Desde Ago '03 Último post Oct '03 Visto Nov '03 Coimbra (Portugal)

About me:

City: Coimbra
Birthday: 1986/10/27
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 1,78m
Weigth: 80kg
job: student
aka: "Bernix" on Real Life & "sliderz" @ PTnet
other profiles: http://www.schroet.com/member.php?id=51145
& http://www.sogamed.com/member.php?id=192497
Quote: "A glória não está em nunca falharmos, mas sim em levantarmo-nos sempre que caímos" (Provérbio chinês)

About my pc:

Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 957DF 19'
Motherboard: DFI NT70-SC
CPU: Intel Pentium IV 2.2 ghz
RAM: 256MB RIMM 800MHz
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce 4 ti 4600
Keyboard: Microsoft Internet Keyboard
Mouse: Microsoft Intellimouse optical
Mousepad: func surface 1030
Headphones: Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voice
OS: Windows xp Pro edition
Connection: Cable (Netcabo)

About CS:

Started playing it in lans, during the summer, was Founder & Leader of Apocalypse Legion, then Leader of a project called get real e-Sports together with Cobrah and now left cs. GG ->http://gr.com.sapo.pt

in the future who knows...


...peace out!

pm enforcer or visit #getreal @ Quakenet for more info ;)


CaSh Feb '04
hi m8 :D
DuPonT Oct '03
lalala bon dia ( firma 10 ) xd
CaSh Sep '03
link doesnt work !! i want to see enforcer in action !
CaSh Sep '03
._. ·_. ._·
  • Desde Ago '03
  • Último post Oct '03
  • Visto Nov '03
  • Coimbra (Portugal)

Visitas 311