Como es posible que el Corán...


#55 Como se llega a pensar que alguien es premio nobel? No es que hablemos de un doctorado, estamos hablando de uno de los galardones mas prestigiosos.

Evidentemente la razon de poner que es premio nobel es para engañar y hacer pasar por veraz algo que esta cogido con pinzas, claro que le quita veracidad si nada mas empezarse un texto hay mentiras.


#59 yo tampoco me quejado, simplemente me cansa tu comentarios pero lo acepto. Esta mas que claro.

Digamos que dices que tu no has faltado el respeto, pero es que yo no te visto faltar el respeto. Lo has sacado tu de contexto algo que no ha ocurrido. Entonces ese comentario te delata porque meramente esa es tu intencion.



Esta loco primoH!

Other notable associations, honors and awards are listed below:
Member of the Canadian Association of Anatomists since 1954; Former Secretary and later President.
Member of the American Association of Anatomists since 1956
Consultant in Anatomy and Embryology, Honorary Attending Staff, Children’s Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 1959-1976.
Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Acta Cytologica 1960 - 1990.
Member of the Board of Consultants of the International Academy of GynaecologicalCytology since 1961.
Member of the Senate of the University of Manitoba , Winnipeg Manitoba 1966 – 1976.
Fellow of the International Academy of Cytology (FIAC) since 1968.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Senate of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Manitoba 1970, 1976.
American Medical Writers Association Award for “excellence in medical publications as represented by his book “The Developing Human” 1974.
American Medical Writers AssociationAwarded Honourable Mention for his book Clinically Oriented Anatomy 1981.
Founding member of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists ; Vice President and later President 1983.
J.C.B. Grant Award , the highest honour given by the Canadian Association of Anatomists in recognition of “meritorious and outstanding scholarly accomplishments inthe field of anatomical services” 1984.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM) London England 1985.
Associate Editor of the Clinical Anatomy Journal since 1986.
Member of the National Board of Medical Examiners of the United States of America, the first Canadian to be appointed to this prestigious board. The certificate was presented “in appreciation of the valuable contribution to the work of the board and the preparation of examinations for American and Canadian Medical schools” 1988 – 1992.

Member of the Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology for 20 years , the only Canadian ever appointed to this prestigious committee. The aim of this committee is “to present the official terminology of the anatomical sciences after consultation with all 55 members of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomy, thus insuring a democratic input to the terminology”. The terms are translated into several languages so that all anatomists and doctors can use the recommended terms 1989 - 2009.
American Medical Writers Association First Place Awardfor medical booksin the Physicians Category as represented by the book Clinically Oriented Anatomy 1993.
Honoured Member of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA), the highest honour given by the association for scholarship and service. The recognition is for “outstanding contributions to the field of Clinical Anatomy, epitomized by his manytextbooks on clinically- oriented gross anatomy and embryology, and many years ofdedicated service to the AACA and its journal, Clinical Anatomy” 1994.
Very Eminent Professor Award in Commemoration of 100 Years of Independence of Panama and the School of Medicine Panama City, Panama 2003.
Fellow of the American Association of Anatomists . This Fellowship honours distinguished members who have demonstrated excellence in science and overall contributions to the medical science 2008.
The University of Costa Rica, Faculty of Medicine in San Jose designated Dr. Moore as a “Maestro De La Anatomia De America” 2008.
Honoured Member of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology in recognition of his scientific and academic curriculum 2009.

1 respuesta

madre mia, fueron revelados a muhammad xddd y la biblioteca de alejandria cuando se salvaron escritos de la quema no tuvo nada que ver xddddd....


#63 He tenido profesores con más galardones que ese pavo, y tu teoria no vale una mierda, se siente.


Los textos sagrados antiguos estan plagados de conocimientos cientificos explicados en palabras de gente sin ninguna idea sobre los mismos, no hay mas que leerlos un poco para darse cuenta, el tema es de donde salieron esos conocimientos.