Thread to practise English (Part Two)


I know how to speak english :D ive been practicing it since i was 3 :D


hmmm iŽm trying to remember......
it was..

Anything..... or something like that ;););) :P:P


iŽm going to touch my soldier many times in this weekend.

#78 I donŽt understand any things which you write. thy, thou?, middle or traditional english forms maybe?



This Thread Without Photos (Included) Has No Sense

p.d. Included is optional

#1 'Hi everybody' instead of 'Hi to all'
The last thread (that) i opened 'to' talk in english was closed by undefined reasons, 'anyway'.... let's talk in english in this thread!!!


Yet another thread to talk in English! What did I do to deserve such this pain? :(

dj_sergio, you should know that there is a verb + ing after using a preoposition. It means it is "for talkING" and not "for talk". Sometimes is way better to forget to translate verbatim and to be guided by the syntactic rules of the language itself.

#95 MAKES no sense. "To make sense" = tener sentido

And my own alternative would be "this thread with no pics doesn't worth a thing"


#96 Im not sure you open for, i think you open to... and I know the expresion make sense, but i thought 'have' fit better with sense... :S


I will work all the weekend in a pizz.

Tomorrow, I probably will go to media mark to buy a Walky talky for use it in the airsoft game the sunday.

I need to buy a present for my mother...

OMG!, I forgot it another year!!!!

Very bad english, IŽm opening my umbrella.


#97 Yep, I remarked the fact of making him know that after a preposition there is a verb+ing and I forgot the main thing. It's "to talk in English". Anyway, the verb "open" is not commonly used in such these cases. "To post" could be more correct.


#96 from my point of view it would be,

"This thread without a photo isnŽt worth it"


Well, I haven't spoken about what i will do.

It's simple, just to study like a 'niggah' all the time to pass my History and Biology exams on Monday and Tuesday :S


#100 the correct form is "to be worth" but I emphasized the sentence by using "doesn't worth" instead of "isn't worth" to become it a more colloquial sentence out of it. It's more funny if incorrect English is used :D


Oh my god. I just come from party now (not real party, only having some drinks with two friends) and I've seen this thread. There's many people who speaks very nice english. I just speak a little, but I thing that for me its enough. I work in a german hotel, so I don't have to use it often.
But for the important thing it's ok: for speak with the "guiris" girls and... :D

Sweat dreams :)


oh yeah babyy!


#105 This thread without any photo isnt worth anything


I think this thread it's pretty nice idea because in school I didn't learn anything to be honest.

I haven't gone to english classes for 2 months now, the last time I went to, they were still doing comparatives and superlatives, it's really annoying to see how sad is our english if we compare it to other countries.

I'm really interested to learn english because I think it's really usefull and important for our lives, not just communite or know another language, also it is for get a job or something.

I'd like the level of english increases a bit because I'm too lazy to go to an academy for learn english on my own.

Thanks to that thread I've practiced(?) my english, if someone finds any mistake please tell me because I'd really glad to correct it and learn from.

Keep this thread, one of the best I've ever seen, interesting and useless where people can say his opinion in a particular way.

pd: el AG tiene un ingles que lo flipas, AG FAN


I tried hard to learn English. An English-related degree is not precisely a piece of cake.

Allow me to correct your mistakes:

I think this thread it's a pretty nice idea because I didn't learn anything in school to be honest.

I haven't attended to English classes for 2 months. The last time I did it comparatives and superlatives were still being taught and it's really annoying to see how sad our English level is if we compare it to (people from) other countries one.

I'm really interested in learning English because I think it's really useful and important for our lives, not just for the fact of either communicating* or knowing another language, but to get a job or something.

I'd like my level of English to be improved/I'd like to improve my level of English a bit because I'm too (sort of) lazy to go (sign up in) to an academy for learning English by myself**

Thanks to this thread I've practised my English. If someone finds any mistakes please tell me because I'd be really glad to correct them and learn from those.

Keep this thread up, it's one of the best I've ever seen, being interesting and useless where people can say his ownopinion in a particular way.[/i]

  • was it supposed to mean "communicate"?
    ** "on my own" is also correct but it's more accepted the use of "by myself".

Well maybe I was very naive seeming a sybaritic when correcting but I think I didn't missed any mistake. If I've been very strict it's because I'd rather want the 'pupil' to know all his mistakes instead of ignoring mistakes of lesser importance and impeding him to be better at English. The smaller mistakes you can avoid, the better control of English you'll have.


The perfect way to say the photo sentence would be:

This thread is worthless without pics :)


I second that, though it is a little bit formal for a forum like this =).

In niggah walkabouts 'worthless' and those bloody words don't even exist! 'Loathing Words-such-like-worthless Association' (LW-s-l-w-A). Foulmouthed of the universe, UNITE!!!!!!


#113, I can't understand you. try once. Two credits left



hola means penis in spanish, right?

I have a big hola.

Tengo un gran penis.


I think this thread rather than improving someones english it makes it worse, there are people who really know how to write in english, but others have no idea, and the rest of people with lack of level might take them as an example.