Thread to practise english


#115 well actually i meant a 2nd foreign language. the 3 i know are spanish, valencian and english xdd

i was determined to learn german, but some people told me its not a good idea, cos its not a language thats spoken in many different places. its just useful if u gonna go to germany, and if that'd be the case i already got english, so i dont know.

maybe i'll have to consider again the chinese option, since china is an emerging potency (can that be said?:p) :rolleyes:


I dont speak your language...


jelou!!, xD ok ok, jokes off!, i think same than #1, just letŽs speak it! (write it...xD).
IŽm so tired, just look the time over my post xD, i gotta go to sleep!, see ya dudes! :P.

gN (good night)


#116 You're wrong. Furthermore, that "that" is opcional and it is not a subject.

He could have said "I forgot it's MV".


#97 Yeah ! I agree.


#119 you are late, too late.

#124 he could say "that is MV" or "it is MV", because "that" and "it" are subjects


Hey! I'm from England, Where's London?


me pikan los "eggs"


i arrived of the street yet, i know that the mvs people dont exit, but i am a special user ^^
while i was exit of my house, god killed a cat...

whatever fails i had? i know that very very very... :(



Is this english??


#126 you make me doubt now xD. I think it's right anyway.


The year when I borned........


#132 mythical (yes, i caught this word of the google translator...)




/qnet st1le


what type of medicine use ants?? ANTtibiotics


#135 what an awful joke...


what its the diference between a fly and a mosquito???

A fly can fly but mosquito cant mosquito..

lol, poor joke

In the line of my up friend


#137 No comments


We want to "the" cnów !! ( Queremos de zabé ! )


#1, you suck. In English, you don't say 'to get better', you must use 'to improve'.
'To get better' means 'to recover' from an injury or illness.


this thread isn't a bad idea at all :D

just some questions, anybody of you got proficiency test passed? currently i've got 5th EOI and it's supossed i'm ready to try this test, but i'm scared of that, cos i haven't studied gramar since 3 years ago, is it really so difficult?

Best regards


#137 due to bad jokes like yours, this thread is now worth being closed =)

#140 depenind on the background of the sentence, "mejorar" can be also translated as "to get better" keeping the same meaning of "to improve"

#141 I got the proficiency one passed. It really took me a lot of work 'cause I passed it a couple years ago, when I wasn't very good at English yet. I was sort of lucky at all =).


#135 you shouldn't use caught in that sentence. Catch means taking something specially in your hands. There, you should use took

#132 borned -> born, this is past participe of "born"


A flame a day keeps the moderator away


#25 sure, okay, so now you tell me you just didn't write it that way cause of the sound but because you already knew there's another way to write it? (with "s").

I've already seen it many times in many other different words, where people just makes mistakes on the spelling cause of the sound like you just did in the title. Face the fact that you've been lucky cos there're two ways to do it :P

But next time you should know it's better to write it with "c", cos it's a latin root word and so it must be written like that. The "s" variation is a product of american english speakers who, also like you have done, used to make many spelling mistakes (you know, all those immigrants trying to learn a weird language with a different spelling :P).


Thanks #142, but it would be nicer if sb could compare both tests, 5th EOI and Proficiency, i already know second one is harder than first, but if someone could quantify this difference would be perfect :D!


#145 Uhmmm I used to understand it in a different way. I mean that I thought that "practiCe" was the American way to say "practise" and not on the contrary.

And, according to wordreference (the fastest way to look for something on the Internet though it's not the most reliable media) I'm right:

1 (una profesión) to practise, US practice

Even for "practicar English" (not just this single example).

#146 I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't know how difficult 5th EOI is.


ag, my english is too too too poor, and i dont know a sith of English,

Vaya que no tengo ni zorra de ingles ostia

edit: omg i am stupid (yo soy esupido xDDDDDDD)



#148 you don't speak spanish very well, as we can see in your post (valla)



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