Thread to practise English (Part Two)


I don't think you'll improve your english here.
Most people's english is crap, so you'll probably make your english even worse (if it's possible...).


I kneel only to god, and i dont see him here


Laura, that thing "You are welcome" is what in Spain people say after other say "Thank you".


#1 I think it's time to check your spelling


No, we can't... shit.

And it's not fair copying phrases from a tv-show...


This is the most useless thread I've ever read in my entire life. If you really think that an average spanish moron (ASM) is going to make an effort to try to be someone not to be ashamed of, you're WRONG.

Sorry for those of you out there who can actually read what I just wrote, since you're not an ASM.

I've got one that everyone will understand, specially ASM;

lots of love, lots of love...

PD: I guess describing what people really are is not an insult huh?



English: Tomorrow Im going to ride my bike about 85 km. and next day IŽll try to find the path between Panticosa and Biescas.

Español: Mañana voy a montar en bicicleta alrededor de 85 km. y al día siguiente intentaré encontrar el camino entre Panticosa y Biescas.

Mañicus paletus: KiaaaaAAAAH! Pus miañana mi voih a dar una vueltecica larga con la becicleta y pal otro día mi voy anintentar chuflar el caminico entre Panticosa y BiescaaaaAAAs! KiaaaAH!


The ridiculous amount of one-liners leaveth me astonied. An thy speech is as good as thy writting (nay, it is not), very few of thou wouldst stand the most simple job application. Thou shalt thole infamous lives!


#78 lets go old school ''William S.'' ^^


#78 Im sure Ye Olde English will get you tons of jobs.


#81 I don't need other job as a government employee. In any case, I'll be ready to take the role of Eepxio and lead the hordes that will overthrow the media-vidian kingdom of Letto I.

Best. Job. Ever.


#82 makes me laugh.
He posts so the others can see how great his english is, as you could see, this is a thread to LEARN english.
Anyways, im off =)


Fuck it her! xD

(intento de follatela :S)

Too hard... a thread in


why would anyone who knows some english want to post here other than exhibit his skills mo'fo


#85 Well, as far as I can see, I'd say you need some practice :) So I'd say the thread is quite fitting for you and pretty useful for anyone that wants to improve his/her english.


LOOOOL are you serious about what you're saying? I'd be glad if you could correct me, which I doubt, but still, I'll appreciate any effort you or anyone else can do to make me improve

pd: yup yup, you're right. thx ^^


"why would anyone who knows some english want to post here rather than exhibit his skills mo'fo"

I might be misinterpreting this, but from what I understand I believe what you meant to say was "Why would anyone that knows some english want to post here OTHER than to exhibit his skills". Meaning no one that knows english would post here except to brag about their english level.

Am I right? If not, my most sincere apologies :)