Desde Sep '05 Último post Jul '07 Visto Feb '08 Pamplona

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Saltatio Mortis
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Cradle of Filth
Children Of Bodom
Impaled Nazarene
Dimmu Borgir
Symphony X
iced Earth
Primal Fear
Sonata Artica
Guano Apes
Rob Zombie
Theatre Of Tragedy
System Of A Down
Berri Txarrak
Hagalaz' Runnedance
Lorena Mckennit
Six feet Under
Arch Enemy
Amon Amarth
Cephalic Carnage

-Bandas sonoras:
Pesadilla Antes de Navidad
Conan El Barbaro
Terminator II
Eduardo Manostijeras
El Señor de los Anillos

Entrevista con el vampiro
Pesadilla antes de navidad
Shrek (Die Katze)
Ice Age(scrat!!!)
El cuervo
La leyenda de los leprechauns
Jovenes y Brujas
American History X

Pandora,entrevista con el vampiro,lestat el vampiro,la reina de los condenados,el sirviente de los huesos-->Anne Rice
Harry Potter(me da igual lo que digais los libros no estan mal)--->Rowling
El Señor De Los Anillos--->Tolkien
el diario de un Skin, el año que trafiqué con mujeres--->Antonio Salas
El codigo Da Vinci-->Brown
Los elegidos-->Curley
Ritos Iguales-->Terry Pratchett

-de mi infancia:
Charlie y la fabrica de chocolate (cuya pelicula es una basura),James y el melocoton gigante-->Dahl

La historia Interminable-->Michael Ende

Path II----->Apocalyptica/Guano Apes

With all the taste I desire
it's all good if you let me dive
with sharks on the ground
you lose your routine
you lose your routine
'cause I found my path

what the hell are you trying
(now I know there is something more)
what happened to you
(still staying on my path)
are you still denying
(now i know theres something more)
that this is the truth
(it's all in you)

what do you came for
what did you expect to find

So boundless I feel
and boundless all my fears
stop running back to old times
stop running back to old times

you lose your routine... cause I found my path

Chop Suey------>System Of A Down

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die

Father, Father, Father, Father,
Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh,

Trust in my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
In my self righteous suicide,

I, cry, when angels deserve to die

Zu gabe-->Asgarth

Non dago, non sartu da gure arteko oihua?
bakarrik bizitzeak beldurra sortzen du nigan.
Ezin dut zu gabe, galdurik sentitzen naiz,
zeure irudi alaia oroitzen ez dudanean.

Ez utzi horrela nere barneko sentimendu hau,
zure alboan egon nahi nuke bizi osoan!
Nere ilargi maitea, bizitzeko arrazoia
nerekin bizi ezazu amets zoragarri hau.

Ez utzi horrela nere barneko sentimendu hau,
zure alboan egon nahi nuke bizi osoan !
Nere barne bakartian zeure irudi atsegina.
Behar zaitut maitea,
nik ezin dut ZU GABE !

Biluzik-->Berri Txarrak

Erantzi eta gero
orduan etortzen zaizkit
galderak eta dudak
begiak itxi eta
argia itzalita
biluzikan jartzen naute
tristuraren aurrean

Zaila da bakardadea onartzea

Ez al dun sentitzen??

Izara tarte hontan
itotzen naizelarik
izkutuko miseriek
arnasa hartzen dute;
eztanda egin eta
desagertu nahi nuke
ta inork nire falta
somatzen duen jakin

Zaila da bakardadea onartzea

Maskara kenduta
esaidan ez al dunan
berdina sentitzen erraietan

Zaila da bakardadea onartzea,

lan nekeza

Theatre Of Tragedy--->Der Tanz Der Schatten

Meine Augen sind so dunkel,
Gleichwohl hast Du Deine Augen versteckt
Auch sind die Visionen schwarz,
Lichtschein hinter der Dunkelheit;
Schwarz wie die Nacht;
Ein Licht das mir gezeigt hat,
Der Dämmerzustand des Menschen -
Daß Du von Angst erfüllt bist.
Ist meine Zeit des Daseins.
Erzähle mir bitte
Warum Du diese Angst in Dir trägst!
Ich liebe Dich...

Laß mich Deinen Kuß begrüßen;
Den selbstzerstörerischen Kuß...
Gebe Dich mir hin!
Ich war von Trauer erfüllt,
Ich war so untröstlich,
... Bis ich sterbe, umarme mich,
Doch Du hast die Liebe entfacht...
Und ich werde wieder auferstehen...
Ich liebe Dich...

Ich bin so alleine;
Einsamkeit in Ewigkeit -
Gedanken nur für mich,
Mit dem Schatten flüstere ich -
Mit dem Schatten tanze ich -
Einsam wandere ich,
Das Blut begehre ich: Totentanz.

Ich liebe Dich...


Here we go again,motherfucker

Come on down and see the idiot right here
too fucked to be and not afraid to care
What's the matter with calamity anyway?
Right?Get the fuck outta mey face
Understand that i can't feel anything
It isn`t like I wanna sift through the decay
i feel like a would like i got fuckin'
Gun against my head,you live when i'm dead.

One more time,motherfucker

Everybody hates me now,so fuck it
Blood's on my face and my hands and i
don't know why, i'm not afraid to cry
but thats none of your business
Whose life is it?Get it?See it?Fell it?Eat it?
Spin around so i can spit in its face
i wanna leave without a trace
Cuz i don't wanna die in this place

People=shit(watcha gonna do?)
People=shit(Cuz i am not afraid of you)
People=shit(i'm everythin you'll never be)

It never stops-you can't be everything to everyone
Contagion-I'm sittin' at the side of Satan
What do you want from me?
They never told me the failure i was meant to be
Overdo it-don't teel me you blew it
Stop your bitchin' and fight your way trough it

C'mon motherfucker,everybody has to die

People=shit(watcha gonna do?)
People=shit(Cuz i am not afraid of you)
People=shit(i'm everythin you'll never be)


A night in fairyland---->Narsilion

When the night fall
And the stars shine in silence
the magic of the woods
Fly across the sad trees
is time to dream forever
in the night of silver tears.

In the distance
your voice will be listen
Rise your eyes
To the faeryland.

Is time to the lado of Dreams

Dance in the woods
Under the myslical moon
feel the embrace
of the molber earth

Is timo to the land of dreams
is time to cry..for the lost innocence

Beyond the old forest
A magic secret garden
live enchanted
for you
Look at the mirror of your heart
and walk behind the gates
of eternal morning

In the distance
Your voice will be listen
Rise your eyes
to the faityland realm

Is time to the land of trees

Is time to cry...for the lost innocence

You can't stop me---->Guano Apes

Someone is coming out to see the light of our destination
a maniac neurotic fool who wants to jump off the isle
how can you know that I'm the one
who lives the maddest vacation
another road another trial
where's the difference
tell me right

You can’t stop me
I love the world with all its lies
You can’t stop me
I’m close enough to kiss the sky
keep it to myself
keep it to myself

Why are you coming out to see the road of last destination
I won't look back for the shadows
they're growing up to me
we're trapped in this song
so we leave them to head our salvation
Another you another me
where's the difference
tell it to me

You can’t stop me
I love the world with all its lies
You can’t stop me
I’m close enough to kiss the sky
keep it to myself
keep it to myself

Street taker

  • Desde Sep '05
  • Último post Jul '07
  • Visto Feb '08
  • Pamplona

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