Rusia invade Ucrania. Hilo general

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#2969 Pues las armas y apoyo militar como si estuviese en la OTAN lo ha estado teniendo.




#2939 si a USA le funcionó no veo porque a estos no...


El tema viene cuando las tropas rusas se queden en la próxima frontera del territorio anexado y les lleguen balas desde ucrania, y se pongan a devolver fuego con todo.



Reconoce las dos repúblicas y amenaza al gobierno Ucraniano que de seguir las hostilidades contra las dos repúblicas serán ellos los culpables de lo que ocurra.



USSR screwed up by allowing Ukraine to break away. The current government in Ukraine is made up of nationalists, extremists and Nazis who side with the West using Russophobia to hold power.

Corruption has permeated the entirety of Ukraine, and protesters in Ukraine received $1m a day from the United States. Extremists then came to power and began a reign of terror throughout Ukraine.

6m Ukrainians (15%) had to move out to find work because of the social collapse of Ukraine.

Ukraine is growing poorer. The economy is in ruins and is being looted under the sway of foreign elements. NGO's and internal Branches are looting. Nothing is independent in Ukraine. The embassy of the US controls the Courts and state attorney office in Ukraine.

Ukraine is not a state, it is a colony with a puppet regime that's destroying Ukrainian sovereignty.

Russians in Ukraine are treated as foreigners. The Russian language is being excluded from all society. There is no freedom of speech. Ukrainian officials are persecuting their own citizens. The Orthodox Church is being oppressed via religious schism.

Crimea made their own choice. Ukraine is using extremists, Islamic radicals as a diversion. Ukraine is kidnapping Russian people, with support from foreign nations.

In 2021, a new military strategy in Ukraine was opposition to Russia. Ukraine is trying to rope the international community into a direct conflict with Russia leading to nuclear conflict. Ukraine is trying to attain nuclear weapons, Ukraine can acquire tactical nukes with foreign assistance. We cannot let this happen.

Ukraine can never have nuclear weapons. Russia must prevent this from happening. The US has spent billions in providing Ukraine with weapons and training. There are NATO troops in Ukraine and the command of Ukrainian units is under the Chief of Staff of NATO.

There are foreign missiles in Kyiv, confirmed that Ukraine will join NATO. You cannot establish your own security if you are threatening someone else's security. 2018 Bucharest Summit, Georgia and Ukraine would in time become members of NATO. The risk of this decision. For us tomorrow or down the road, the American Leaders have said that if there is a military conflict in Ukraine this would not prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.

In 1990, the US promised the USSR that there would not be an enlargement of NATO to the East after the unification of Germany. Eastern European nations used Russophobia to gain NATO membership.

In 2000, Clinton visited Russia. Putin asked Clinton how the Americans would react to Russia joining NATO. Clinton's reaction was moderate. The US then supported the terrorists, didn't listen to Russia in regard to the missile treaty. The US does not want Russia to exist. Goes on to list all the Eastern European NATO members. This is the source of the security crisis and mutual trust is gone.

NATO is preparing to deploy missiles in Romania and Poland. This is something that is happening in Ukraine. This is a danger to Russia especially with unexpected strikes. The Military Doctrine of the US that the US can and will carry out preventable strikes, and Russia is the main enemy to the US.

Ukrainian airports are close to Russia and NATO could set up missiles near these airports and strike major cities in Russia. The US can strike Russia with Tomahawk missiles, hypersonic missiles, that can strike Russia within 30 mins. The US will undeniably attack Russia with these weapons if given the chance.

2008 Russia suggested a new security system. No country can increase its security if it came at the expense of another's security. This was rejected.

In December, Russia proposed to a security treaty. US was vague and not interested in negotiating. Russia demanded that NATO stop enlarging, np defensive systems, the return of NATO borders back to their original position. These were the main points Russia made but were ignored by NATO.

Russia is black mailed with sanctions but these will happen anyway when Russia tries to reinforce its sovereignty. The objective in Ukraine is to limit Russia, to prevent Russia from existing.

Russia's proposals are being ignored. Russia will take all necessary measures to ensure its security. The power in Kyiv does not want to implement Minsk Agreements. The Kyiv government wants another civil conflict in Eastern Ukraine.

There is no end to the bloodbath happening in the East but the West is turning a blind eye to the genocide against the 4M people in the East.

We are seeing a rise in Nationalism, preventing the use of Russian language and identity.

The regime is not legitimate in Ukraine and has chosen violence in Donbass. We have no choice but to recognize the sovereignty of the DNR/LHN regions.


¿El siguiente paso? Imprimir mas rublos.


A ver qué dice ahora OTAN y EEUU, les ha dejado la pelota en su tejado.

1 respuesta

#2979 Rescatar este meme


Lugansk y Donetsk deben ser una fiesta. Tantísimos años de sufrimiento esperando esto

2 respuestas

#2981 No debe quedar mucha gente ahí, han evacuado a casi todo el mundo.

1 respuesta

#2982 Bueno la gente, no me refiero a la plaza central de la ciudad 😂


#2981 Tampoco es que se vea mucha gente xd

1 2 respuestas

Ahora le toca a Ucrania decidir si puede seguir bombardeando territorios reconocidos por Rusia.

Prometieron que si Rusia reconocia las republicas, asaltarian a sangre y fuego.


recordemos a los que defendian a rusia sobre como eran la OTAN los malos y provocadores

3 respuestas

Bueno, pues ya es oficial, han nacido otros dos estados con reconocimiento limitado. Como por ejemplo Kosovo,


#2986 Recordemos que sin Maidan no tendriamos todo este lio...


Qué tonto es el ruso medio. Gobernados por un autentico asesino psicópata que gobierna el país como una mafia y todavía dandose golpes en el pecho. El Putin como se flipe mucho va a acabar como hitler.

9 1 respuesta

El colega basicamente ha venido a decir que Ucrania como pais no deberia ni existir:

Se vienen cositas...


#2986 No hace falta recordarlos, están aquí mismo jaleando a Putin diciendo que todo a la derecha de Polonia es territorio histórico ruso.xd

1 1 respuesta

#2991 Ha sido mas sovietico que independiente por ahora...

2 respuestas

BREAKING: Russian stock-market futures down 14%
Mientras más baje, más territorio se queda.
Ha nombrado a Odesa también y eso no están dentro de la zona independiente.


Los rusos dicen que son los ucranainos quiénes van a lanzar una ofensiva total contras las repúblicas separatistas del este.

A ver cuál es el próximo movimiento...

1 respuesta

#2984 me parece que habia mas gente ayer en genova con ayuso que prorusos celebrando XD


dep la otan


todo son bromas y seguir comiéndole la polla a EEUU y mandando apoyo a fronteras donde no tenemos ningún business hasta q nos filtren 10-20 misiles nucleares a las ciudades principales y bases militares españolas


#2970 hablo el listo que se va mofando de la gente en un conflicto que no tiene ni puta idea de lo que pueda estar pasando.. la diferencia entre tu y muchos de los bots rusos (supongo que alguno se me escapa) es que al menos ellos tienen una dialéctica más respetuosa.

Ekisde hasta que te toca el conflicto de cerca.

1 respuesta

#2994 es la única opción real que tienen de mantener esas provincias, pero a qué coste? Y serían capaces de aguantar?

Haga lo que haga Ucrania lo tiene jodido, si no hace nada pierde las dos provincias y en un par de años perderá Odesa probablemente. Si se mete en las provincias Rusia le dará cera


Se vienen cositas