Dungeonborne #HG | Otro Extraction Dungeon Crawler


#359 y puedes matar a los de tu equipo? xd

2 respuestas

#361 Si, pero de nada te sirve porque si los looteas les devuelve el equipo cuando sales de la partida


#361 El fighter tiene un perk para evitar que te hagan daño o que tu puedas hacerselo a tu equipo.

Yo hoy jugando con 2 Rusos randoms uno DK y el otro Pyromancer en 3vs3 no veas las hostias que me pegaba el Pyromancer cada 2x3 creo que gaste la mitad de las pociones por el.

Alguno sabe como de viable es matar al ciclope en solo?Me apetece matarlo y mi idea es meterme con un fighter bien equipado a poder ser en un horario donde este yo solo en la partida para ver si puedo matarlo estando bien equipado por que me quede con las ganas de matarlo en solo la otra vez con el fighter pero fueron 10 minutos de reloj y no pude matarlo.

1 respuesta

#363 Lo mejor es mandoble o un mago, pero se tarda mucho igualmente. No hace falta ir muy equipado, intentalo en casual tiene 10k de vida y en classic creo que el doble.


Poco o nada se habla de lo que van a ir metiendo a partir de mañana hasta el 29 de Agosto. Lo he visto dentro del juego, he mirado en el discord y la web oficial y no hay nada.


Me he hecho un kit de cryo con 24 de life on hit y menudo despropósito. Espero que lo capen pronto. He hecho 3 raids hasta ahora y no he tenido que usar el cubito ni 1 vez. Y eso que no es un kit optimizado del todo, que solo quería ver cómo era lo de stackear life on hit. Llevo 21 de fuerza de de hecho y solo llego a 2 perks xD

1 respuesta

#366 con ice storm o curse? Yo quiero probarlo con el curse, pero no sé si funcionará

1 respuesta

#367 Curse 100%. Con icestorm no tengo yo muy claro que life on hit funcione bien realmente.

1 respuesta

#368 algun video tutorial pa probarlo?

1 respuesta

Early Access Patch Notes - July 31, 2024

Network Stability Update:
Our servers have been under heavy DDoS attacks recently, with attacks occurring every day. These attacks are causing the latency issues and connection problems you may have experienced.

Our server provider finds this level of attack intensity unusual, as it typically only targets major game launches. We are collaborating closely with our provider to develop a protection system. The development work is estimated to be completed in a few days and this system will be deployed ASAP.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and negative experience this has caused. Please know that we are working diligently to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

New Content
New Event- "Shadow Constellation": Rogues now have a new E Skill - Shadow Veil. Team up with your rogue buddies to experiment with new tactics. Participate in the limited-time event to earn exclusive rewards

New Items in Shop: The Skeletal weapon skins are now available. Unleash the terror of flesh and steel upon your enemies

Increased Spawn Rate for Shadow Portals: The spawn rate of shadow portals has been significantly increased. Shadow portals can now also appear in
Clouseau Castle (both Casual and Classic). Step through the portals for an epic battle against the Vengeful Monarch

Class Balance

Dev Comment: Q Skill- Frostbite Curse has brought the Cryomancer back to the top tier, but its current performance is severely polarized across skill levels. Low-end Cryos struggle with soul energy management, while high-end Cryos enjoy the highest damage floor and ceiling. The changes below aim to balance this disparity.

I. Damage
Dev Comment: Compared to other classes, a well-built Cryo benefits from two unique damage multipliers: reduced cold resistance from Frostbite Curse and the independent damage boost from the Will passive "Bone Chilling". It's unwise for such a low-cost skill to have these advantages, so we’ve made the following changes:

The Will passive "Bone Chilling" now requires a minimum distance of 15 meters (instead of 1 meter) to start gaining increased damage, and the maximum damage bonus is achieved at 25 meters (instead of 15 meters). This significantly reduces the situations where Frostbite Curse can gain the maximum damage boost

Frostbite Curse no longer reduces cold resistance, reducing the damage of high-end Cryos and significantly lowers the burst potential of Cryos using melee weapons with Orbs

The base damage of Frostbite Curse has been increased from 30%/12.6% to 36%/16% to ensure that low-end Cryo damage remains roughly unchanged

II. Soul Energy
Dev Comment: Low-end Cryos need to kill more than two monsters to gain enough soul energy for a single cast of Frostbite Curse, making their energy management overly reliant on the Dexterity passive "Permafrost". Additionally, a full energy pool allows for six Frostbite Curse casts, enabling Cryos to cast their Q every few seconds in PvP. To address this, we have made the following changes:

Cryo's maximum soul energy has been reduced from 260 to 100

The soul energy cost of Frostbite Curse has been reduced from 40 to 20. This, combined with the energy cap change, lowers the maximum casts from 6.5 to 5. This means that overly frequent use of Frostbite Curse will result in insufficient total damage

The soul energy cost of Ice Storm has been reduced from 60 to 30

The soul energy cost of E Skill- Ice Armor has been reduced from 25 to 10

The Dexterity passive "Permafrost" has been changed to: Restore 1 soul energy when dealing critical damage (instead of 2)

The value of soul energy gained from kills remains unchanged to reduce early-game dependence on the Dexterity talent in PvE

III. Other Changes

The casting range of Ice Storm has been increased to 12 meters, and the maximum travel distance has been increased to 25 meters to improve the skill's initiation capability and adapt to the Will passive changes

Thunderclap Flask: The slow effect has been reduced from 75% to 50%, and the duration has been increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds to weaken the synergy between Thunderclap Flask and Lightning Staff

Potential Upcoming Change: we plan to adjust the stacking logic of slow effects to multiplicative and add a minimum movement speed to prevent players from being immobilized by multiple slow effects

New E Skill: "Shadow Veil": After a 3-second preparation, nearby allies (except Panthers) enter "Stealth" for 15 seconds. We hope this new skill brings a wave of new teamfight strategies to Dungeonborne

E skill "Vanish" changed to: Invisibility lasts for 30 seconds, and breaking invisibility triggers a 10-second cooldown

Mithril Shadow
E skill "Stealth" changed to: Invisibility lasts for 30 seconds, and breaking invisibility triggers a 10-second cooldown

Fixed a critical issue where the E Skill "Whirling Blade" could only be blocked by shields, resulting in higher-than-expected effective damage in PvP and making it difficult to counter in close combat. Now, the skill can be correctly blocked by all weapons, properly affected by Blocked Damage Reduction, and correctly triggers block-related effects such as dual dagger's self-knockback and longsword's perfect parry
Added a visual effect to indicate damage reduction when the Stamina passive "Deflection" is active

Death Knight
Reduced the casting time for Q skill "Soul Shroud"
Increased the slow effect of Soul Shroud and Dexterity passive "Decay" from 15% to 25%
Fixed an issue causing stuttering when using two-handed swords or mace and shield while Q skill is active


The E Skill "Shadow Assault" in Panther Form can now interrupt certain enemy actions, such as bandaging, similar to other attacks

Dev Comment: Buffing the Priest is our highest priority at the moment, but we believe that further numeric buffs cannot fundamentally solve the core issues and could be very risky. We have been working on this for a while now, including some major changes and new skill options, some of which are already in testing. We hope to share them with you soon, stay tuned!

Gameplay Balance
Increased the number of static escape portals in Classic mode Clouseau Castle. There can now be two fixed escape portals
The cooldown of the Resurrection Shrine has been adjusted to 10 minutes
Adjusted the Vengeful Monarch's AI. He will now alternate skills between players instead of continuously targeting one player

Equipment Balance
Gloves and boots now have Defense/Attack Levels and can be counted towards the participation requirements for Classic maps
Optimized the attack range indicator for the Lightning Staff, which can now be displayed correctly on some complex terrains
Optimized the activation logic of set bonus [Tiny Torment]: It no longer affects teammates
Set bonus [Force of Trinity] can now properly apply the vulnerability effect with Tier 3 activated
Set bonus [FAery of the Lake]: Re-equipping items no longer refreshes the internal cooldown
Fixed an issue where set bonus [Pity of Death] malfunctioned in the Vengeful Monarch encounter

Added a display showing the total market value of all items in your Stash
Opening the TAB during a game will display the player's shield value below their health
Adjusted the attack angle when defending with mace and shield, and optimized the animation for one-handed mace's basic attack combos
Optimized the combat area of the Cyclops in Classic mode, giving players more space to fight
Adjusted the AI logic of some monsters. Ranged monsters will detect players at a greater distance, while reducing the tracking range of some monsters, making it easier for players to escape pursuit
Optimized monster placements near spawn points to prevent immediate engagement upon entering the game
Improved the spectator view's refresh rate for teammate icons after switching perspectives
Optimized some UI displays and interactions in the Trading/Shop
Optimized the interaction and display rules of the custom appearance interface
Optimized the visual dynamic of cloaks
Optimized the escape portal effects
Upgraded our security measures, which now has better ability to identify and combat harassment messages and certain cheats

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused the Druid's model and silhouette to appear abnormal after logging out and reconnecting
Fixed an issue where the Rogue's hand-held item position was misaligned under certain conditions
Fixed an issue in competitive mode where the "Cryotherapy" passive's stack count was incorrect under certain conditions
Fixed an issue where throwing equipment from a height would cause the equipment to disappear
Fixed an issue where small objects like necklaces falling into carpet or other terrain models in some areas could not be picked up
Fixed an inconsistency between the backpack item icon and the tooltip item icon for Uncommon and higher-quality Orbs
Fixed an issue in windowed mode where switching to the background and dragging the window would cause the in-game countdown to behave abnormally
Fixed an issue that could cause players to not see their teammates' icons after disconnecting and reconnecting in a party
Fixed a known issue in Clouseau Castle and Sinner's End Level 2 maps where players could get stuck, fall out of the map, or be unable to move
Fixed an issue where the game could automatically switch to windowed mode if it lost focus while in fullscreen mode
Fixed an issue where setting the mouse wheel to map and backpack keybinds caused malfunctions
Fixed an issue where some prompt information was repeated in the tutorial dungeon
Fixed an issue where distant doors wouldn't display properly in-game
Fixed several known issues that caused stuttering
Fixed several known localization issues

1 respuesta

#370 me gusta el cambio para el rogue


Gloves and boots now have Defense/Attack Levels and can be counted towards the participation requirements for Classic maps


#369 No tiene mucha ciencia. Es coger todas las piezas con life on hit que puedas y por cada tick de la curse te vas a curar esa cantidad. Y si metes espadazos, aún más xD. Se juega igual que el cryo normal solo que en cuanto metes curse y te separas, te curas a full en 3 segundos. Y si te pillan mal, metes curse, bloque de hielo y sales a full de nuevo (esto todavía no me ha hecho falta probarlo).

Brutal el bufo al slow del dk.


Os va el juego a trompicones? Hasta en el lobby.

1 respuesta

#374 Creo que todos

Our servers have been under heavy DDoS attacks recently, with attacks occurring every day. These attacks are causing the latency issues and connection problems you may have experienced.

Our server provider finds this level of attack intensity unusual, as it typically only targets major game launches. We are collaborating closely with our provider to develop a protection system. The development work is estimated to be completed in a few days and this system will be deployed ASAP.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and negative experience this has caused. Please know that we are working diligently to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

1 respuesta

#375 cómo se aburre la gente…


Alguno que habrá perdido todo y esta es su manera de pasar el rato xd

1 respuesta

#377 pues le sobra la pasta xd


A los de dark and darker recuerdo que les hicieron la misma jugada en uno de los playtest y la gente decía que eran los de tencent xDD (Cuando estaban con la polémica de juego robado o no).

Quiero probar una teoría loca de DK con life on hit y así pinta mi mercado de estar rerolleando xD

EDIT: Pues funciona xDD el bicho


Llevo dos días jugando con un amigo con build de stamina. El va de fighter y yo como DK, es increíble lo roto que está, no te baja nadie. xD

1 respuesta

#380 Hasta que os enfrentéis a alguien con life on hit jajaja

Es increíble lo roto que está, hasta el rogue lo llevo equipado con full life on hit y puedes tradear de frente con warriors/dks.

2 respuestas

#381 Te lo copio que me estaba equipando ahora al rogue jajaja


#381 No tienen sentido las builds de life on hit, te paseas por todos los mapas a cabezazos limpiando lobbys enteros.

1 respuesta

#383 El único riesgo es que te hagan un third-party/teaming muy basto o los otros life on hits del lobby. Y cuando loteo lo único que busco realmente es life on hit. Es bastante absurdo, a ver si se lo cargan pronto.


Alguien para jugar por las tardes en plan casual? nada de legendarios, ir en verdes -azules y pasar el rato divertido, porque para ir con rusos prefiero españoles.

Si acaso para no ensuciar el hilo si me lo mandais por mp mejor.


Cuando nerfean el life on hit? 0 sentido tiene esa estadistica.


Es absurdo el estado actual del juego. Los lobbies son 1-2 cryo/dk con life on hit y el resto todo rogues huyendo de los 2 primeros mientras lotean fuera del círculo. Que estén tardando tantísimo en meterle mano al problema me hace temer por el juego a futuro.

4 3 respuestas

#387 lo mejor es ver a dos monos con chistera pegándose entre si, jugando con DK dual con life on hit en una vorágine de sida infinito.


#387 Pero no están metiendo hotfix cada 2 por 3?

1 respuesta

De echo la gente se está empezando a cansar y eso se nota en los números, ya vuelve a jugar más gente al D&D que a este, entre el life on hit y el MM que no existe se lo cargan en dos días.

1 respuesta