Primer diario sobre la siguiente Beta, lo más importante es que NO venderán pociones de energia en la Cash Shop, pero sí que estudian la posibilidad de poder guardar tu energia sobrante en una poción para venderla en el marketplace por medio de un npc.
Dear Players,
First and foremost, I’d like to personally thank everyone again for participating in our CBT1 and supporting us so far. We are grateful that you enjoy Black Desert Online and share your love across all platforms on the web.
We have received plenty of feedback:
As you may have read here, myself and a part of our team is currently in Seoul, South-Korea, to meet the developers (Pearl Abyss) in person to discuss your feedback and the next steps towards CBT2 and Launch, both to happen in Q1 2016.
So far the meetings have been very promising and it has been a pleasure to meet the guys from Pearl Abyss. As a little intermezzo until the next ‘event’ starts in January (not the CBT2 tease), we would like to present the updates that we can confirm so far for CBT2 and/or launch or the features that have been initiated to be deployed at some point in the future.
Let’s start with the most recent feature to be implemented.
Party Play Revamp
As of today, the Korean version has received the revamped Party Play setting which is based on our feedback from CBT1. So far players had the feeling that they were penalized for playing together with friends, as the experience benefit was rather turning into a malus. As we are still preparing launch, the running services will be able to enjoy the new benefits sooner of course. We will see this in our CBT2.
The change as of today will be as follows:
*Example: A scenario where every player in the party kills a monster for 100EXP and considering all party members are in perfect range. If you move out of range EXP won’t be shared.
The benefit increases if you consider that you can work together to kill larger mobs of stronger monster types. But be careful, the more you move away from each other and the killed monster, the higher the chances to lose the bonus. But fear not, developers doubled the share-range for the party bonus and additionally the developers reacted very positively towards our suggestion to add an indicator that will allow you to monitor whether you are in range or not. The indicator will be probably implemented latest by launch and it will look similar to the Wifi Symbol (on your cell-phone) that will gradually indicate whether or not your party members are in range.
Experience gain will be determined based on the lowest party member’s level and the monster level.
Happy hunting!
Field Boss Drops
Those of you that were able to participate in our CBT1 event Shadows Looming might have come across our field bosses Red Nose, Hebetate Tree Spirit or Bheg at Serendia Temple or at the Altar of Agris. Those bosses seemed to be quite strong and required more than 40 people to kill. However, once your characters are fully developed, it will take between 1030 people to kill them, depending on your equipment and level. That being said, as before only a handful of players acquired a guaranteed drop, this has been significantly increased to reward those contributing to kill the monster.
Energy System
Unlike the KR version, processing requires energy. Especially at a lower level this may slow you down more than you might enjoy. However, this feature is part of a controlling mechanism to prevent the marketplace to be overflowed with certain items, hence destroying the actual benefit from using that feature in the first place and to partially slow down the progress in benefit of the game’s longevity.
However, we have taken your feedback into consideration and the result should be in everyone’s interest. Energy Potions will not be sold in the Cash Shop. In addition, it is currently being discussed to add a system that allows players to consult an NPC that will magically transfer your unused energy into an Energy Potion which can be sold on the marketplace. Ultimately this will lead to a shift of energy and allow people to collect energy over time to utilize it when needed.
Additionally, processing at a higher profession level will receive a chance of not consuming any energy at random.
Please note, this is merely the first part of the PM Diary. The heavier topics such as PvP and Cash Shop will be dealt with in the next part, which we will share around mid/end next week.