Thread to practise English (Part Two)


please read #1.

The topic is now about your wishes at the new year, write about it


#301 O rly?


I wish you all die in a humiliating, ridiculous and extremely painful way.


i just hope you all die in a car on fire, it's quick and painless =)


It's very strange to read half-life in english. It's like a fucking guiri forum lawl.


#291, obviously it was a typo


I wish I could leave the smoking habit, I wish I could leave the drinking habit and I wish I could leave the whores habit

that's it and it's serious :\


Leave English and go play Parchís!! It's easier :D


I don't really have many wishes for 2008. I just hope it isn't half the shit 2007 was...

#306, 'it obviously was a typo' would be the right way to say it.


Why every time that I read myself (or spanish people talking english) seems something strange, or other type of english compared to the natural english writters (or talkers)?


#310 It's simple. Spain is different to all the other ways and we do nothing to solve that.


Dude. Maybe if we don't ¿dubbing? all the movies, and english appear more in our lives (TV, games, series...) we could solve that.

Actually, I read me, and I see a valdepuercas-english speaker xd.


It's really funny to see an english native speaker making fun of the latin accent.


yo modafokahs

I think it's funny to listen things like that too




#312 Check this article about that subject:

They did a terrible job dubbing last Batman's movie, at least is what we can figure out watching the trailer.


It's all a matter of practice. I'm not a native english speaker and I think my way of writing it is similar enough to that of a native english speaker.

If you keep practicing both writing and speaking you'll slowly get used to the "natural" way of expressing yourself in english.

Also, as for the dubbing of movies, with the recent rise in popularity of watching un-dubbed series thanks to the internet, some cinemas should seriously start considering putting up movies in their original version with subtitles. People are now, more than ever, used to watching them like this and I do believe a lot of people wouldn't mind going to the cinema and watching a movie in their original version and not having to suffer through a spanish dub.

However, there are very good spanish dubs (most of them of older movies like the Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies) and the Spanish dubbing industry is pretty big and qualified. We shouldn't just get rid of it altogether.


#317 is probably the only guy i've read that one might think is a native speaker, the rest of us simply adapt the spanish writing to english, so our sentences are not structured how a native english speaker would do.

Apart from the fact that we dont know some vocabulary so we change our sentences to say what we want avoiding using complex words we dont know how to say them in english.


#317 But we still just being like, the best dubbers.... out of the 10 countries that dub movies XDD

Talking about star wars trilogies, can't take out of my head:
"su nivel de midiclorianos se sale de las tablas!!"

I'd like to remark that, since the writing expression is something you can find a little tricky in the beginning, where you are going to find more troubles in your english learning is trying to get rid of your Valdepuercas accent, when you speak :)

PD: My f*cking god, guys you should bookmark the jailbait thread because is... epic.


Can you repeat the question?

PD; No


#319 I was actually referring to the old movies. The dub in the prequel trilogy is pretty horrible.

As for the accent, indeed it is the hardest thing to achieve. I've been speaking english for a good part of my life and although I think I have a decent accent it's definitely nowhere near a native accent.

I'd love to have a british accent <3


i have a neutral english accent, my main problem is the grammar, but.. foreign girls dont mind about grammar :)


nice hand


whats going on m8s?


#321, Australian accent is way better haha

But I've got sort of an american accent

PD: I'm sofa king stoop it. Does ne1 get it?


Funny how some fools get to translate their native incompetence to English.

About the dubbing... IMHO, the so much praised spanish dubbers should continue doing their average work, as long as they don't get their hands on English and French audio.

It would be nice, not just so we could enjoy the always better original version, but also so this country of indolent morons could get a taste of foreign languages.

Don't get me wrong, I don't even know French, it could be German or any other "useful" language. They key is to save English and maybe other language from the dubbers' claws. It feels like crap when you get to know how knowledgeable are other european young adults when it comes to languages.

Nite nite, OT.


my advice is: try to get into some foreign forums like many mv users do on and there u will get a better n better english

well, is a kind of street english but its ok anyway


#327, I don't think that's a good advice. I mean, I bet there's tons of people in those forums who aren't natives and they could make many mistakes.
It's the same point as for this thread.


#327 That's like telling a non-spanish speaking person to visit Media-Vida in order to learn Spanish. Baaaad idea.


My grandma toll me, mind how you go!

and I answer: SuCK My D1cK!