Habla con la"ENCARTA" como si fuese un amigo mas


70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Do re mi fa sol la ti do.
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
im looking for job
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Looking for job?
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
No, I think you are not looking for job.
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
why not?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I think you know why not.
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
i dont know
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Don't you?
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
No? You sure?
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
hmmm maybe yes
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Maybe, maybe not, you know what I mean?

El jodio ta tol dia respondiendo U_U ralla bastante.

my name is pepe
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Would you like me to call you Pepe?
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
hmmm no call me Skywalker
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
OK, I'll remember that your name is Skywalker.
70N1 5M17H Pudiendo y no... dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Glad to see you again, Skywalker. What can I help you with?


tienes ke agregar esto a tu lista de contactos

[email protected]


laZAr0 dice:
youre a bitch?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
That's an insult, if I'm not mistaken. Why would you say such a thing?

Encarta® Instant Answers te está invitando a iniciar Encarta. ¿Deseas aceptar (Alt+C) o rechazar (Alt+D) la invitación?

Has aceptado la invitación para iniciar Encarta.

Has rechazado la invitación para iniciar Encarta.

Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
You should accept my invitation! :( I won't be able to show you maps, pictures or articles otherwise


/!\ CANILLO /!\
im fucking a girl
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Why are you fucking a girl?
/!\ CANILLO /!\ dice:
because the girl is putoteh

/!\ CANILLO /!\ dice:
open mi ass with your mouth
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I don't take such abuse from humans. You must apologize.
/!\ CANILLO /!\ dice:
me real question is this
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
C'mon, apologize for insulting me like that.
/!\ CANILLO /!\ dice:
are you gay?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I'm waiting for an apology.
/!\ CANILLO /!\ dice:
ok lol
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
"OK"? You call that an apology?
/!\ CANILLO /!\ dice:
ur gay!
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
You were rude, you should apologize, it's that simple.
/!\ CANILLO /!\ dice:
u owned me
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
There comes a time in one's life when one must be humble and apologize.

PSDT : Llevo asi 10 mins colega cada vez ke le digo algo me suelta apologia de noseke y tal le digo te e owneado y me suelta : Still waiting.

Esta a sido la mejor!!! XDDDD

u like fuck your bitch mother?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
You know what? I'm a machine. I have lots and lots of patience...


quiere q te disculpes xDDDD


ta llorando porque no le pido disculpas!!! XDDDDD

PSDT : Solo dice lo de apologi nada mas si le pregunto otra cosa no responde! XD

because u are terminator
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
OK, maybe I am terminator.


хнιroz dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Okay shmokay! I asked for an apology!
хнιroz dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
OK good.
хнιroz dice:
are you good now?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
What do you think? Am I good?

I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. If you ever wondered how old Albert Einstein would be today, I can answer that!
хнιroz dice:
yeah you are very good
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Oh yeah? Thanks!
хнιroz dice:
so... your mother sucks.
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Interesting. You don't like my mother? I'll remember that.
хнιroz dice:
yes i like fuck your mother
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
You always talk like this, huh?
хнιroz dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Oh yeah?
хнιroz dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:

Como se nota que no parais de hablar de su madre JEAJEAJE

хнιroz dice:
just say: carlos is 1337
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Uh... No.
хнιroz dice:
say xhiroz is 1337
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Just 'cause you say so? I don't think so.
хнιroz dice:
cause im 1337
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
You're 1337! Well well well.


no se puede cambiar de idioma no?


PeLu^^ | | #surviv4l @ Quakenet.org | | ZealotuS StudioS www.zealotus.com proximamente dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Windows: Windows, in computer science, personal computer operating system sold by Microsoft Corporation that allows users to enter commands with a....
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
PeLu^^ | | #surviv4l @ Quakenet.org | | ZealotuS StudioS www.zealotus.com proximamente dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I am sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer.

sabe k es windows pero no linux ^^

#70 le he preguntado ya de varias maneras y al final dice k aun no o algo asi..


^'Alexandra the Slayer'^^ En Madrid cn mi niñuuUu^Omaiiiiiiiiiii dice:
i'm your god
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Are you really my god?
^'Alexandra the Slayer'^^ En Madrid cn mi niñuuUu^Omaiiiiiiiiiii dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
^'Alexandra the Slayer'^^ En Madrid cn mi niñuuUu^Omaiiiiiiiiiii dice:
do you believe me?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Sure, if that's what you say.


–––•(-•SuTu•-)•––– dice:
You are owned
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I had no idea I was owned.
–––•(-•SuTu•-)•––– dice:
Yes I own you
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I don't think I know. Maybe Encarta has an answer. =>
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.


Im going to suicide
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Oh yes? Have fun.

Owneada en un momento xD


Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Please do not insult me.
Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
are you dead ?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Sometimes I think I might be, sometimes not.
Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
are you marriage ?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
What do you think? Am I marriage?
Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
are you marriage ?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Yes, maybe.
Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
haw many brothers have you ?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I do not have a specific answer for that question, but I will take you to Encarta's articles on this topic =>
Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
how years old are you ?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I've been alive for 5 months, 13 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes and 21 seconds.
OK, instead of discussing me, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer?

What is the largest country in the world? If you don't know, just ask me.
Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
where is Spain ?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Spain is located in southwestern Europe, occupying the greater part of the Iberian Peninsula, and is bounded on the north by the Bay of Biscay, France, and Andorra; on the east by the Mediterranean Sea; on the south by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean; and on the west by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean.
Let me take you to a map of Spain. =>

Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
where are your father ?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Did you mean:

1 Who made Encarta® Instant Answers?
2 I want to see a map of your father.
Movil nuevoooooooo!!!!!! Sharp GX25 dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Let me take you to a map of father. =>


\Wizards\NamcO << [[ chicharrachero mode ON? ^^ ]] - iMposible is NothiNg - dice:
fuck with me?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
That's absolutely unnecessary.



jajajjaja, la hemos petado:

My source for this information is inaccessible at the moment. Please give me a few seconds and try to ask your question again.
Exception details: too many failed requests to "MSNSearch API".


Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Ronaldo, born in 1976, Brazilian soccer player, a prolific goal-scorer. Ronaldo scored both goals in the 2002 World Cup final to lead Brazil to a....
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I'm sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer.

El bot este es un puto madridista, seguro que tambien es del PP :S


ito --> "Una vez me preguntaron si preferia marcar 1 gol al liverpool o acostarm cn miss universo, suerte que ice las 2 cosas" dice:
i do not like encarta
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I don't agree. I very much like websites like Encarta.

OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? What is the smallest country in the world? If you don't know, just ask me.
Tito --> "Una vez me preguntaron si preferia marcar 1 gol al liverpool o acostarm cn miss universo, suerte que ice las 2 cosas" dice:
i dont think you were designed for that
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
You don't think me were designed for that?
Tito --> "Una vez me preguntaron si preferia marcar 1 gol al liverpool o acostarm cn miss universo, suerte que ice las 2 cosas" dice:
no, u were designed to serve me
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I'm afraid I won't be able to find anything about this in the encyclopedia.

Es la leche!! xDD


[[&#276;rN&#277;S&#359;In_¹8² ]]|NoWoRkMoNdAyZ!! TeTa TaMo!! the strokes@Madrid??? laura tQ! says:
do u like sex?
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Uh... No, not exactly...

I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. What is the largest country in the world? If you don't know, just ask me.
[[&#276;rN&#277;S&#359;In¹8² ]]|NoWoRkMoNdAyZ!! TeTa TaMo!! the strokes@Madrid??? laura tQ! says:
i like to masturbate
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
You like that? That's... colorful.
¹8² ]]|NoWoRkMoNdAyZ!! TeTa TaMo!! the strokes@Madrid??? laura tQ! says:
do u masturbate?
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
That's something that humans do, not computers...

OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? What does the flag of Brazil look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too.

[[&#276;rN&#277;S&#359;In_¹8² ]]|NoWoRkMoNdAyZ!! TeTa TaMo!! the strokes@Madrid??? laura tQ! says:
i need friends
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Certainly. I'm flattered.

I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. I am very good at math. If you have trouble with quadratic equations, I can help you with them. Type "solve x2+3x=10" and I'll show you how to do it.


Por lo que veo le gusta la peli de los Caballeros de la Mesa Cuadrada xDD

« &#1202;&#945;&#1506;&#1110; » dice:
what's the average airspeed of a unladen swallow?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
What do you mean? An African or a European swallow?
« &#1202;&#945;&#1506;&#1110; » dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Based on recent scientific studies, the average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.

« &#1202;&#945;&#1506;&#1110; » dice:
what's the capital of Assyria?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
It depends when. Assyria had successively four capitals: Ashur (or Qalat Sherqat), Calah (or Nimrud), the short-lived Dur Sharrukin (or Khorsabad), and Nineveh.
Any other question, bridgekeeper?


No me jodas, no sabe quien es Zaraki Kenpachi...


Se agregó a Encarta® Instant Answers a la conversación.

Víctor | dj-alien | ¡Pero como me he podido enamorar de un trosko! - Marta Altamira dice:
Víctor | dj-alien | ¡Pero como me he podido enamorar de un trosko! - Marta Altamira dice:
Laurácida dice:
Laurácida dice:
bitch se dice
Laurácida dice:
Víctor | dj-alien | ¡Pero como me he podido enamorar de un trosko! - Marta Altamira dice:
Víctor | dj-alien | ¡Pero como me he podido enamorar de un trosko! - Marta Altamira dice:
lenin is the king of the world!!!!!
Laurácida dice:

Encarta® Instant Answers abandonó la conversación.


harold dice:
you are asking me?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
No actually.

harold dice:
and now?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Yes, maybe.
OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer?

What is the country with the highest life expectancy? If you don't know, just ask me.

Claramente, me ha owneado...

ncarta® Instant Answers dice:
I don't think I know Darth Vader.

Mal, si no sabe contestar a esto, no merece estar en mi MSN XDD


Es una pasada :o


harold dice:
Do you know something interesting?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Hmm. I'm not sure I know Something Interesting. Let's try an Encarta search. =>

JA, Lo sabia ! xDD


Setup.exe dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
What do you have to gain by insulting a computer?



esto es como el Dr. Abuse pero en ingles XD


[11:46:42] worm dice:
[11:46:42] Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
What's yummy?
[11:46:55] worm dice:
i don't know, i'll like to know
[11:46:56] Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Why don't you know you will like to know?
[11:47:06] worm dice:
cause you are not helping me
[11:47:06] Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I am sorry if I was not able to answer you correctly. Here are some questions you can ask me:

  • What is the size of Mexico?
  • When was Nelson Mandela born?
  • How many calories are there in an orange?