a lot of our fans would buy the new cd to help support the band, but hey, if you don't got the dough who's gonna know.
Fat Mike'
I might understand if nofx was going through hard time$:
'What kinda cars do you guys drive?
I drive a 99 ford econoline van and a 64 lincoln convertable on nice days. El Hefe has a Ford expedition and a cherry 47 chevy. Melvin has a Tahoe and a 65 mustang, and Smelly has a buncha motorcycles a go cart that can go 60 mph and a pick up truck. (My van is the coolest though cuz it's got a bar in it).
Fat Mike '
but aparently they arnt.
no se muy bien ke es esto se ke tiene ke ver kon nofx ke un tio se keja de algo kreo no se alguien ke entienda muy bien de esto xDD