Yo ando indeciso, por lo que leo y veo en videos todos dicen que el mistweaver en la expa es la mierda en patinete, cosa que me jode porque es el que mas me gusta, mi segunda opcion es DK en sangre, pero si pudiese seguiria con monk heal, alguno puede darme opinion?
Que manía! Además que esos valores son para nivel hardcore. A nivel usuario te da igual que se un % peor o mejor. Jugad lo que os salga del nabo.
Pongo toda la entrevista que aqui solo han salido partes pequeñas
The main goal with Torghast was to create a game mode that we haven't seen in WoW before.
The team was inspired by the roguelike genre games they were playing.
The Jailer and Tower were added early on, and people wanted to be able to climb the tower.
Potentially could add an infinite play mode similar to the Mage Tower, rewarding cosmetics. This would be separate from the main Torghast.
The team learned lessons from Horrific Visions that will be applied to Torghast.
How much you can play Torghast depends on how much you are playing the game.
Torghast is focused on class fantasy, rather than spec fantasy. Some specs won't value a power as much as others.
Overwatch has an experimental mode, the team could potentially use Torghast as testing.
Anima powers in Torghast is a way to test potential legendary effects.
Torghast should be available at launch.Dungeons
Max level dungeons will usually be longer than the dungeons you play through while leveling.
Having all of the Seasonal Affixes ready isn't needed to turn on Mythic+ if all of the other end game content has been enabled.
Battle for Azeroth waited to turn on Mythic+ but the team probably won't wait as long this time.Raids
Denathrius in Castle Nathria will be a fight that takes place on multiple floors, probably falling between them and taking advantage of the environment.
The team is interested in doing Mythic only phases when it makes sense and will be really cool.Development
Soulbinds, Conduits, Legendary Powers, and more are still all being worked on. The team wants to get these into players hands as soon as they can.
Conduits are a great tuning knob to provide unique bonuses. Can create conduits to offset weaknesses.
Some abilities such as Ashen Hallow still need tuning.
In tomorrow's build, almost all of the Covenant abilities will be available in Torghast. This ability will change every day, so even though those zones aren't done, you'll be able to test the Covenant ability. Paladin and Rogue won't be there.
The team is trying to get content out regularly so that players have plenty of reasons to keep coming back to the Alpha and testing things.
As an encounter designer, it's their job to create interesting puzzles that the player can use their toolkit to solve.
N'zoth was a perfect storm of several things.
Heroic Ragnaros progression. In Phase 2 players tried to burst down the Molten Elementals, so raids were stacked with burst damage. The next phase had a different puzzle that required different tools to solve. Their burst comp didn't work for this phase, so they had to change things up. This resulted in lots of class stacking. The team needs to provide enough puzzle variety so that the puzzles aren't solved by a bunch of class stacking.Covenant Abilities
Covenant abilities should work for the whole class and not just a specific spec. Some of the abilities will do damage and healing so that any spec can use it.Classes
The GCD is a problem, but the solution is not to remove all of the abilities from the GCD.
No updates on Shadow Priest yet.
Maybe Mirror Images could become a talent again. A survivability or utility button rather than another damage cooldown.
Por lo que se sabe, al principio no habrá tier, y se supone que en el primer parche de contenido grande que haya raid entrarán
#1392 joder colega... Será por que no les pagamos todos los meses desde hace 15 años...
Cada vez que sacan expansión nueva, os dais cuenta que nadie usa las skins de las armaduras nuevas? Siempre hay gente con sets de "Clase" o de la tbc o de la lich o hasta WoD. Luego todo set de tipo de armadura.
Me huele que shadowlands se va a marcar un BFA de manual. La buena vendida de humo.
#1394 Buena conclusion sacas de que Shadowlands va a ser un BFA solo porque no haya tiers, la virgen xd
#1394 El problema es que cada tier que hacen tiene que quedar "bien" con todas las razas, cada vez hay mas razas y cada vez hay mas clases.. así que cada vez hay mucho mas trabajo, si hacer un tier de clase, tienes que hacer uno para cada banda, por que si no.. que gracia tiene?
Yo voy con piezas de BC y Wotlk xDDD (no todas, pero algunas partes si)
#1395 el tiempo lo dirá. Siguen con la misma mentalidad. Vamos a darle un poquito a la comunidad para que se callen, luego nos lo cargaremos y pondremos un sistema para que sigan pagando todos los meses.
Tiempo al tiempo
siguen con la misma mentalidad? pero te has leído las cosas que cambian respecto a BfA o lo dices por decir?
#1398 también iban a poner cosas gamechanging en BFA, la guerra definitiva entre la Horda y la alianza, nuevo sistema de habilidades con el collar para que tu clase sea muchísimo más personalizable y única, blablabla.
Por eso digo, tiempo al tiempo. Hay cosas que si me gustan, pero no puedo evitar pensar que la van a cagar
Que os parecería esto que está en la alpha?
Deaths are now measured on a per-run basis:
1 player: 5 deaths allowed (Tarragrue on 6th death)
2 players: 8 deaths allowed
3 players: 10 deaths allowed
4 players: 13 deaths allowed
5 players: 15 deaths allowed
#1400 thorgast me imagino, pues lo veo mal sinceramente.
Que me dejen correr tantas veces y niveles de dificultad que quiera
#1401 Eso es por run, si mueres X veces te vas fuera del run, no tiene sentido que se pueda morir lo que quieras de free, seria demasiado facil sacar recompensas entonces
#1405 los legendarios que sacas ahi no se quedan ahi, lo que hagas tiene relevancia fuera y le van a meter mas cosmetic rewards. Tienen que tener una manera de "ganar o perder" ya sea por muertes o por tiempo