#988 Los devs no son muy de promocionarse ni soltar cosas si no son realmente grandes.
Esto es lo que ha dicho uno.
This went into "systems" testing Monday to primarily test the client/server portion of the feature. Right now we only have the track heat portion of the feature working and the next step will be hooking in the actual effect of the rubber on the track interacting with the tires. The rubber is being put into and on the track already though and what you are seeing in the video is real data.
This is still being worked out so don't hold us to it but the track rubber will work pretty much like the weather does. You (and I for official sessions) will be able to set the percentage that the track is "rubbered in" or select it to be random and it will likely play off the what the weather is. If the weather is overcast in the race session we could determine that it rained the night before and the track will be completely green for example.
This will also include the amount of marbles that are on the track. The track will also likely be cleaned of marbles for the most part at the start of sessions and probably during cautions on oval tracks.
In the long term (and again don't hold us to this) we would like the starting point for the "line" on the track to be generated from the actual laps runs by the members in actual race sessions. If a track does not have data from an official session the initial line will be generated like it is now which is from developer run driving lines.
I can tell you that just having a chance to drive Bristol with the changes in the track temperature in place this is going to revolutionize simracing when its done. You can call that marketing speak if you want but I am really excited about this and we are shooting to have this out by the end of the year.
Y luego cuando un usuario preguntaba si habría algún script para el engomado de la pista.
Exactly. There will be nothing faked. The rubber and line on the track will change based on the actual lines run by the drivers in the session. What I detailed is how each session will start which was a question that was asked.
De manera que si por ejemplo la gente a medida que pasan las vueltas toma una trazada diferente a la esperada, bien porque les da la gana o porque es menos agresiva con los neumáticos, la trazada ideal puede dejar de ser la más rápida si en esta se depositan marbles suficientes.
En carreras cortas no tendrá una gran importancia pero en las de 1 o 2 horas y por supuesto las de resistencia, 6, 12 y 24 horas seguro que tiene una relevancia crucial hablando de road.
Pero en óvalos esto sí que será muy importante aprender a reconocer cómo la pista va cambiando a lo largo de la carrera.
Y con la transición día /noche ya será casi perfecto a falta de la implementación de lluvia.