Va 1 random y me regala 3 juegos por la cara LOL


#85 Oh, okay. You know people don't usually do this kind of thing out of charity, but I'm telling you most people you are gifting games to are taking advantage of your kindness. Hope you enjoy spending money on anons :)

1 respuesta

#90 This world needs more people like you >_<

1 respuesta

#91 It's really not that much money. I wont be able to buy that much till next friday anymore now. Only got 50 pound left :/

1 respuesta

#78 Good evening to everyone at the Euromoney Award Dinner, in London tonight. I'm Emilio Botín, chairman of Banco Santander. If you are here tonight, it is because you are a winner, and I am sure your award is very well deserved. Congratulations.

8 1 respuesta




Santa approves your gifts!!!


#93 I would say buy me the SWTOR next friday, but i know this is a trap, cmon seriously, how much is your monthly wage? don't you have a familiy? friends? If you don't, buy it for me x).

1 respuesta

#97 I make 4000 a month right now.. 4000 pounds that is. I don't have a family and im having a hard time right now so i don't buy much for my self. I just like making people happy. even if its something simple with a game :/. It's kinda sick that the world is so paranoid that when some 1 is trying to be nice they say im a thief and a scammer xD

1 2 respuestas

#92 2012 the world is changing :qq: :qq:

Gifs gifs for everybody :qq: :qq:

1 respuesta

#99 o.o the world seem's the same. I just don't want to be like every 1 else :3


#98 If everything it's true, people like you makes world worth a little.

Imagine all corrupt politics giving presents through steam, a good fucking christmas

1 respuesta

#101 wait so your saying im bad for giving people gifts >.>?

2 respuestas

#98 Nice income you have there, sorry about your family and your situation, im sure that with your karma right now you'll find yourself moving on soon. btw if you are for real im glad to have shared some talk with you.

1 respuesta

Yo este verano le regalé un champú y un gel a dos hippies que se tiraban jugando al ajedrez todo el puto día en Amsterdam (en el camping en el que estábamos) xDD

Luego yo y mis amigos caímos que igual se lo habían tomado como una indirecta, pero es que nos íbamos a casa y no nos dejaban meter líquidos en el avión :D


#103 bye bye :3<3

1 respuesta

#102 No, no , you misunderstand me ^' maybe i don't express correctly, the thing is, hopefully the entire world were like you.
Including, the worst person in the world, the politic class :)

1 respuesta

#106 Ah right sorry D: i didn't really get what you ment :L

1 respuesta

#107 It's well known all spaniards brave about knowing english and later, in real life, doesn't speak it appropriately
Me too XD

1 respuesta

#108 Im using google to translate what people say :c yay google


Holy shit you're awesome. Would you mind become my new dad? I need money to pay my tuition fees, seriously!

Anyways, I think no one here is telling that giving gifs is a bad thing, it's just that you don't usually find strangers buyins games for you, so is normal to doubt a little. However, I think that what you're doing is impressive, it would be great if everyone were like you.

If I ever manage to have a good salary and don't really need the money for anything essential, I would like to be like you man.

1 respuesta

#110 Im only 18 D: XD can't be a dad yet. And yeah but feels like should be doing it for charity but hay

1 respuesta

#105 That's the spirit dude, keep doing kind actions, the world needs that kind of personalities

1 respuesta

Eso es porque es guiri.

Mira este, 16 días construyendo un castillo de arena y viene una reportera tonta y se lo destroza. Y no le grita ni nada. xD


More people in the world must be like you. I will not ask you for something because i dondt need it, but you are a good person, have a nice year :)


#112 Bah. Being kind doens't seem to get me any where :/ lifes shit right now

1 respuesta

How the heck you manage to make 4000 bucks a month being 18 years old, dude? I want the same job you have lol

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#115 and that's why nobody does it


#116 long story xD its not from a job.

1 respuesta

#116 que fino tu también xd será de una subvención o la mayor trolleada de la historia


You married an elderly rich woman and then... oops, she fell down stairs by "chance", didn't she? Lol, just kidding. Anyways don't be so concerned about life right now, think that you just made some friends in Spain (I'm living in Canada right now tough lol), not everyone makes friends in another country you know! Hope things get better for you bro, whatever problems you may have ;)

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