Thread to practise English (Part Two)


I'd like to live in America... I looove big cities, and i really want to go there. Perhaps New York would be my first place to settle down, but I don't refuse to stay in Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, etc...

On the other hand, next summer I'll travel to UK, and I want to stay a few month there, maybe 2 or 3. That's because I want to improve my english level, coz in the future I wanna live outside of Spain.

Anyway, any scandinavian country is fine, I like their weather... And I have hope to travel to Japan (only as a tourist), because I want to see their cities and learn more about their culture (sometimes a freak culture XD).

In conclusion, I want to travel a lot, hahaha

#748 They are practicing english too (at a different level mb...) If u r frustrated coz ur english is not good enough, then fuck u =)
What is more, I prefer to read someone whose english level is high than a lower... That's the way I can learn more about that lenguage.


I like to trabel as well.

In to weeks I'm going to Amsterdam, and for sure that i will smoke some joins at least.
I want to visit the Heineken museum, that i've benn there yet, but i want to repeat the "heineken experience".
I want to explain you too that in 3 weeks i'm going to ski in Meribel (France). I'll be living in an apartment with 3 friends.

I look forward to "(Semana Santa?)" with a lot of ilusion!!!

#748 'im with you but it's another way to learn how to explain random things. For example my english lvl is so low, but here I can learn [how to] write in this lenguage.


what !! ? what is this ? XDDDD


Buf, I haven't any idea.


i think u guys should better join an english speakin team or something instead of writting 3 words here, which is pretty useless may i say. That would reeeeally help u guys, even more than spendin half of ur life among books and accademies trying to become a beast

and ye, im not jokin


And I forgot something to say. I think that the people that have a good skill have to correct our mistakes. Then we'll begin to learn english =)


Do you speak english?
Que si hablas ingles...?
-ah si, perfectamente


I dont know why, sometimes i can express myself better, speaking english, in a basic way. Interesting thread, let's see what can i learn here, with all you noobs of livig...I really need to learn some insults.


#758 SON OF A BITCH! WE HAVE TO SAY IT MORE!! xddd (parida)





My name is Melissa, and I'm 16. I love to touch your body, I like to lick your skin. Don't worry If I am, just a little girl, 'cause if you want I can do more and more.


#761 and after the sexual act Melissa go to the police station..


#761 Miss Kittin!xD


#755 for that i recommend to visit


I'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery bored.

#768 Oh shit, my english is very bad. Sorry xd


sup mv?


My cockmaster is very very happy in porn threads . :)


#765 bored, not boring ;)

edit: No problem, we are here for that =)


Sup, /MV/

Post ending in #928 will be banned!

#759 'Under what four bars you Rusia' tkm cnt aps ;***


#768 Maybe he wanted to say that he is very boring... =)

#769 lusm rmb ffe ;*** ---> (Love you so much, reply me back, friends for ever.) LOL XDDD It looks ugly, innit?


Tit's thread???




Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more like?


I think this thread is useless, no one is learning nothing with this method. I would recommend to close this thread to the moderators and they could conclude in the last post including some funny pictures that this was a piece of shit and it was a mistake to convience people that they would improve their level of english.

Any ways i am writing just here to show everyone that this thread is a race to show who is the one with better knowledge of english. I am just finding this boring because everyone knows in this community that my level of english is the best.

PD: Abro el paraguas xD que el post esta muy soso ^^

Besis para todos!!


oh shit my mother was looking me while i was FAP FAP.


PD2: I like turtles


I like cats. Why don't most people like them??


I like turtles.

i had to do it...


#775 cause they dont know their sex skills..


#770 You forgot to translate ';***', which are kisses, and would be 'xxxx'

More or less.

#771 They turn me on as you can't imagine...


My cat is named gloves


suck my dick, please.

oh thanks