el gran olvidado


Nesieeeeeeeeee, vuelve al eve :(


#59 tu mismo , tu te lo pierdes, sigue jugando a cutre juegos, mata mata ;) , yo seguire sidfrutando de un juegazo, y los que quieran jugarlo claro :P


#51 Obviamente un juego no esta muerto hasta que chapan los servers, pero vamos, parece que el sarcasmo no esta al alcance de todos, por otr lado comentas que: "por que por mas gente que haya un juego no deja de ser bueno o malo"...en fin..lee abajo xD

En un juego online..dime donde esta la diversion cuando no hay gente con la que jugar online xDD, tio..¿Te pagan los de SOE? ¿Le juraste a tu alma que jamas abandonarias el Vanguard?¿Has vendido tu corazón a Sony?

Yo en ningun momento he dicho que Vanguard sea un mal juego, al reves, el planteamiento que tiene es bestial, el mejor que hay, pero solo le faltan 2 cosas..optimizacion y GENTE, si..ese pequeño detalle tan imprescindible en un juego online, gente con la que jugar online _, tengo un compi que hasta hace unas semanas jugaba a diario, me dejo su cuenta un par de dias para levelar con su rogue en las cercanias de Old Targarnor (lvl 33-40) y NO HABIA NI DIOSS PARA AGRUPAR!! me askee al momento, si tienes tienes una guild que raidee, pos weno, pasando por alto los 9fps que tienes puedes jugar y tal, pero nada mas., y en lo que respecta a raids..digamos que el Vanguard puede ser el mas flojito que hay ahora mismo..de hecho ..solo tiene UNA y con algun boss bugueado q recupera full vida al instante, tal como hemos visto en algunos videos recientes. Por otro lado..eso de tener mas de 30 buffos distintos en raid me parece algo excesivo y un fallo de planteamiento.

PD: Claudio, sigo esperando que algun año escribas algun post de menos de 20 lineas, esto es un foro, no el Quijote.

#57 Hija lo habra escrito aqui por que en ese ya no lee ni Dios :(


Yo sigo entrando en busca de nuevos post :(


#65 Y yo pero si nadie juega quien postea? xD


a mi me la han reactivado tambien pero nohe recibido mail. Lo compré a la salida pero lo dejé al poco, aunque siempre lo he seguido, me atraía ese mundo tan inmenso y libre sin instancias. Sigo pensando que paisajísticamente Vanguard sigue teniendo uno de los mejores gráficos existentes. Lo voy a bajar de nuevo, para mi la pena es que no tenga pvp decente


Po si hasta finales de Julio me ha llegado a mi el correo que la tenia reactivada y tal.

El juego cuando salió le faltaban unos meses digas lo que digas, ah el juego si que estaba muy guapo y eso, pero consumía muchísimo mas tiempo que el WoW.


Salcort creo q tu actitud respecto el vanguard ha quedado ya suficientemente demostrada, y la comunidad ya ha entendido todos los millones de fallos que contiene el juego según tu opinión.

Lo que me gustaría es que ahora se hable del juego en si, por la gente que estaís jugando, aprovechad este mes que teneís gratis y forjaros vuestra propia opinión.
Estaría genial ves posts preguntando cosas del juego o diciendo cosas buenas y malas.
Si al final de este mes considrais que el vanguard no es lo q buscaís pues adios, y si no bienvenidos al Vanguard :)

Un abrazo.



lo mejor es jugar y ver por si mismo, y no de oidas, de como estaba el juego hace 5 o 6 meses o mas, por que yo no se cuando salcort dejo el vanguard creo que no habia salido el GU3, ya estamos a punto de salir el GU6 asi que fijate tu si no a psado tiempo ni nada

el tema de la gente, siempre es relaativo, yo voy a jugar yo me da = si hay 2 millones o 100.000, en un server solo caben 5.000 ;)

mientras SOE no cambie su politica de los jeugos solo en ingles y la distribucion en europa y pormocion de sus jeugos en europa, es nefasta, yo como emopresa ya habia rodado dabezas de directivos encargados de llevar esto, peor no se puede hacer

que no se encuentre en las tiendas, ni el vanguard, ni el pirates the burning sea, es de delito :) , y asi muchas cosas mas, yo no se a quien tiene encargado SOE que le lleve en europa sus juegos pero yo cortaria ese contrato y pediria daños y perjuicion, porque hasta yo qeu no se de marketing lo jharia mejor :P


Nesie vuelve para el eve, que comenzamos la invasion en 0,


me lo acabo de bajar :S como puedo jugar este mes gratis? ami me pide ke page 38 pavos -.-

ayuda xd i saludos


A mi no me lo han activado :s

Me pone lo siguiente:

Prestaciones habilitadas:

* Aniversario de un año
* Objeto del juego: Título de los fundadores
* Objeto del juego: Varita mágica o Herraduras
* Recompensa veterana de catorce meses
* Recompensa veterana de dieciséis meses
* Recompensa veterana de diez meses
* Recompensa veterana de ocho meses
* Recompensa veterana de seis meses
* Recompensa veterana de un año

Información de suscripciones

Vanguard : CERRADA

A los que os han dado el mes gratis, os pone algo de eso de Recompensa veterana o algo así?


Yo la tengo como tu y juraría que no me llegó ningún email...

Vanguard Detalles de suscripción
Prestaciones habilitadas:

* Acceso: Juego básico (Beta) (Pedido de reserva)
* Acceso: Juego básico (Beta) (Pedido de reserva)
* Aniversario de un año
* Objeto del juego: Título de los fundadores
* Objeto del juego: Varita mágica o Herraduras
* Recompensa veterana de catorce meses
* Recompensa veterana de dieciséis meses
* Recompensa veterana de diez meses
* Recompensa veterana de ocho meses
* Recompensa veterana de seis meses
* Recompensa veterana de un año

Si alguien lo puede traducir, se agradecería ;)

Lo que está claro que el GU6 caerá sobre después del fan ferie (se celebra el 14-17 de agosto) así que caerá sobre finales del mes casi todo junto

  • isla trial
  • renovación de creación de personaje
  • según dicen mega gu6, según parece será el GU mas grande de todos

Además de que se anunciaran más cosas en el fan ferie para el futuro del Vanguard

Aquí dejo texto en ingles para que lo leais y si alguien lo traduce, muchas gracias para entenderlo mejor ;)

Vanguard Producer’s Letter

Hey all,

It's been a while since we had one of these, so we figured it was about time to give everyone a little more insight into what exactly is going on with Vanguard now and what will be happening over the course of the next couple of months. So… let's get right to it then!

State of the Game
As most folks probably already know, we've just recently started what we internally call a "win back program". As one might assume from the name, the goal is to bring back former players who for whatever reason quit the game. To that end, we've turned on all cancelled or closed accounts this month to let those players come back and see everything that has changed in Vanguard over the course of the last year and a half.

So far we've been really happy by the results and for anyone who has spent time in game lately, especially around one of the starting cities you'll likely notice a lot more new faces popping up. With all the bug fixing, performance increases, new features (like flying and racial mounts) and just general polish that has been done over the last year, we're expecting good things from this campaign to get folks to give Vanguard another look.

Additionally, we're also hard at work on three big new items right now – the Isle of Dawn ( Trial Island ), Game Update six and the second phase of the character model revamp. The plan was always to release them all when they were ready, and we are working on each as a separate entity unto itself. However, with the way things are shaping up it is looking like rather than having to space them out and keep folks waiting we will actually be able to launch them all at the same time. So depending on how you'd like to look at it, Game Update six could be considered a mega-update of sorts.

We know folks are going to want to know what date this stuff will be launching, and while we like to avoid setting exact dates in stone this far out we can say that you can expect all three things very shortly after the Las Vegas Fan Faire (which takes place on August 14-17 th – and you're all coming, right!?).

Now, we realize that is about six weeks away still but these are some pretty significant updates and we want to make sure we take the time to get them right before sending it live for you guys. For anyone who is interested, some of this stuff will start popping up on the test server in the very near future (and we will give updates on that as it happens).

We also realize that now that we've got everyone excited about this stuff that making everyone wait is kind of a mean thing to do. So we're also going to be doing a much smaller update sometime between now and then that will add some smaller new stuff (like factional armor rewards among other things). More details on that will be coming shortly.

So with that, let's get in to a little more detail…

Isle of Dawn
As most folks already know, the Isle of Dawn will not only serve as a trial for new Vanguard players (with content that runs through the first ten levels of the game in all three spheres) but it will also serve as a new starting city for existing players.

Everyone will still get to select to start in their own racial city if they'd like to, but the option to begin your adventures on the Isle of Dawn will also be present. The Isle will represent the new standard to which we hold content coming into the game and should raise the bar significantly. Even if you happen to love a particular starting city already, we'd highly recommend running through the Isle of Dawn at least once.

One question a lot of folks have about the Isle though is what benefit it gives existing players. Sure, it'll be very helpful to newer players coming back to the game but what will it do for people already here? Well, aside of the obvious in offering a brand new starting city it's also going to not only be introducing a lot more people (and potential group or guild mates) into the game but it will be putting them on a more guided path through Telon once they leave the island.

Players will always be able to choose wherever they go, of course, but we're also going to be revamping each of the three possible locations you can depart trial island to (one on each continent) and as a part of those revamps giving players a much better idea of which directions they could be headed in, instead of just sort of spinning them around and then giving them a shove.

Finally, here's a little bit of what to expect as far as storyline goes:

Currently, three different groups of beings inhabit the Isle of Dawn. A village of battle hardened humans and a band of zealot hobgoblins have warred against each other for centuries on the Isle. Their mutual hatred for one another runs deep and even now they are locked in an ongoing struggle. Recently though, increasing numbers of ulvari have begun to surface on the island – much to the dismay of both the humans and the hobgoblins.

Weakened by their perpetual war, the humans aren't able to capably defend themselves. Even now, their villages burn as they frantically seek aid. The isle is in desperate need of heroes.

…and that'd be where you come in.

Character Revamp Phase 2.0
This one has a lot of folks on the forums talking as of late. We'll be posting more screenshots of what the new models will look like in the future and it won't be much longer until they're on the test server either.

For those who aren't aware of what we're doing with the character models -- this is actually the second phase of the model revamp. In the first face we had to take some customization options away (for a variety of reasons) which we didn't like doing anymore than most players liked having it happen. Fortunately, this time around we'll be adding some more back in – and on top of that the way the player bodies look will be improving a good deal as well.

Vanguard is a game about heroes. It's right there in the title even – Saga of Heroes. We're making it so players' character models look more heroic than they have in the past. This means that characters will have more definition and will just be able to look not only cooler but tougher in general.

Game Update Six
As if the Isle of Dawn and character model revamps weren't enough, we've also got a full sized update coming out on top of that. As it gets closer to getting on test, we'll be posting a more detailed write-up like we normally do, but a few things players can look forward to include:

* A revamped and high level Pantheon of the Ancients featuring both group and raid content
* A new overland raid (Varking)
* The long awaited combat balance revamp
* More class updates
* More performance optimizations
* Lots of bug fixing

The Future
Even though everything listed above is going to be keeping both you and us busy for the immediate future, we've always got to be thinking ahead about what we're going to do next. At this point it's far too early to give specific release dates or low level details but we can help give everyone a better idea of the direction we'll be headed in.

At the high end, we recognize the need to keep adding content as more players reach higher levels and finish up existing content. So that will be one of our focuses, and you should expect to see both existing areas get revamped and entirely new areas be added in (such as the Nexus dungeon that Silius mentioned recently in the House of Commons chat and on the forums).

Overland raids spaced out in between the bigger stuff will continue to be released as well as some attention going to areas that aren't necessarily high level in order to clean them up and add a layer of polish – and we can't forget about fishing!

We'd like to start doing these letters a little more frequently than we have in the past as well as be more active in the community as a whole (not just on the forums) so stay tuned for more on the post GU6 stuff and definitely make sure to follow next month's Fan Faire coverage as we'll likely be talking a lot about what the future has in store for Vanguard.

That's it for now, please head over to the forums and ask any questions you may have – we'll be on there doing our best to answer them.


-The Vanguard Team