Gilipollas pq?
Esta gente esta cobrando por hacer esas fotos, me parece lo mas normal del mundo que se rian de ellos asi. A ver si la gente se deja de creer fotografo profesional...
Ejemplo sacado de la web:
Comentario del tipo que hace la web:
We hear it over and over. The fauxtogs low prices are impacting the bottom line of talented professionals in the area.
By my calculations, prices like this mean the photographer makes minimum wage or less after accounting for editing time, equipment costs, prints, insurance, taxes and so forth.
We view photography as much more than a minimum-wage profession.
For photographers and non-photographers: Have you felt the sting in your business? How have you handled it? What are some of the lowest prices you've seen in your area?
PD: Te he puesto en negrita, en resumidas cuentas, el porque de la existencia de esta pagina.