Grand Theft Auto V


quien pillara la oferta de GTAs en steam... :( a mi me gustan todos GTA WINS! los tengo todos!!!


No me jodais y vengais aquí de puretas con que el GTA:SA era una bazofia, tal tal tal y tal. El 90% de los que decís eso jugábais como monos en celo, me juego el cuello.

A quien no le gustaba cogerse la NRG-900 y pegarse viajes en moto por toooodo el mapa? La sensación de velocidad en el GTA:SA le da 3000000 vueltas al GTA IV no me jodas, sin contar con el control, claro. O hacer un poco de enduro por el campo con la gran Sánchez, cuando aun era de 2 tiempos jaja.

O volar con el Jetpack? Eso era la pollaaaa

PD: Me parece un argumento bastante pobre el decir que GTA:SA era una mierda por la BMX, el Jetpack, el gimnasio, la peluqueria, comer, comprar ropa.. Podías pasarte perfectamente el juego sin tener que utilizar esas "tonterías", cosa que para mi gusto le daba un toque bastante divertido. El Saints Row tambien tiene parte de esas cosas y nadie argumenta que sea una castaña por ello

3 respuestas

#812 Si tenias que hacerlas, de hecho al principio tienes que ir a la peluqueria sí o sí. A ver si el que no ha jugado has sido tu... xd

1 respuesta

Mike, es OBVIO xD. De alguna forma tendran que mostrarte lo nuevo que tienes. Como la primera misión, también tenias que ir en BMX. Si no querias volver a montarte era cosa tuya...


Espero que los coches no se conduzcan como si estubieran sobre hielo como en el gta4. Daba mala gana estar derrapando todo el rato.

#816 si si, era estresante. Y eso que en el VC y San Andreas era un pro de las motos, en el gta4 estaba siempre en el suelo xd.

Quiero sentir que el coche se agarra al suelo y tiene peso!!

2 respuestas

Anda, y derrapar con una moto? Y sin tocar el gas? xDDDDDDD. Se manejan igual las motos que los coches.. Me acuerdo de rayarme con la Sánchez y dedicarme a ir por la ciudad haciendo supermotard..

1 respuesta

Idem que yo. Gracias al GTA IV perdi el gusanillo de darme chompos de 30 minutos en la moto, e incluso cojerla. Acaba hasta el cimbrel. Y eso de no caerte haciendo caballitos? Bahhhhhhh


#812 Si es que para mi la clave de que el SA es el mejor es todo ese tipo de tonterias, que te daba una libertad bestial, algo que muy pocos juegos pueden ofrecer.

1 respuesta

A mi me entretiene más el SA que el IV. De echo al IV apenas juego, pero al SA sí que suelo ( hablando siempre para matar el rato, claro )


posible parte del mapa

2 respuestas

Parece que soy la unica persona al que le gustó el IV, lo unico que me fallaba basto además de la falta de "chorradas" como decís, era el que para matar a alguien tenías que dispararle como 4 veces y cuando caía al suelo 4 veces más, parecían medio inmortales xD

1 respuesta

Info filtrada que se supone saldrá dentro de unos días de una de las revistas oficiales de Playstation de uk, un montón de cosas interesantes.

1: The game world is absolutely massive and will push both xbox and PS3 to the very limit in terms of what it has accomplished. Yes, the main city is simply Los Santos however is it AT LEAST 4 times bigger than Liberty City in GTA 4 and that is just Los Santos. The surrounding country side, beaches, etc are massive. For instance, we saw the main character ( an African/American, early 30's) travel by car from the center of Los Santos into the wildnerness and it took over 15 minutes. The views were incredible from farmhouses with cattle, huge wind farms, an oil refinery which appeared to be living and breathing with nearly 100 NPCs working on machinery, operating vehicles, lifting and loaded, etc, unlike the gas works in GTA 4 which seemed to only house a few NPC at a time. The forests are more beautiful than those in RDR and featured people camping, young NPC drinking and dancing around campfires, people riding dirt bikes and jumping over logs, streams, etc. The water effects, forna, plants, trees all looked beautiful.

2: The shooting mechanics have been greatly improved with animations for diving, climbing, rolling and crawling all added for better realism. The re-loading animations for new ammo also look cooler, less static.

3: There is much more climbable elements in the world such as ladders, overhand climbing, etc.

4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.

5: There are planes to pilot and they can be crashed into buildings if you choose to do so....

6: Rockstar have included many, many more interior locations such as a shopping mall, college campus, police station, a huge hospital and there is also a vast underground sewer network which one mission later in the game involves a jet ski chase that culminates in a Fugitive-esque waterfall jump ( there are nods to the ridiculous but awesome Ballad Of Gay Tony missions)

7: The city is full of NPCs jogging, weight-lifting, hitting on women, being chased on foot by cops, shopping, washing cars, fixing fences, moving home, filling up their cars, etc.


1: Cars can be upgraded/repaired and it has been considered to have a car have fuel forcing the player to fill her up.

2: The dating aspect of the game is gone. You still have a cell-phone but only people you will meet in the game will call you to ask you to do a mission or to ask you to do something else before the mission.

3: Weapons include the usual arsenal you'd aspect but the flamethrowers, remote mines, laxer trip mines and claymores are included. It is possible now to pick up random objects in a street/buidling to use as a weapon. There is also a museam where it is possible to steal old age swords, axes, etc.

4: it is possible to rupture a fuel line and if you shot at the trail of gasoline it will lead straight back to the car blowing it up.

5: mini games such as bowling, darts, etc have all gone. You can play basketball, weight train, arm wrestle, gamble and cage fight, enter triatholons, water races, cannoing, ab-saling, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. More to be confirmed.

6: Character customisation is back but only in terms of clothing, body weight, etc. The player you start off which, much like CJ, can't be altered by race, age, height, etc.

7: Rockstar said burglary missions may return but only as part of missions and not on neigbourhood houses.

8: No children NPC at all. Ever.

9: There is now an ability to grab people and use as sheilds or in "hostage" situations.

10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.

11: You can enter some buildings and lock doors, push objects in the way to barricade.

12: You become better at things as the game progresses. If you only ride motorbikes then you will increase your skills, same as individual weapons.

13: Certain weapons can be customisable and some even home-made.

14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game...

15: Torrential rain fall and sunshine and even tremors will appear in the game.

6 3 respuestas

#821 a mi me encanta el IV vaya sigo jugando las DLC


se acabaron las citas con las novias


Los Santos however is it AT LEAST 4 times bigger than Liberty City in GTA 4 and that is just Los Santos

Dios que locura es esa...

Pinta muuuuy bien, espero que sea verdad todo esto


y lo de los terremotos y lluvias torrenciales durante el juego? diossss! y lo de "fuel forcing the player to fill her up." significa que tendremos que echar gasolina o nos quedaremos tirados?

1 respuesta

4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.

descuartizar personas sin problemas tocar a un perro BAN!


#826 si


No me gusta lo de la gasolina :(

1 respuesta

"There is also a museam where it is possible to steal old age swords, axes, etc."

Habra que jugarlo a lo Dark Souls, ya me veo asaltando un banco con un hacha en mano xDD


"young NPC drinking and dancing around campfires"
POR FAVOR, que se pueda empujar

"14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game..."
Hagan sus apuestas. Yo creo que será Tommy, ya que han dicho que el protagonista es un afroamericano, y el tio ese del video... Por favor.


#812 NRG-500 FAG XD
#820 Las Palmas :|


Si los gráficos son como aparece en el trailer, pfffff.

Se sabe ya que maquina hará falta para correrlo?


Ostias sale Las Palmas! saldra el Batu? y Jinamar como barrio chungo? xD


GTA 5, tipo San Andreas, con aviones, animales, terremotos, gasolina, mapa enorme...

¿Demasiado HYPE o posible mejor GTA hasta ahora? porque según como lo están pintando.

1 respuesta

#835 ¿Terremotos? No jodas, yo no he leído eso xDDD
Epic game is epic


#822 Pfffffffffffffffffff hype x10000000000000


Alguien que lo ponga traducido decentemente por favor , el traductor de google es una shit


Cars can be upgraded/repaired and it has been considered to have a car have fuel forcing the player to fill her up.

Ya era hora joder, desde MAFIA llevo esperando esto.


Buen juego si señor almenos lo que transmite el trailer

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